The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 533 Immortal Combat Power Found Target

In the main control cabin of the starship, Liang Ji and Peng Yue were watching the distant battlefield shrouded in fog laws through the starlight screen.

Wu Shan and Chu Yue entered the battlefield before them, but when they saw Wu Shan shouted deeply at this time, his body was strong in the wind, and in an instant he transformed into a size of thousands of feet. Standing in the void, he looked like a sacred mountain or a star, powerful and solid. .

Great supernatural powers, laws of heaven and earth!

Liang Ji recognized this very familiar magical power at a glance.

As a third-grade human immortal, Wu Shan specializes in cultivating the physical body, even involving the laws of the Great Dao, so it is a matter of course that he can cultivate this great magical power of the physical body.

I had never seen him use it before, but now that he met the high-level Void Monster Clan, the Human Immortal Wu Shan obviously started to use his full strength.

But when he saw the body of his Dharma elephant, which was thousands of feet long, he turned his hand and took out a giant earth-yellow hammer. It was also good at facing the wind, and in an instant it turned into a size of ten thousand feet. It was lifted high by the Dharma elephant, like lifting a giant mountain. The earth blasted directly towards the mist-shrouded battlefield.

Wherever the giant hammer struck, the void was directly shattered.

The human-immortal Taoism is originally dedicated to cultivating the physical body. What it seeks is the immortality of the physical body and the ability to defeat all laws with the power of the physical body. When the human immortal Wu Shan walks in the void, he directly smashes the void with his physical body, which shows how strong and powerful his physical body is.

At this time, the great magical power of 'Dharma, Heaven and Earth' was activated, and the immortal weapon giant hammer was launched. With all his strength, the remaining power of the giant hammer was swept away, and the void was crushed.

When the giant hammer hit the fog on the battlefield, the invisible fog seemed to be solidified in an instant, and had to withstand the bombardment and suppression of the huge hammer.

Click! Click...

Under the exploration and capture of the starship formation, Liang Ji and the two could even hear the cracking sound from the light curtain.

The next moment, the fog of law that shrouded the battlefield was like an eggshell and nearly half of it was broken, revealing the situation on the battlefield.

A big demon in the shape of a conch shell can be seen, stretching across the sky and entrenched in the void. A huge crack is clearly visible on the conch shell, and a large piece of golden light is emitting from the crack. In the golden light, there is a black shadow rushing to the left. Rush to the right, trying to break through the golden light.

"It is indeed a seventh-level void mirage!"

Although Liang Ji had already made some assumptions when he saw the fog of law, seeing the figure of this seventh-level mirage on the battlefield still made him extremely frightened.

And what was darting left and right among the golden light in the cracks on the back of the shell was obviously the five spirits of ghosts and immortals.

Looking at this situation, we know that the five ghosts and immortals should have discovered this seventh-order void mirage when they were cleaning up the void monsters in the galaxy. Then they looked for an opportunity to sneak attack and directly broke a huge crack on the back of the seventh-order mirage monster's shell. , almost hitting it hard.

But because of this, he was trapped by the golden light emitted from the cracks in the shell. The roaring sound that spread throughout the galaxy was obviously caused by the seventh-level mirage being attacked and severely injured by the five spirits of ghosts and immortals.

The Ghost Immortal Taoist lineage abandons the body and specializes in cultivating the soul. It is famous for its secrets, hiding, sneak attacks and assassinations. After it reaches the level of third-grade Ghost Immortal and comes into contact with the law, it is even able to go in and out and merge with the void. The Five Ghost Immortal Spirits The several times he escaped into the void and took action in the void were unpredictable and difficult to detect.

Therefore, the sneak attack severely damaged this seventh-level mirage, causing large cracks in its shell.

However, after all, this mirage demon is also a seventh-level, high-level demon. After being severely injured by the sneak attack, it also launched a counterattack in an instant, trapping the five ghosts, immortals and spirits.

It can even be clearly seen that the five spirits of ghosts and immortals have been clearly at a disadvantage in the battle with the seventh-level mirage monster. Without external help, they may not even be able to escape.

Fortunately, the Five Ghost Spirits are not alone, but act together with a small team. This may be the reason why the opponent chose to directly attack directly before, because they know that there is a small team behind them to support them, so they are not afraid of being trapped!

Sure enough, at this time, the human immortal Wu Shan took action and directly shattered the fog that shrouded the battlefield, suppressing and breaking half of the power of the seventh-order void mirage in an instant.

At the same time, Chu Yue also took action in an instant, but he saw that he waved his hand and shot out a flying shuttle. It was also good at facing the wind, and it turned into a size of thousands of feet. The true energy on it surged, like overwhelming mountains and seas, gathering the flying shuttles and turning into divine light. Pierced the void and directly hit the golden light blooming on the back of the shell.

Amidst the roar and explosion, the golden light was instantly shattered, and the five ghosts and immortals trapped inside immediately escaped.

After rushing out of the golden light, the five spirits of the ghosts and immortals did not escape immediately, but seized the opportunity. Knowing that the seventh-level mirage demon was being attacked by Wu Shan and Chu Yue at this time and that most of its strength was involved, the five spirits took action again.

But when he saw the soul-refining black flag raised in the air and flickered in the air, it instantly transformed from one to five. A ghost appeared on each of the five black flags, turning into five ghosts of blue, white, red, black and yellow.

The next moment, ghost whistles sounded, and five ghosts of five colors rushed out from the black flags, gathered into a formation of five elements, and directly attacked the seventh-order void mirage.

Those five ghosts came and went incessantly, and the mirage demon shell could not stop them at all. The golden light that could stop them had just been broken by Chu Yue's shuttle, and there was no resistance at all.

As a result, five ghost figures directly attacked the seventh-order mirage demon's shell, attacking and severely damaging the seventh-order mirage demon from the inside.

Ouch! Roar……

Sure enough, the seventh-level void mirage demon let out bursts of miserable howls on the spot, and its ten-foot-long figure rolled and swayed directly in the void. The void wherever it passed was crushed, broken, and shaken.

At this time, it was faintly visible that the five colored ghosts had half of their bodies protruding from the body of the seventh-order mirage. Under the pull of their ghost hands, a huge, glittering golden demon soul could be seen being pulled out, almost to the point of being pulled. Exit the inner body of the mirage.

This is obviously the demon soul of the seventh-order void mirage. At this time, it was caught by the five ghosts sent by the Five Spirit Ghost Immortals, who wanted to capture it. Once the demon soul is broken, the seventh-order void mirage will definitely not die even if it is not dead. What a resistance.

"Hey, Liang Ji, look..."

Liang Ji was watching the battle on the mirage demon when Peng Yue suddenly noticed something across from him. As he spoke, he reached out and touched the light screen.

A corner of the light curtain suddenly enlarged in front of the two people and appeared. It was the place where the seventh-level void mirage monster had previously been entrenched. After it suffered heavy damage and rolled and struggled in the void, it was immediately revealed.

The fog here is still thick and shrouded in all directions, but in the state where the seventh-level void mirage demon has been severely damaged and its soul is almost torn out, the control of the fog here is getting weaker and weaker, and large areas of fog collapse and break away. , and the scene was immediately revealed.

Under the exploration of the starship formation, Liang Ji and the two men could clearly see that there were more void mirages shrouded in the fog, hundreds of them, large and small, some less than a hundred feet long. There are low-level void mirages, and there are also mid-level void mirages that exceed a thousand feet, and they are not a handful in number.

Naturally, there is no shortage of the fourth-order void mirage demons that Liang Ji needs, and there are quite a few of them, at least more than a dozen.

However, Liang Ji's gaze at this time was not on these void mirages, but on the center surrounded by these void mirages, where a star was slowly rotating.

"Ding dong! Discover the star of life! Discover the star of life!"

At this time, the starship weapon spirit made a series of beeps, and the prompt message of the discovery of life stars also popped up on the light screen. As a priority message, it appeared on all the screens of the light screen.

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