The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 534 Killing the seventh level mirage

Although, when Liang Ji discovered the void mirage here before, he had already speculated that there should be life stars and spiritual vein stars in this binary star galaxy.

However, speculation is just speculation after all. Now, the starship has truly detected the location of the life stars and the spiritual pulse stars, and only then has Liang Ji's heart finally settled down!

"After just a few months of exploring the void star sea in the outer realm, I discovered a life star and a spiritual vein star!"

At this time, Liang Ji looked at the many detected life star images and information displayed on the light screen, and said with a smile:

"It seems like we're quite lucky."

Whether it was the discussion information of the seniors and senior sisters he read in the Kunlun Star Palace official website forum, or the information he learned in the Extension Corps, as far as Liang Ji knew, the exploration team was looking for life stars and spiritual vein stars in the void star sea. It is often the case that there is no success for several years, or even no discovery for decades.

It seems like they are just exploring for the first time, and they have discovered something in just a few months. They are really a few who are lucky.

"I just don't know. Is this a benefit for newbies? Luck for newcomers?"

Liang Ji knew that some things tend to have "newcomer's luck", such as fishing, gambling, etc. Newcomers often have good luck and are more likely to succeed than veterans.

"It's indeed good luck." On the opposite side, Peng Yue also nodded slightly, looked at the life star manifested on the light screen, and frowned: "However, this life star is actually occupied by a seventh-level void mirage, and There are so many large and small void mirage monsters entrenched, and I don’t know how many years they have been devouring them. Even if they are still living stars now, I’m afraid the situation is worrying!”

Ouch! Roar……

Liang Ji and the two were studying the newly discovered life stars in the main cabin of the starship, while the starship kept flying towards the battlefield, getting closer and closer to the battlefield, and the seventh-level mirage roared loudly. It barely requires detection or capture using the starship formation, and it can already be transmitted into the starship and ring in the ears of the two people.

The two men couldn't help but turn their eyes slightly, moving away from the life star and looking back at the battle between the third-level immortal and the high-level void monster on the battlefield.

The Life Star is there and has been discovered by them. What is more important now is to deal with the seventh-order Void Monster and completely clean up the battlefield so that the Life Star and the Spirit Vein Star can be captured.

At this time, in the battlefield, the seventh-level void mirage demon has escaped from the five ghost soul-catching attack of the five spirit ghost immortals, blasting the five ghosts out of the body, but it can be seen that nearly half of the shell on its body is now Since everything has collapsed, we know that the cost of getting rid of the five ghosts' soul-obsessed attacks must be high.

Suffering severe injuries and being besieged by three immortals of the same level, this seventh-level void mirage was completely suppressed. Even though it roared and roared repeatedly, it was already difficult to escape.

Seeing this, hundreds of void mirages, large and small, entrenched around the Life Star rushed out one after another, sweeping up endless mist and rushing toward the battlefield, seemingly to support the seventh-level void mirage.

Although these void mirages, which are hundreds of sizes, are only middle and low-level void demons, and there are no high-level void mirages, under their driving and actions, there is a steady stream of mist rushing out of the life stars. came out and merged into the attacks of a group of void mirages, causing them to sweep up the fog and natural disasters that became stronger and stronger. Finally, they directly broke through the limit and turned into law fog and rushed towards the battlefield.

"It seems that this life star has been seriously harmed."

Liang Ji couldn't help but be amazed when he saw this.

The mist continuously rushes out from the stars of life, and even pushes the attacks of these middle and low-level void mirages to their peak, breaking through the limits to reach the power of high-level laws. This all shows that the stars of life in front of them have already been destroyed by the void mirage. The demon has been completely refined and occupied, and even the spiritual veins and origins of the stars have been infected by the mirage mist. Now it has become the demon nest and lair of the void mirage.

Now, the reason why these fogs can break through the limits and reach high-level attacks is because they are extracting and consuming the spiritual veins and original power of the life stars.

Obviously, these void mirages do not hesitate to damage this life star and exhaust the source of the star, but they also want to help their ancestors defeat the enemy, or escape from the battlefield and escape for their lives.

"They can't succeed, otherwise there won't even be any scum left in the life stars that have been harmed by the Void Mirage!"

Liang Ji said in a deep voice, and at the same time he put his hand on the light curtain, activated the attack formation in the starship, and said:

"Launch a starship attack and kill the seventh-level mirage in one fell swoop. We can't delay it any longer!"

Peng Yue, who was on the opposite side, naturally had no objection and said directly: "Okay!"

As he spoke, he also reached out and touched the light curtain, authorizing the starship weapon spirit to activate the starship attack formation.

The next moment, the formation on the starship was activated, and rays of spiritual light circulated from all over the starship, gathered on the starship, and turned into a starlight like a sword that cut directly through the void and into the battlefield.

On the battlefield, although the three senior immortals Wu Shan, Chu Yue, and Wu Ling are not in the starship, they have long left their mark on the starship and are in constant contact with the starship. This is the mutual contact between the members of the range team. It also left a way out for the three senior immortals. Once they encountered irresistible danger in the void, they could use this brand to pull them and move directly back to the starship under the guidance of the starship to save their lives.

Even if there are senior immortals in the void who encounter an accident and get lost in the void, the imprint on the starship can also guide them in the direction and guide them back to the starship.

It can be said that there are many benefits.

Therefore, the three immortals already knew Liang Ji and Peng Yue's plan and knew that the starship had launched an attack.

At the moment when the starlight sword struck, the three immortals took action at the same time. They did not seek to attack the enemy, but only completely suppressed the seventh-level void mirage, making it difficult for them to struggle or dodge. They could only bear the blow of the starlight sword!

boom! Click! Click and wipe...

There was a roar and the sound of large pieces shattering. The seventh-level void mirage had been severely damaged long ago, and its strength was less than half. At this time, it was suppressed and was hit by the starship attack formation. No matter how hard it was to hold on, it could only see the starlight. Wherever the long sword struck, the shell was shattered, the mist dissipated, the golden light burst, and the huge body tens of thousands of feet long was cut into two halves.

Even so, this seventh-order void mirage demon has not yet fallen. There is still a large amount of law mist rushing out of the body cut in half, connecting with each other, trying to reconnect the two halves of the demon body and restore it.

But at this time, Wu Shan, Chu Yue, and Wu Ling took action. Wu Shan and Chu Yue each suppressed half of the demon body. The Five Spirit Ghost Immortals captured the demon soul again. This time, the seriously injured and dying seventh-level mirage returned. It was difficult to resist, and the demon soul that had been cut in half was instantly captured and refined into the black flag.

The seventh-order void mirage suddenly fell to the ground!

Countless mist of collapsed and out-of-control laws erupted from the fallen monster body, spreading towards the entire galaxy, swallowing the stars, eroding and distorting the void.

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