The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 535 Misty Stars

The seventh-order void mirage fell, and the out-of-control fog law spread in all directions, distorting the void; golden light burst out from it, impacting and destroying all directions.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue controlled the seventh-level starship, and the operation array shot out starlight into the fog and golden light. They had just stabilized and dispersed the fog and golden light, so that they could not continue to spread in all directions, impacting and destroying the surroundings not far away. The stars of life.

"This time I spent a lot of spiritual stones. I just hope that the life star has not been destroyed by the void mirage yet, and I can gain something from it."

Liang Ji couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the consumption of starship energy and spirit stones displayed on the light screen.

Fully operating the starship's attack formation, killing the seventh-order void mirage, and subsequently suppressing the anomalies and law distortion caused by the seventh-order mirage's fall, all require a large amount of energy and spiritual stones stored in the starship.

After the seventh-level void mirage was killed, the remaining hundreds of mirages were no more than sixth-level, and most were only second- and third-level low-level mirages. Naturally, there was no need to waste the power of the starship and spiritual stones.

, Liang Ji, and Peng Yue directly summoned their respective families to drive flying boats and kill the low-level void mirage monsters and fourth-level mirage monsters. The three high-level immortals Wu Shan, Chu Yue, and Wu Ling also quickly cleaned up the battlefield and killed them. Those fifth- and sixth-order void mirages.

Under the crushing force of the battle, Liang Ji and others wiped out the remaining void mirages in less than half a day.

In this battle, Liang Ji once again harvested eleven fourth-order void mirages.

Afterwards, some of the family members were left to clean the battlefield and harvest various demonic materials from the void mirage demon. Liang Ji and others drove the starship directly to the top of the life star and the spiritual vein star.

Looking down from the starship, you can see that although the void mirages surrounding the stars have been killed, the entire star is still shrouded in fog at this time, like a foggy star.

It is conceivable that if there are still indigenous life surviving on this life star, the sky will be covered with fog all day long, and the sun and moon will not be visible.

Under such an environment, it is not known whether the indigenous life among the stars can survive.

"This star has indeed suffered a lot of harm."

At this time, the three high-level immortals also returned to the starship, looking at the stars shrouded in mist, with both joy and worry on their faces.

For high-level immortals like them, the resources and spiritual objects that can be seen in the void of this outer domain are limited. Being able to discover a life star and a spiritual star is often the biggest gain for them.

But now, the stars found here have been greatly harmed by the Void Mirage. It is still unknown how many resources are left in them, whether the spiritual veins of the stars are complete, whether the laws of the great road are complete, and whether they can be refined into the 'Blessed Land of Earth Immortals' in the future?

"However, since this star can attract a seventh-level void mirage, at least it means that the star's level is not low."

Wu Shan, the human immortal, made an inference based on his rich experience. When the others heard this, their eyes couldn't help but light up. The higher the level of the star, the richer and higher-level the resources contained on it are. Even the spiritual stones that can be mined from the star's spiritual veins are more and higher-level. This is naturally good news for everyone.

At this time, the starship had already flown around the stars, and the detection array had already detected the situation in the stars. Various data and information about the stars appeared on the light screen in front of them.

However, because the entire star was shrouded in fog, the information detected by the formation method on the starship this time was limited. There were many areas that had not yet been explored clearly, but it was enough for Liang Ji and others to have some understanding of the star.

"Good news, there are still indigenous life forms above the stars, and the fluctuations of the star's spiritual veins have also been detected."

Liang Ji looked at the many messages displayed on the light screen and said with a smile.

The other people looked at the message, and the smiles on their faces became a little thicker.

The existence of indigenous life and the fluctuation of the star's spiritual veins completely prove that this is a life star and a spiritual star, which is exactly their goal; moreover, it also shows that although the void mirage has done a lot of harm to the stars, at least it has not completely destroyed it. By destroying it, you can also mine some resources and spiritual stones.

"This place is where the life fluctuations and spiritual vein fluctuations detected by the starship are the strongest."

At this time, Liang Ji reached out and touched the star pattern that appeared on the light screen, locked a position, ordered the starship to fly over, and said:

"In my opinion, let's start exploring the entire misty star from here."

Because the entire star was shrouded in fog, Liang Ji and others temporarily named it "Misty Star" and registered it in the starship database.


"no problem!"

"I'm sorry to trouble you, Fellow Daoist Liang and Fellow Daoist Peng."

Wu Shan, Chu Yue and the other three people also had no objections and nodded towards Liang Ji and Peng Yue.

The exploration team in the Star Alliance can be said to have an extremely rich reserve of experience in exploring life stars and spiritual vein stars in the outer star sea. This experience and knowledge has been taught to them during military training.

When a life star or spiritual star is discovered like this, although there is information about starship exploration, as a precaution, the star master monk usually summons the family members to go into the star to explore and develop it first.

After the Star Lord Familia has explored enough information on the stars and occupied a foundation, the other high-level immortals and other monks will enter and continue to explore and develop the stars.

After all, Star Lord Familia are more numerous and easier to cultivate and recover. They have always been used as cannon fodder in many places.

On the contrary, high-level monks and third-grade immortals from various Taoist traditions are not easy to train. They are more important to the Star Alliance and cannot be easily wasted.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue naturally knew these things, so they smiled and nodded and said, "This is the proper courtesy."

While speaking, Liang Ji and Peng Yue each used the power of the golden elixir and the natal stars to open the starlight portal above the misty stars, and summoned the family members to take a flying boat and rush directly into the misty stars.

On the starship, Liang Ji and Peng Yue each took action, and cast several spells on the starship's light screen, projecting the scenes that their family members had seen and explored after entering the misty stars on the light screen for everyone to see. understand situation.

What can be seen in the light curtain at this time is the fog that fills the sky and the earth. Even with the power of the fourth-level family members and the fourth-level flying boat, the distance that can be explored in these fogs is limited, often within a thousand meters.

At this moment, the fog that filled the four directions in the light curtain suddenly rolled violently, and monsters made of condensed fog could be seen coming out of the fog and rushing directly towards Liang Ji's family members and the flying boat.

boom! Rumble...

The families in the airships obviously also discovered these fog monsters. Various elements of wind, thunder, water, fire, and the power of four colors of divine light blasted out from the two-person spaceships to kill these fog monsters.

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