The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 536 Altar of the Sun

The gods of the flying boat in the 'Wanxiang Mountain' are stationed there, blasting out various elemental attacks such as wind, thunder, water, fire, ice and poison; the flying boat in the 'Furnace' combines the four powers of ice, fire, gold and wood to form four-color divine light that sweeps across the four directions.

Among the misty stars, although they are shrouded and surrounded by mist everywhere, the mist monsters appear and disappear in large numbers, but their combat power is limited. Most of them are like the mist of the void mirage, which relies on the power of swallowing and eroding life. .

Therefore, the families of Liang Ji and Peng Yue took the flying boat to kill the fog monsters all the way, rushing towards the stars and the earth under the fog, which was irresistible.

Finally, when the flying boat broke through the nine heavens, broke through the fog, and entered the stars and the earth.

Liang Ji and others also saw the situation on the ground. This was a plateau with a large city built on it. However, more than half of the city had been swallowed up by the fog and had long been turned into ruins. Only various fog monsters were wandering in it. , plundering.

The remaining half of the city was shrouded in a golden light curtain, barely holding on, blocking out the fog from all directions.

However, the surrounding fog is still rolling and eroding, and the fog monsters are constantly attacking the golden light curtain. It can be seen that several cracks have appeared on the golden light curtain, showing that it is in danger.

In the city shrouded by the golden light curtain, there are still a large number of star natives living in it, constantly fighting and killing with the fog and fog monsters in the outside world.

Although they are still persisting and fighting, whether it is the golden mask, the remaining half of the city, or the natives in the city, it is obvious that they are already in the wind. If they continue like this, they will be completely swallowed up by the raging fog around them.

"Eh..." At this time, Chu Yue, the Qi Refiner who was watching on the sidelines, let out a sigh, as if she had discovered something. She reached out and pointed at the center of the city that appeared above the light screen, and asked: "Fellow Daoist Liang, Daoist Peng , can you explore the situation in the center of the city more clearly and manifest it?"

"no problem!"

Liang Ji and Peng Yue nodded in response, and at the same time each gave orders to the dependents.

The Familia who entered the misty stars immediately drove the flying boat towards the center of the city below to explore the situation in the center of the city.

In the city shrouded in golden light, the remaining star natives naturally discovered the flying boats flying from the sky. Many panicked screams rang out in the city. The light shield shrouding the city also shone with golden light, which was obviously activated and strengthened. defense.

However, the indigenous aliens in the city did not launch an attack rashly. They had almost reached their limit. At this time, they just wanted to reserve more power for defense and did not want to spend more power attacking unknown enemies.

Moreover, on the other hand, their stars have long been swallowed up by the fog. Over the years, these star natives have been fighting and fighting various fog monsters, struggling to survive.

It had been many years since they had seen anything but the Mist Monster.

But now, seeing these flying boats that they have never seen before may be an opportunity for them. The stars and natives who are on the verge of despair are not willing to let go of any opportunity.

At this time, the flying boat had already flown over the center of the city. Liang Ji and others also saw the situation in the center of the city through the light curtain. There was a huge golden altar with many golden sun patterns carved on it, and every statue There are two golden suns standing opposite each other.

Obviously, this golden altar was carved by these star natives according to the conditions of the two stars in the double sun galaxy.

However, these are not the most important. What is more important is that Liang Ji and the others discovered that there is an energy reaction on the sun altar. Golden light flows in it, converging on the golden altar and turning into two golden light balls that rotate relative to each other. Look carefully. If you go there, you can see that the rotation trajectory of these two golden light balls is almost exactly the same as the relative rotation trajectory of the two stars in this galaxy!

This is evident with two golden balls of light imitating the two stars in this message.

At this time, Chu Yue seemed to have understood something and said: "That's it."

When Liang Ji and others heard this, they couldn't help but look at her.

Chu Yue did not hide anything, and said directly: "You also know that in addition to practicing Qi refining, I also practiced formation Dao, and I was lucky enough to achieve success."

Liang Ji and others nodded slightly, even knowing that Chu Yue's words were still modest. The other party's cultivation in the formation was not just "successful", but a grand master of the formation that had reached the same high level as hers. Even if she was It is also rare among the Star Alliance.

Generally speaking, third-level immortals in the Star Alliance who have mastered a skill to the level of a high-level grand master are extremely popular among the exploration teams of the Outer Expansion Legion. Chu Yue is a newcomer. Initially, he wanted to find someone who he trusted enough. He joined the exploration team, and finally joined Liang Ji and his new team after being introduced through personal connections.

At this time, Chu Yue pointed to the golden altar manifested in the light curtain and said: "This is an altar to the sun, and it is an altar that is truly connected to the twin stars in this galaxy."

"The original level of this star is indeed not low. The natives can even detect beyond the stars, observe and detect the movement patterns of twin stars, and even establish contact with the twin stars."

Chu Yue sighed as he spoke: "It's a pity that it has suffered so much now, and it's hard to say how much of its origin is left."

Being able to break through the obstacles of the stars and enter the void often represents a high-level cultivation level. Just like in the various Taoist traditions of the Star Alliance, except for the Star Lord, the monks of each Taoist lineage can only escape from the stars and the third-grade immortal level if they practice to high-level, third-grade immortals. Use your own power to enter the void to survive and wander.

As for the Star Lord Tradition, due to the refining of the Void Demonic Beast Demon Pill, the Familia cultivated can survive in the void even at the first level. However, leaving the stars and entering the void still require the starlight turned on by the Star Lord. portal.

Similarly, only when the natal stars advance to the seventh level, a higher level, can the dependents be able to break out of the natal stars by their own strength and enter the void where the stars are. At that time, they can move the stars and refine the void into reality to transform the surroundings of the stars. The void, so the cultivation realm of the seventh-level star master is the third-level void refining.

Chu Yue sighed, and then pointed out the important point, saying: "This solar altar was launched a few years ago. According to the time, compared with the many information we have previously explored in the galaxy, it should be about the same time as the previous double star explosion. !”

"It is very possible that the previous explosion of double stars is related to this solar altar."

"It should be the last desperate situation of the natives on the stars to save themselves."

I see!

After listening to Chu Yue's explanation, Liang Ji and the others couldn't help but secretly say.

In this way, many things can be roughly inferred.

This life star is originally the life star and spiritual vein star born in this twin star galaxy. I don’t know how long ago it was targeted by a group of void mirages, devoured by the fog, and turned this star into a mist star. Even because of the fog’s obstruction and hiding In the void, even the starships of the Covenant are difficult to detect, so that they have not been discovered by other exploration teams for so many years.

Until a few years ago, in order to save themselves, the natives of this planet launched a sacrifice using the 'Altar of the Sun', which actually successfully triggered the imbalance and explosion of the twin stars in the galaxy. A large amount of star power rushed through the galaxy, It even rushed out of the galaxy, activating the power of the void and forming a 'chaotic vortex' in the void not far away.

Therefore, Liang Ji and his group of exploration teams were ushered in, and the void mirage was eliminated.

To a certain extent, the self-rescue behavior of the natives in this star can be considered a success.

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