The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 537 Doomsday and the Savior

After discovering the existence of the 'Altar of the Sun' and the self-rescue behavior of the Xingchen natives, Liang Ji and others immediately changed the way they approached the stars.

Life stars are discovered in the outer star sea. How should the Covenant exploration team occupy and develop them? These are detailed teachings and case guides in each star palace and the external expansion corps.

Either directly invade and occupy with force, or sneak in to subvert, or come as a savior, etc.

Liang Ji and others originally planned to sneak into it first, understand the situation, and then subvert the star natives and occupy the life star. This is also a plan widely used by the Covenant exploration team after they discovered the stars of life in the outer star sea.

For this reason, the Star Alliance has even developed several kinds of star magic, which can make it easier for the Star Lord Familia to sneak into the stars and integrate into the star natives.

However, under the current situation, they found that it was obviously more suitable for them to descend into the misty stars as a 'savior', and instead they could occupy the misty stars faster and more appropriately.

"Since they are calling for the sun, give them the sun!"

Liang Ji said as he reached out and touched the light curtain in front of him, activating the formation in the starship, preparing to direct the power of the twin stars in the galaxy into the stars below, dispelling the fog above the city, and blessing his family and the flying boat. .

Peng Yue on the opposite side also instantly understood what he meant, and also reached out and touched the light screen to agree to the operation and activation of the formation.

However, the method and timing of the arrival of this 'savior' are also very particular. Both Liang Ji and Peng Yue have studied detailed courses and cases in the Star Palace, so they are only preparing for it, but they are not in a hurry to launch it.

They paid attention to the city and the situation in the surrounding fog through the family members.

At this time, the surrounding fog was rolling, and it was not known whether it was the reason why the Void Mirage was destroyed by Liang Ji and the others, or the reason why their family members broke in on a flying boat, or maybe it was just the time for the fog monster to attack the city.

It can be clearly seen that around the city shrouded in golden light, the fog is rolling violently, and various fog monsters rush out from it, sweeping the fog and rushing towards the golden light shield, launching an impact and attack on the remaining half of the city.

There are many of these fog monsters, and the fog that sweeps hundreds of miles in all directions during the attack looks quite turbulent and powerful.

Moreover, Liang Ji and others saw through the light curtain that although the fog monsters attacking the city still seemed to be condensed into fog, most of them looked quite similar to the surviving star natives in the city. A foreign race with wings.

However, the surviving natives in the city have golden wings on their backs, similar to the golden light of the sun; while the wings on the backs of these fog-condensed monsters are black, like mist.

Seeing the mist monsters rioting and attacking all around, the surviving natives in the city also panicked and took action. They either rushed to the golden light shield to cooperate with the light shield to resist the erosion of the fog and fight with the fog monsters; or they gathered around the 'Altar of the Sun', Under the auspices of the indigenous elders, worship around the 'Altar of the Sun' and offer sacrifices to initiate sacrifices.

It can be seen that as these indigenous aliens worship, the various double-sun images carved on the 'Altar of the Sun' gradually shine with golden light, and the power of golden sunlight and stars shoots out from the 'Altar of the Sun' and into the shroud. Among the golden light shields in the four directions, the golden light shields are repaired, blessed, and enhanced to resist the erosion of the surrounding fog and monster attacks.

"It is indeed an explosion of stellar power!"

Liang Ji and others saw the power of stars erupting in the 'Altar of the Sun', and their guesses were immediately verified.

The power of these exploding stars should be the explosion of twin stars caused by the sacrifices of these surviving natives at the 'Altar of the Sun' a few years ago. When the power of stars swept across the entire galaxy, they took the opportunity to absorb the power of the sun. Stellar power.

It was also by relying on the power of these stars that the surviving natives struggled to maintain the remaining golden light shield and defend the remaining half of the city. Otherwise, they might have been breached by the surrounding fog and fog monsters, and the surviving half of the city would have been destroyed. It will also be reduced to ruins.

"However, the stellar power stored in this altar is obviously running low!"

Chu Yue made a judgment based on his research on the battle path, observing the situation of the 'Altar of the Sun' and the explosion of stellar power.

"Perhaps, we can add some information to these surviving indigenous people to make them more urgently need the arrival of the 'savior'!"

At this time, Wu Shan, a human immortal with rich experience in exploring foreign lands, looked at Liang Ji and Peng Yuedao.

Although the two of them are newcomers, they usually ask each other for advice on their experience in exploring foreign lands, so they understand what the other person means when they hear the words.

"Add some ingredients" can also be regarded as a slang and code word among some old people in the outer domain exploration team, which means that they can send their family members to cause trouble in secret and help those fog monsters to strengthen their attack on the city. It is best to directly attack the city and let the surviving people The natives were in danger of life and death.

At this time, if they come as a 'savior', the effect will naturally be better.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue looked at each other and agreed to Wu Shan's suggestion. Neither of them were pedantic people. Since they had done the work of exploring and developing foreign lands, they were destined to invade the life stars and spiritual vein stars everywhere. Actions are made with psychological and moral preparation. It may not be unscrupulous, but the bottom line is also very flexible.

Star Lord monks can even use their own family members as cannon fodder, so how can they pity these natives of the stars in the outer world?

At the moment, the two of them each issued orders.

Among the misty stars below and in the mist surrounding the plateau city, two members of the family took action in a flying boat. They flew hundreds of miles away in the flying boat to attack various fog monsters wandering in the mist and lead them in the direction of the plateau city. .

Under their guidance, more and more fog monsters launched attacks on the city with increasing intensity. Even with the support of the 'Altar of the Sun', the golden mask covering the city was gradually unable to support it. One crack after another opened.

What's more, with the consumption of the war, the golden sunlight and star power emitted from the 'Altar of the Sun' in the center of the city became less and less. The various double-sun images carved on the altar gradually extinguished, and even the sun appeared above the altar. , the two rotating golden light balls began to gradually dim, looking like they were about to burst at any time!

Seeing this, the surviving natives in the city became more and more panicked, and more natives rushed to the edge of the city to fight with the fog monsters; more natives came to the center of the city, knelt down in front of the 'Altar of the Sun', kept worshiping, praying, and even committed suicide. Initiate a blood sacrifice.

But everything is in vain. More natives rushing to the battlefield will only increase more casualties. However, no matter how the natives worship and make blood sacrifices, the golden light shining on the 'Altar of the Sun' becomes weaker and weaker and gradually disappears.

Click! Click! Click...boom!

The sound of shattering sounded continuously, and finally turned into a roar. The golden light shield guarding the remaining half of the city finally couldn't hold on and completely shattered. A large number of fog monsters swept into the fog and rushed into the city, killing, destroying, and Devour it.

The end has come to this remaining city!

"It's our savior's turn!"

In the starship, Liang Ji looked at the situation manifested in the light curtain and said in a deep voice.

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