The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 538 The Name of the Star Lord, the Ground of Foundation

In the twin star galaxy, in the void above the misty stars, starships stretch across the sky.

As Liang Ji and Peng Yue rotated the formations on the starship, a curtain of light suddenly formed on the starship, swallowing the power of the twin stars shining from all around, and in an instant even the power of the twin stars shining all around was Devouring most of it, even the void became darker.

Then, the light curtain above the starship rotated, reflecting the twin stars on it, and the power of the swallowed stars shot out from it, directly into the misty stars below.

On the northern plateau of the stars, in the cities conquered by the fog monsters, doomsday and death have come. The remaining cities are constantly being devoured and destroyed. The surviving star natives are constantly killed by the fog monsters, drowned by the fog, swallowing up their vitality and dying.

The remaining natives rushed to the center of the city and kowtowed to the dimmed 'Altar of the Sun'. More and more natives initiated suicides and blood sacrifices, praying to the 'Altar of the Sun' for the sun, for life, and for the coming of the savior. !

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz…

At this time, there was a buzzing sound in the sky, like the sound of the avenue, attracting the surviving natives in the city to look up.

Then I saw more and more flying boats descending from the sky. On these flying boats appeared various images of gods. There were dragon-headed bodies shrouded in black and yellow light, dragon-headed lion bodies shrouded in flames, dragon-headed tiger bodies shrouded in thunder, and shells. It spreads out like two wings covering the ice, etc.; there is also a 'melting furnace' sitting on top of the flying boat, blooming with four-color divine light, and in the divine light, there is the manifestation of a snake-man with a four-color snake tail.

These flying boats, gods, snake-men and other visions are constantly flying in the sky, gathering and dispersing into formations, as if they are performing a kind of sacrifice and calling.

Soon afterwards, on the flying boats, on the statues of gods, in the furnaces, and on the four-tailed snake men, a spiritual light burst out and rushed into the sky, tearing away the fog that shrouded the sky, revealing a rare piece of blue sky.

At this time, two suns appeared in the blue sky, and a large amount of golden light shot down from the two suns. The golden light fell like pillars on these flying boats, statues, furnaces, and snake men, reflecting them into a golden color.

Wherever the golden light shone, the surrounding fog and attacking fog monsters did not dare to approach and were dispersed one after another.

In the dilapidated city below, the remaining star natives saw this and suddenly began to worship more and more devoutly.

However, this time they were no longer worshiping only the 'Altar of the Sun' in the center of the city. There were also more indigenous people who were constantly worshiping and praying to the golden sunshine in the sky, as well as the flying boats, idols, snake men, etc. shrouded in the sunlight.

This life star is outside the Star Alliance. The natives in the star have not received the education of the Star Alliance, so they do not use the official language of the Star Alliance, runes, etc., and have their own language and characters.

However, for Liang Ji and other fourth-level star masters, and even the fourth-level dependents under them, they have already cultivated their souls, and now they can understand the meaning of the native words of these stars just by sensing the fluctuations of consciousness emanating from these indigenous languages ​​with their souls.

They have regarded the flying boats, idols, snake-men, etc. that manifested visions in the sky as saviors, and are praying for the savior's coming and salvation.

After achieving their goal, Liang Ji and Peng Yue naturally did not hesitate and directly ordered the family members to arrive in a flying boat.

As a result, the flying boats in the sky descended into the abandoned city, and the golden sunlight and the power of the sun and stars shining down from the sky also followed the arrival of these flying boats and dependents, shining into the city, shining on the 'Altar of the Sun', and On those remaining star natives.

As the golden sun shone down, the fog that had rolled and eroded all around, and the fog monsters that rushed up to kill were immediately dispersed.

The precarious situation of the indigenous people in the abandoned city was immediately stabilized. The surviving indigenous people were exposed to the sun, feeling the long-lost sunshine, warmth and safety, and wept with joy.

In the center of the city, the extinguished 'Altar of the Sun' suddenly relit after being illuminated by the sun, and two opposing, rotating suns reappeared on the altar.

The golden light shield that shrouded the surroundings was reactivated as the 'Altar of the Sun' was lit and the double suns emerged, shrouding the surroundings of the city, dividing the fog, monsters, etc. that had surged in, into two halves and blocking them out.

These successive changes and the excitement of narrowly surviving the death made the remaining star natives in the city completely surrender. Regardless of their rank or status, they all fell to the ground and kowtowed to the descending flying boats, statues of gods, snake men, etc., and spoke loudly. call:



The whole city was cheering and crying with joy.

Taking this opportunity, Liang Ji, Peng Yue, Wu Shan, Chu Yue, and Wu Ling also projected down from the starship and appeared above the city, surrounded by flying boats, statues of gods, and snake men, and in the golden light of the sun. In the middle, their figures are completely condensed by the golden light of the sun. The double suns hang high and rotate behind them, making their figures even more sacred and great.

The remaining star natives in the city also bowed and prayed more and more fervently.

"We, the Lords of the Stars, drive the spirit of the sun to patrol the starry sky. In response to your request, we have come to save you!"

Shrouded in golden light, Liang Ji used the Star Pinch Technique, and golden light bloomed all over his body. He directly used the method of soul transmission to transmit his words and meaning into the hearts and souls of these star natives, allowing them to directly understand his meaning.

The Star Alliance has clear regulations on how each exploration team should occupy and develop life stars discovered in the outer realm. In a situation like this, Liang Ji or Peng Yue can only step forward as the star master. Declare your identity and promote the name of Star Lord among these star natives, so that when the Star Alliance contacts and takes over this star later, you can directly integrate into the Star Alliance system.

Therefore, even though Wu Shan, Chu Yue, and Wu Ling have higher cultivation levels and are third-level immortals, they can only stand behind Liang Ji and Peng Yue as backdrops and cannot come forward to promote their reputation and prestige. .

After all, the Star Alliance is still dominated by the Star Lords, who are the ruling class. In other sects, even those who have practiced to a high level and are third-grade immortals in the Star Alliance and exploration teams, they still play the role of high-level thugs.

"Lord of the Stars!"


Sure enough, as Liang Ji announced his identity, many of the star natives who were bowing down below had already shouted the name of the Star Lord. The reputation and prestige of the Star Alliance star master was introduced to these native stars for the first time.

Seeing this, Liang Ji nodded with satisfaction and ordered: "Dispel the fog and save the city!"

Beside him, Peng Yue's projection also gave the same order.

The flying boats, statues, and furnaces below shrouded in golden sunlight immediately took action, attacking the surrounding fog and monsters that invaded the city.

With the help of their flying boats and family members, and the golden light of the sun shining down from the sky, the surviving natives in the city launched a counterattack, and soon the fog and monsters shrouded in the golden light were eliminated and dispersed.

The star natives retook this half of the city, and Liang Ji and others also took the first base of invasion on this star.

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