The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 539 Eggs in the Star Spiritual Veins

Misty Stars, Sun Plateau, Star Lord’s City!

Of course, in the culture of the star natives, the plateau and city that Liang Ji and the others occupied at this time had another name, but now, as their foundation for entering this misty star, they directly changed its name to the sun. The plateau and the city of Star Lord.

The surviving star natives in the city naturally had no objection to the savior's words. When they were on the verge of doom and death, it was the Sun and the Star Lord who saved them. Therefore, the plateau was renamed the Sun Plateau, and the city was renamed the City of the Star Lord. There are no problems.

At this time, in the city of Star Lord, the surviving star natives are cleaning up the mess in the city and rebuilding the city.

In order to maximize the achievements and effects of the 'Savior', Liang Ji and others almost let the fog and monsters invade half of the city before they came to rescue them. Therefore, nearly half of the city has been reduced to ruins and is now in need of reconstruction.

Moreover, in the center of the city, behind the 'Altar of the Sun', the surviving natives built a palace to worship the saviors.

However, at this time, in the palace of the 'Savior', only some members of the family members left by Liang Ji and Peng Yue were guarding it. They themselves and the large army of family members were not in the palace.

The two Familia legions each drove their flying boats, rushed out of the Star Lord's city according to their orders, rushed into the surrounding fog, and explored the surrounding distant lands, looking for and exploring more survivors on the foggy stars. authors, resources, etc.

As for Liang Ji, Peng Yue, Wu Shan, Chu Yue, and Wu Ling, they also stopped the starship in the void beyond the stars, entered the stars, and arrived at the Star Lord's City.

At this time, the five people used their own methods to escape under the "Altar of the Sun". Liang Ji and Peng Yue each sacrificed a starlight compass and fled in front. Wu Shan and Chu Yue were guarding the left and right, all the way deep underground. It can be seen that the 'Altar of the Sun' is directly connected to the ground. The underground building is larger and longer than the altar on the ground.

Chu Yue studied the formation patterns on the underground altar from time to time, and sighed: "This star must have been close to the seventh level when it was in its prime, and its cultivation inheritance may have reached the level of a third-level immortal."

"Without such a foundation, it would be difficult to build an altar of such a scale. Not only would the formation be passed down, but even the stars and other levels would not be able to carry it."

"It's a pity that this star has been greatly harmed by the Void Mirage. It's hard to say how much of its origin and foundation is left."

Liang Ji and others escaped underground and could see many cracks emerging on the underground altar. Although the 'Altar of the Sun' was large in scale and high-level, it was already on the verge of destruction. Just from the situation on this altar, we can see how miserable the stars were caused by the void mirage.

What's more, when they escaped underground, they discovered that the earth was full of fog, which was always eroding the stars and the earth, devouring the vitality and original power in the stars. The fog power of the Void Mirage had already invaded the entire stars. Everywhere, even in the origin.

Liang Ji couldn't help but think of what he had seen in the void. Those void mirages below level seven were swept from the stars and a steady stream of mist was trying to support the level seven void mirages in fighting them. Fortunately, he launched a starship attack. The formation will kill the seventh-level mirage monster, otherwise if the mist support in the stars is really successful, the consequences and the battle situation may be unpredictable.

"Huh? Found it!"

At this time, the starlight compass in Liang Ji's hand reacted, and the starlight in it turned into a pointer, pointing straight ahead.

"There is indeed a star spiritual vein here."

The starlight compass in Peng Yue's hand also reacted with a smile on his face.

The starlight compass in the hands of the two people was a treasure invented by the Star Alliance to find and locate the star spiritual veins. It was used by Liang Ji in Chishan Star. Nowadays, when exploring the outer star sea, this kind of starlight compass for finding and locating star spiritual veins is a must-have equipment for every outer star master.

"Let me just say that although this 'Altar of the Sun' is grandly constructed and the inheritance of the array is quite mysterious, if it wants to be effective, it must be built on the spiritual veins of the stars. Only by extracting the power of the spiritual veins can it be effective. Even Affecting the binary star at the center of the galaxy."

Chu Yue nodded without any surprise at this time.

It was her suggestion to explore the depths of the ground along the 'Altar of the Sun' and look for the star spiritual veins. Now that she has actually found the star spiritual veins, it is just to verify her inference and further illustrate her ability in formation practice. Not vulgar.

"This is... the star spiritual vein?"

At this time, the five people fled all the way down, and finally came to the place guided by the starlight compass, which was also the place where the 'Altar of the Sun' was rooted. However, what they saw was a misty river, like an underground river slowly flowing underground. flow.

Wuling Guixian and Qi Refiner Chu Yue are both newly promoted third-level immortals. They have never seen the appearance of star spiritual veins before. Now they are quite surprised to see this misty river-like star spiritual veins. .

"No!" At this time, the old man Wu Shan shook his head and said: "Although normal star spiritual veins are like rivers, what flows in the river is definitely not mist, but starlight!"

On the side, Liang Ji and Peng Yue also nodded slightly. As star master monks, although their cultivation and level were not high, they were more familiar with star spiritual veins. After all, their natal stars all had star spiritual veins.

"Now that the star spiritual veins have turned into a long river of mist, it should be related to those void mirages."

"Unexpectedly, the seventh-level void mirage demon can actually refine this star spiritual vein and directly erode and transform it into a long river of mist!"

"The high-level void monsters are indeed extraordinary. They are not much worse than the Star Lord and the gods of the God Realm."

Liang Ji just changed his mind and understood the reason why the star spiritual veins became like this. It's no wonder that even though they killed the seventh-level mirage monster and eliminated all the void mirage monsters, the stars were still shrouded in fog. , the whole thing turned into misty stars.

This is from the origin and foundation, which has been eroded and distorted by the void mirage.


At this time, Peng Yue seemed to have discovered something. She suddenly stretched out her hand to seal the secret, and starlight gathered and condensed in front of her. It turned into a giant hand of starlight and directly reached into the misty river below to fish it out.

Star magic, star-catching hand!

Although Peng Yue advanced to the fourth level of Star Master not long ago, he has also mastered this star technique.

However, Liang Ji and others' attention at this time was not on this star technique. Instead, they all looked at the giant hand of starlight picked up from the foggy river. The fog was rolling in it, and there was a ball several feet in size that seemed to be completely made of fog. A giant condensed egg lies within.

This foggy giant egg seems to be alive, constantly rolling in the starlight giant hand, swallowing the fog and trying to rush out of the giant hand.

However, Peng Yue was running the 'Star Picking Hand', and the starlight was flowing in the giant hand, but it seemed to block the foggy giant egg.

At this time, stars appeared and rotated in Liang Ji's eyes. He had already activated the star technique "Episode of the Star Spirit" to look at the giant foggy egg. He immediately saw clearly that there was a void mirage with a shell that was about to be born.

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