The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 540 Mist is also a resource

"This is the egg of the void mirage!"

Liang Ji used the Star Spirit Eye Technique to see through the situation in the foggy giant egg at a glance, and said in a deep voice.

As for the birth method of Void Demonic Beast, the Star Alliance has naturally studied it for hundreds of thousands of years. Laying eggs in the star spiritual veins and hatching them with the power of star spiritual veins and original starlight is a common way for the birth of Void Demonic Beast. Way.

"It turns out that those void mirages transformed the stars into a place to lay eggs. No wonder the stars' spiritual veins became like this!"

Peng Yue naturally learned a lot of knowledge and courses about void monsters, and he reacted instantly.

"Not bad! Not bad!" On the side, the human immortal Wu Shan smiled and said: "I didn't expect that there would be such an unexpected gain in this star spiritual vein."

"These void mirage eggs are good things. Some monks, companies, and research departments in the Star Alliance specialize in purchasing various void monster eggs."

As an old man who explores the stars in the outer world, Wu Shan, the human immortal, knows the best about the various resources and harvests in the outer star sea and the stars of life, which ones are useful and which ones are valuable.

When several people in the team heard this, they couldn't help but look happy on their faces.

They discovered that although this living star had been greatly harmed by the void mirage, all the resources on it, whether produced by the star itself or left by the void mirage, were their harvest.

Naturally, the more this kind of harvest, the better.

Next, Liang Ji and the others explored the vicinity of the 'Star Spiritual Vein', and sure enough they found more gains.

The eggs of the void mirage, the spiritual stone mines associated with the star spiritual veins, the spiritual soil, spiritual gold, spiritual water and other mineral resources associated with the spiritual stone mines, and even the 'roots of spiritual veins' and star spirits contained in the star spiritual veins The marrow, etc., have all been discovered.

However, due to the Void Mirage's refining of the star spiritual veins, the fog eroded the spiritual veins and turned them into long rivers of mist. Naturally, it also eroded and distorted the spiritual objects born in the spiritual veins and the surrounding spiritual stones. Ore veins and other spiritual objects.

This made Liang Ji and others discover a lot of spiritual resources, but except for the eggs of the void mirage, other spiritual objects were difficult to collect for the time being.

They must wait until they clear away the fog that has infected the star spiritual veins and purify and twist the star spiritual veins back to normal before they can exploit the various spiritual resources generated and associated with the spiritual veins.

Chu Yue, on the other hand, took out several formation disks and placed them around the misty river. Then he took out a long-necked jade bottle and activated the laid formation disks, which were immediately drawn out from the misty river formed by the twisting and transformation of the star spiritual veins. A large piece of fog was collected into the long-necked jade bottle.

Star spiritual veins are originally the most high-level and original resource treasures among the living stars. They are twisted and transformed into a long river of mist. The mist born in it is naturally not a mortal thing. It contains the original power of the stars. It is also the same in the sea of ​​stars. Hard-to-find spiritual objects and resources.

At this time, while the star spiritual veins have not yet been purified and twisted back to their original state, some of the mist in the long river of spiritual veins can be collected.

After Chu Yue collected it, Wu Shan, Wu Ling, and even Liang Ji and Peng Yue each took out various jade bottles and golden tripod containers, and used formations to collect a lot of mist from the long river of mist. No matter whether they study the origin later From the mist, you can comprehend and practice some mist magic and star magic, or you can bring it back to the Star Alliance to sell, and you will definitely gain a lot of rewards.

After such busy work, Liang Ji and Peng Yue fished out all the eggs of the void mirage contained in this section of star spiritual veins. There were eleven eggs in total. This was only the harvest from a small section of star spiritual veins. It can be imagined that the entire star How many eggs of the void mirage must be nurturing and hatching in the spiritual veins.

In addition, Liang Ji and Peng Yue worked together to use the knowledge they learned in the Star Palace, a starlight compass, and special astrological techniques to initially measure the size, depth, spirituality, and level of this star spiritual vein. Wait, we have also made preliminary calculations about the star's spiritual pulse level and star level.

According to the measurements and inferences of the two people, the star should have just grown to the seventh level when it was at its peak. The indigenous people born in it could also practice and grow up to the seventh level, and initially left the shackles of the star and entered the world outside the star. In the void.

This is also consistent with the information and speculation they obtained from observing the stars and the 'Altar of the Sun' in the void outside.

However, the seventh level is when the stars are in their prime. Now these stars have been harmed by the Void Mirage for many years. Even the spiritual veins and origins of the stars have been eroded and distorted by the mirage fog, turning into long rivers of mist and becoming nurturing and incubating void mirages. Where the demon eggs are located, it can be seen that the spiritual veins and origins of the stars have been severely eroded and destroyed.

Up to now, this star spiritual vein has not been able to maintain the sixth level, let alone the seventh level, and can barely maintain it at the fifth level.

Even if Liang Ji and others had not discovered this place and eliminated the void mirage, if the void mirage and its eggs had continued to be eroded and devoured, the spiritual veins and origin of the star would have continued to shrink and weaken.

When the day comes when these void mirage monster eggs raised in the star's spiritual veins are completely hatched, it will probably be the time when the life star and the spiritual vein star are completely destroyed.

"The void monster chases starlight and devours star power. It is indeed the biggest enemy of destroying stars!"

Liang Ji looked at the encounter with the stars in front of him, recalling the many lessons he had learned about void monsters in the Kunlun Star Palace, and couldn't help but sigh.

He still remembered that there were many attachments in the courses about void monsters, including various images and pictures of void monsters destroying stars that the Star Alliance had collected.

At that time, from those images and pictures, he could see the horror of the void monster destroying the stars. But now that he was really in a star that was almost destroyed by the void mirage, this direct feeling was different. The difference made him feel emotional.

At this time, several people in the team have collected enough mist in the star spiritual veins, and other surrounding spiritual objects and resources cannot be collected for the time being. The star spiritual veins have been completely eroded and distorted by the fog. To purify and restore them, they need to do something else. The preparations are not something they can complete at this time, and they have no intention of staying underground for a long time.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue left a starlight compass in their spiritual veins to lock onto the star's spiritual veins, and then fled towards the ground, with Wu Shan and Wu Ling following closely behind.

However, Chu Yue did not follow and left. She was one step behind to make rubbings of the array patterns and formations on the 'Altar of the Sun' deep underground.

When this star reached its peak, it reached the seventh level, and the indigenous civilizations also developed to the level of third-level immortals. They were even able to break through the constraints of the stars and enter space, observing the movement patterns of twin stars, thus building this 'Altar of the Sun'. It can connect double stars and affect the explosion of double stars.

It can be said that this ‘Altar of the Sun’ contains the highest inheritance and achievements of the indigenous civilization on this star.

The inherited knowledge of the indigenous people in the stars of life has always been one of the main gains of the exploration teams in the Star Alliance when exploring the stars of life in the outer star sea.

One of the main reasons why the Star Alliance can have such a flourishing practice inheritance today is to actively explore the indigenous inheritance of various life stars in the outer star sea and absorb and integrate them into the Star Alliance civilization.

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