The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 541: Aboriginal Heritage Division of Labor Action

Misty Stars, Sun Plateau, Star Lord's City.

At this time, the main hall dedicated to the 'Savior' in the center of the city was officially completed. Most of the surviving star natives in the city gathered here in the center of the city, worshiping towards the 'Altar of the Sun' and the main hall dedicated to the 'Savior', shouting 'Star Lord', 'Sun', 'Savior' and other names.

When the atmosphere reached its peak, bright starlight shot out from the hall and directly into the 'Altar of the Sun' in front of the hall. Immediately, the golden light blooming in the 'Altar of the Sun' became brighter and more powerful. The image of the double suns carved on it became more condensed and real. The cracks that opened on the altar were even in the shadow of these stars. It gradually disappears and heals after injection.

As the 'Altar of the Sun' was repaired and the golden light bloomed intensified, the golden mask covering half of the city became stronger and more solid, and even began to expand outwards, gradually covering up the areas outside the mask that had long been covered by it. The other half of the city swallowed by the fog and destroyed into ruins by the fog monsters was included in the golden light shield.

Seeing this, the survivors in the city worshiped more and more devoutly, and cheered the name of 'Star Lord' with more and more enthusiasm. Most of the star natives in the city who had not bowed before the main hall also gathered and bowed before the main hall.

After all, for these survivors, the expansion of the golden light shield to include the other half of the city that had long been reduced to ruins is tantamount to regaining the lost ground. It is the next step to clear the fog, regain the old land of the entire star, completely get rid of the apocalypse, and usher in a new life. Start.

And these are all brought by the savior, the "Lord of the Stars". They will naturally shout the name of the Star Lord, bow before the saviors, and become more and more surrendered to Liang Ji and others.

In the main hall, it was rare for Liang Ji, Peng Yue, Wu Shan, Chu Yue, and Wu Ling to gather together. Chu Yue arranged a large formation in the hall, connected to the formation on the starship staying outside the stars, and borrowed the stars to The power of the ship transmits the power of the twin stars in the galaxy, and is transformed by the formation in the hall, turning into starlight and injecting it into the 'Altar of the Sun' outside the store, repairing and strengthening the 'Altar of the Sun', and expanding the golden mask, regaining Half the city was in ruins, in order to win over the hearts of the surviving indigenous people.

Looking at the survivors prostrating themselves outside the store and listening to their enthusiasm in chanting the name of the Star Lord, Liang Ji nodded with satisfaction.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue are both star masters who have been running the Familia clan in their natal stars for hundreds of thousands of years. They have rich experience in how to win people's hearts and promote their reputation. Now they are just using a little trick, and the results have already made them quite satisfied. .

Seeing that the expanded golden light shield outside had stabilized, Chu Yue, who was presiding over the formation in the main hall, stopped the formation, turned to Liang Ji, Peng Yue and others and said: "Although I have learned about the formation in this 'Altar of the Sun' Through research, we have found some ways to repair some of the larger cracks in the altar, and the power of the stars from the starship has greatly increased the power of the 'Sun Altar', and even doubled the range of protection."

"However, if we want to rely on this to purify the spiritual veins of the stars that were twisted into the long river of fog, and completely rescue the stars from the fog, it is impossible to regain all the old lands."

"Based on my research, there should be many 'Sun Altars' on the stars, either remaining or destroyed. They should have been connected together and built on the spiritual veins of the stars to form a Great formation.”

"This should also be the highest level inheritance of the natives above this star. A seventh-level formation directly based on the spiritual veins of the stars is the basis for the natives of this star to reach the third-level high level and escape from the stars and enter the void. "

"If we want to purify the star's spiritual veins, completely clear the fog that shrouds the star, or even completely occupy the star's spiritual veins, we must find other 'Altars of the Sun', completely repair them, and reconnect them. Together they form a great formation that covers the spiritual veins of the stars."

At this time, about half a year had passed since they entered this misty star. Chu Yue had already imprinted the inheritance of the formation in the Sun Altar, and even made some gains from studying it, so he provided suggestions.

Listening to Chu Yue's words, several people nodded slightly. By studying the inheritance in the 'Altar of the Sun', the exploration team had a more in-depth understanding of the star and the natives in the star.

"Leave it to me and Peng Yue to find other 'Altars of the Sun'."

Liang Ji said directly.

The stars were shrouded in mist. Although the void mirages surrounding them had been wiped out by them, there was no guarantee that there would be any unknown dangers in the mist. Therefore, the work that required cannon fodder to explore the path had always been carried out by the dependents who believed in the Lord.

"The three seniors will be sitting in the back. If we find any strong enemy that we can't deal with, we will need the three seniors to take action at that time."

"Haha, easy to say!"

"So, I'm sorry to trouble you, Fellow Daoist Liang and Fellow Daoist Peng."

"It just so happens that we should also study this 'Altar of the Sun'. The inheritance of this star native can reach the seventh level, which is also quite promising."

Naturally, the team members had no objections. This was the best method, and it was also a common method used by many Covenant exploration teams in outer areas.

After the initial division of labor was completed, Peng Yue approached Liang Ji and said:

"Liang Ji, when the family members are exploring the stars to find the other 'Altar of the Sun', I want your family members to be the main ones and my family members to be the auxiliaries. When the time comes, I will ask you to pay more attention and guide me."

Liang Ji looked at the other party with some doubts after hearing this, and Peng Yue did not hide it, pointing to the void and saying: "During this period, I will probably focus more of my energy on the 'chaos vortex' in the void outside this galaxy. "

He suddenly understood that the 'Chaos Vortex' was originally an important goal for Peng Yue to explore and explore in the void of the outer world. When he discovered the 'Chaos Vortex' in the void, Peng Yue could not help but stay there to study and explore the 'Chaos Vortex'. Whirlpool', now that this misty star has been discovered, the exploration team will stay here for a long time. Naturally, the other party can no longer hold back and rushes to explore and study.

Moreover, Peng Yue also raised a concern, saying: "The 'chaos vortex' was born due to the imbalance of the two stars, involving the power of chaos in the void. It was only a few years old and is still in the new stage. Now Still growing slowly.”

"If it is allowed to continue to grow, I am afraid it will affect the balance of this binary star galaxy, and may even engulf this galaxy."

The void star sea and the star galaxy seem to be huge, but the power that breaks out in them is often very powerful, and it often affects the whole body.

In order to save themselves, the surviving natives on this star launched the 'Altar of the Sun', causing the imbalance of the two stars, causing the power of the stars to explode, and even involving the chaos in the void to give birth to a 'Chaos Vortex'.

And this 'chaotic vortex' may become a scourge that swallows galaxies and completely destroys stars and natives!

This involves cause and effect, and the connection that affects the whole body is complex.

Liang Ji listened to Peng Yue's words, and naturally had no intention of rejecting him. He nodded directly and said, "No problem, leave it to me. The 'Chaos Vortex' needs you to solve it and save this galaxy."

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