The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 550 Purifying the ‘Star Spiritual Vein’

Above the misty stars, as the 'Altars of the Sun' were repaired one after another and suppressed on the spiritual veins of the stars, the leakage of the source of the stars and the power of the spiritual veins was finally alleviated, and the changes in the stars began to slow down.

However, if you want to completely stop the leakage of the source of the stars and the power of the spiritual veins, and completely prevent the degradation of the stars, you still need to completely purify and restore the spiritual veins of the stars.

Deep in the earth, at the 'Altar of the Sun' built on the spiritual veins of the stars, the broken altar had been completely repaired by Chu Yue. Golden light bloomed on it, and the light and shadow of the two suns condensed and rose on the altar, surrounding it. The fog in the long river has been partially dispersed.

Immortal Master Chu Yue is sitting here at this time, presiding over the most core and critical 'Altar of the Sun'. He has contacted Liang Ji and Peng Yue through the starship's intranet, and has determined to connect the 'Altar of the Sun' into a large formation to purify the stars' spirits. pulse process.

The next moment, rays of golden light from the sun shot out from the stars, land, oceans, plateaus, mountains, canyons and other places, rising into the sky and dispelling the surrounding fog. Forty-eight golden light pillars stood everywhere in the stars, including the land and ocean. The forty-eight 'Sun Altars' above were activated by the family formation masters under Liang Ji and Peng Yue.

Among these golden light pillars, there are twin suns and shadows emerging, simulating the relative rotation of twin stars in the galaxy.

However, at this time, the forty-eight light pillars and the forty-eight double sun phantoms rotating around the pillars are all independent in the stars, and have no connection or influence with each other.

These are the various ‘Altars of the Sun’ that have not yet been connected into an array and integrated into one.

But even so, the emergence of forty-eight sun beams and forty-eight double sun phantoms has dispersed nearly half of the fog that shrouded the stars.

In many places above the stars, in mountains, canyons, plains, plateaus, and on the sea, the fog that had always been there in the past suddenly cleared, revealing a blue sky and two golden suns again.

Sun Plateau, the city of Star Lord.

This is the first foundation place occupied by Liang Ji and others. Not only is it protected by the formation laid down by Chu Yue, but it is also suppressed by the first fully repaired 'Altar of the Sun', so even in the crisis of star destruction and the changes in the sea, Among them, this place is also well protected and has not changed much. At most, the area of ​​the Sun Plateau has been reduced by more than half, but the Star Lord's City has been completely protected.

At this time, the surviving star natives in the city gathered in the center of the city, surrounding the 'Altar of the Sun', and continued to worship and praise the altar that bloomed with golden light and shot out sun beams.

When they saw the sun's beam dispersing the surrounding fog, revealing the long-lost sky and two bright suns, these surviving natives became even more enthusiastic and cheered.

Since the natural disaster came and the fog shrouded the star, they had not seen the sky or the double sun in the sky for a long time.

As a result, the sky and the double sun have become legends among many young indigenous people, causing many young indigenous people to doubt and no longer believe in these inheritances.

But now, the sky and the double sun reappear before our eyes, which not only makes the older natives cry with joy, but also surprises many young natives who were born in the fog.

At this time, in the center of the stars, where the sea and the land meet, another bright pillar of sunlight rushed out from under the earth and stood in the sky, with twin suns that seemed to be illusory and real emerging and orbiting in it.

It was Chu Yue who activated the last and most crucial ‘Altar of the Sun’ built in the spiritual veins of the stars. This place was originally located in the sea, but due to the changes in the sea, it has now become the junction of sea and land.

The forty-ninth 'Sun Altar', which is the core of the array, moved together. Sure enough, the forty-eight 'Sun Altar' that were originally independent and unconnected were separated from all over the stars. The golden light pillars trembled and started to move, and there were golden lights coming from them. These light pillars shot out and directly connected to the 49th golden light pillar of the 'Altar of the Sun' located in the middle.

Immediately, with the last golden light pillar of the 'Sun Altar' as the center of the array, the forty-nine 'Sun Altar' and forty-nine sun light pillars were connected together to form a 'Sun Altar' formation.

Golden light, illusory and real double sun light and shadow, flowed between the forty-nine altars and light pillars, as if forming an array slowly unfolding in the misty starry sky.

"Sure enough, it is imitating the star map of this 'double star galaxy'!"

Liang Ji carefully observed the operation of the formation diagram and suddenly understood.

Chu Yue has already done very in-depth research on the inheritance of the indigenous people on this star, the 'Sun Altar' and the formation. He has already deduced that the formation of these 'solar altars' built by the indigenous people on the star is modeled after this galaxy. Only in this way can the power of this large array seem to be able to transcend the stars, connect to the twin stars in the center of the galaxy, and attract the power of the twin stars.

When the formation reached its peak, the two suns in the sky burst into brilliant golden light, and the two suns seemed to become a bit larger. The majestic golden light of the sun fell from the sky and merged into the formation.

Immediately, the illusory and real double suns that were surrounding and rotating between the forty-nine "Sun Altars" quickly solidified, as if they had changed from illusion to reality, as if the double suns in the sky had really fallen into this formation. Among them, it merges with the big formation.

At the same time, Liang Ji and others also observed changes in the twin stars in the center of the galaxy through starships beyond the stars.

"The power of the stars has exploded again!"

The 'Altar of the Sun' formation above the misty stars indeed triggered an explosion of stellar power again, but this time the stellar power of the twin star explosions no longer spread toward the entire galaxy and the void outside the galaxy. Instead, they were all led away by the 'Altar of the Sun' array above the misty stars, and shot into the misty stars without causing any impact on the galaxy or the surrounding void.

Outside the galaxy, in the void, the 'chaotic vortex' that Peng Yue has always paid attention to has not been affected.

"Very good! The first step was successful!"

Chu Yue observed the operation of the formation and the changes in Shuangri with a satisfied smile on his face.

A good start is undoubtedly half the battle.

Above the misty stars, in the great formation composed of the 'Sun Altar', the two solid suns now move to the center of the great formation, which is the core of the formation eye, above the forty-ninth 'Sun Altar' , and then the double suns no longer moved away, but sank directly, submerging deep into the earth on the 'Altar of the Sun' built in the spiritual veins of the stars.

The next moment, Shuangri appeared in the long river of mist transformed by the spiritual veins of the stars. The bright golden light burst out, invaded the long river, dispersed the mist, and twisted the long river of mist. Wherever it passed, the long river of mist was purified and re-opened. Restore the appearance of the star spiritual veins.

As the long river of fog was purified and the spiritual veins of the stars were restored, the fog that shrouded everywhere on the stars and blocked the sky began to dissipate. The active fog monsters among them also dissipated with the fog in mournful howls. , the vicissitudes of life gradually came to an end.

The entire star seemed to have ushered in a new life, reborn in the golden light of the sun shining on both days.

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