The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 551 Yuyang Star Time of Harvest


The misty star's 'star spiritual veins' were successfully purified and restored, and the fog covering the star was dispelled. Liang Ji and others renamed the star from the misty star to the Yuyang star.

It means that the star is reborn from the ashes by bathing in the power of the sun.

Later, when they upload the location, data and other information of this star to the Star Alliance, they will also name it 'Yangyang Star'.

At this time, three months have passed since the 'star spiritual veins' were purified and the fog of the stars dissipated.

The geography of Yuyang Star, which was originally one continent and surrounded by seas, has also changed several times due to the collapse and vicissitudes of the sea. It has now become the current layout of three continents and five oceans. The ocean area has decreased, but the land area has greatly increased.

Such changes are conducive to the recovery and development of the natives of the following stars. After all, the natives of this star mainly live on land.

However, for explorers such as Liang Ji, Peng Yue, and Wu Shan, these changes did not have much impact. They were more concerned about the various spiritual objects and resources that were born from the previous cracking of stars, the leakage of a large number of star origins, and the vicissitudes of life. .

When a star breaks apart, a large number of resources and spiritual objects born inside the star will be exposed, such as various mineral veins, earth veins, fire veins, water veins, etc. that are born deep in the earth. Mother, essence, etc. are born. These spiritual seeds, mineral mother, essence, etc. are usually difficult to mine under normal circumstances.

After all, they are not only hidden deep under the earth, but also hidden deep in many mineral veins, earth veins, fire veins, etc. These places are often difficult to penetrate even with escape techniques, and must be mined slowly from the outside in.

But now, because there are many cracks and changes in the stars, many mineral veins, earth veins, fire veins, water veins, etc. that were originally hidden deep in the earth have been exposed, or even broken or broken. The spiritual seeds contained in them have , mineral mother, essence, etc. are also often exposed.

These spiritual seeds, mother minerals, essences, etc., for Liang Ji and Peng Yue, can be directly planted into their natal stars, and generate corresponding mineral veins, earth veins, water veins and other resources, which can greatly increase and enrich their natal stars. Resources and heritage.

In particular, Yuyang Star fell all the way from the seventh-level star to the fourth-level star. These exposed spiritual seeds, mother minerals, essences, etc. also fell all the way from the seventh-level star to the current fourth-level star, which is exactly the same as the fate of Liang Ji and Peng Yue. The stars are aligned in equal order.

Moreover, although they have fallen to the fourth level, they have reached the seventh level before, and there are still some residual auras in them, refined into their natal stars, which are far better than the various fourth-level spirits they bought in the Star Alliance market. Seeds, mineral veins, and spiritual roots are much more effective.

As for the leakage of the star's origin, many spiritual objects and resources will be born in the vicissitudes of life caused by the leakage of the star's origin. The conditions are quite rare, so the spiritual objects and resources condensed in this way are naturally rare original spiritual objects and resources in the Star Alliance.

Even if Liang Ji and Peng Yue were unable to refine these original spiritual objects and resources directly into their natal stars, they could still make a lot of money by selling them back to the Star Alliance.

Moreover, these spiritual seeds, mother minerals, original spiritual objects and other resources that were exposed and born due to the drastic changes in the stars were all born under special circumstances and opportunities. Now as Yuyang Star returns to a stable state, the special environment , opportunities are no longer available. If these spiritual seeds, mother minerals, original spiritual objects and other resources cannot be collected and taken away in time, as the star environment stabilizes, the spirituality will either pass or change. This is a valuable spiritual resource. Seeds, mother minerals, original spiritual objects, etc. will all be turned into ordinary spiritual objects, resulting in huge losses.

Therefore, in the past three months, Liang Ji and Peng Yue focused more on these resources and spiritual objects, sending a large number of family members to various places in the stars to mine and collect these resources that were born during the dramatic changes in the stars. Resources such as spiritual seeds, mother minerals, and original spiritual objects.

Finally, these spiritual seeds, mother minerals, and original spiritual objects were put into the starship and specially protected before they deteriorated and dissipated.

These spiritual seeds, mother minerals, and original spiritual objects can be regarded as the third batch harvested by Liang Ji and others in the Yuyang Star. The first batch was mist resources, and the second batch was indigenous inheritance.

Next, Yuyang Star has been completely stabilized. The resources such as spiritual stones and spiritual objects that can be mined are all stable things born in the stars, and they are all born in the depths of the earth, ocean, earth fire, and spiritual veins. , mining requires specialized talents, more time, and energy, which cannot be solved by relying on numbers.

Therefore, most of the large troops of the Familia summoned by Liang Ji and Peng Yue were returned to their natal stars, leaving only the specialized Familia talents in the Yuyang Star to float in the subsequent spiritual stones, spiritual mines, and spiritual objects. daily mining of other resources.

The Earth Master of Baxia Familia searches for earth veins and mines spiritual soil; the Miner of Yajue Familia detects veins and mines various spiritual golds; the Spirit Planter of Qiuniu Familia explores and collects the unique spiritual roots born in the stars. Spiritual plants; the fire refiners of the Suanni Familia, go deep into the star volcanoes and underground fire veins to collect and refine various spiritual fires; the water refiners of the Chiki Familia, travel the rivers and go deep into the sea to search and refine them All kinds of spiritual water.

In addition, the Chaofeng Familia explores the wind veins in the starry sky and collects and refines spiritual winds; the Baxia Familia chases thunder and lightning, collects and refines spiritual thunder; the Chikisui Familia goes deep into the ice land to collect frost spiritual objects; The prison clan enters swamps and poisonous places to collect poisonous spiritual objects and so on.

In the first three-level star master stage, Liang Ji was very comprehensive and detailed in cultivating his family members, laying a solid foundation. Not only did each family member master the power of the elements of each line, and could enter various environments to collect spiritual objects; but he also bought all the 720 lines of inheritance developed in the Star Alliance and passed them on to the family members. .

The inheritance from the first to the fourth level has not been left behind, so that all kinds of talents are available in his family members. Now they have accumulated a lot of experience and played a huge role in the spiritual veins and stars of the outer world they occupy.

Going to heaven and earth, walking through fire and diving, chasing wind and lightning, etc., all the spiritual objects and resources that can be born in the stars, whether it is above the nine heavens or below the nine earths, whether in the raging earth fire , or in the endless deep sea, regardless of the spiritual objects such as the strong wind, thunder, ice, poison, etc., the Familia in Liang Ji's natal star have corresponding Familia talents who can mine and capture them.

These are the rewards of Liang Ji spending a lot of spiritual stones, resources, inheritance, etc. to cultivate his family members in the first to third level star master stages.

This is also where Liang Ji's advantage lies in mining spiritual objects and resources when he explores the outside world and develops spiritual veins and stars.

After arranging the exploration and mining tasks of spiritual objects and resources for various families and talents in the Yang Realm of the Stars, Liang Ji's eyes also turned from the Yang Realm of the Sun Bathing Star to the underworld under the Nine Earths.

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