The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 559 Saving Ghost Official Wu Shanshan

Yuyang Star, the place of the underworld.

Chu Yue was flying in the sky on a divine shuttle. She held the formation disk in one hand and made secrets with the other hand. Based on the results deduced from the formation disk, she punched the seals in her hands into various nodes on the underworld.

On the ground below, Liang Ji sent an impermanent ghost and god, leading a team of ghost soldiers to chase after the divine shuttle, burying array disks into the locations marked by Chu Yue.

Far behind them, there were ghosts of formation masters from the family members sent by Liang Ji, commanding more ghost soldiers to build formations one after another in the places where formation disks were buried.

At first glance, these formations are quite similar to the 'Altar of the Sun', but they are composed of many runes and formation patterns, which are often opposite to the 'Altar of the Sun' in the underworld.

For example, on the 'Altar of the Sun' in the underworld, the double suns composed of runes tend to rise; and in the array set up by the ghost soldiers in the underworld, there are also double suns composed of runes, but they all tend to fall.

It has been nearly a month since Liang Ji and Wuling Guixian took over the two levels of the underworld of Yuyang Star. Chu Yue was also invited to enter the underworld to inspect the situation of the underworld.

After studying in recent months, Chu Yue has obviously gained something, and wants to imitate the 'Sun Altar' formation in the underworld and arrange the next set of formations to coordinate with the operation of the 'Sun Altar' formation in the underworld, in order to try to restore and improve the bath again. Yang star spiritual pulse strength, star level.

However, the area of ​​the two layers of the underworld on Yuyang Star is not small. Even though Chu Yue is a third-level immortal and a great master of formations, it is impossible to complete the formation quickly. He can only teach the inheritance of formations and the method of arrangement of formations. Liang Ji asked the formation masters from his family's ghost soldiers to help him set up the formation.

Liang Ji naturally agreed directly, not to mention that this was something that was beneficial to the entire team, not to mention his inheritance of the "Sun Altar" formation of Yuyang Star, and Chu Yue's deduction based on the "Sun Altar" formation. I am very interested in the inheritance of the underworld formation.

Previously, the formation masters under him had obtained the inheritance of the repair and layout of the Sun Altar formation in the Yang world, and cooperated with Chu Yue to complete the repair and layout of the Sun Altar formation in the Yang world; now, the formation masters of the Familia ghost soldiers are now in control of the underworld. The inheritance of the great formation.

Afterwards, Chu Yue polished these two sets of formations to maturity. If the restoration and improvement of the star spiritual veins were really achieved, he might not be able to let the family members also deploy this set of formations in the Yin and Yang realms of their own stars. Help the growth and improvement of your natal stars.

The outer star sea and the indigenous inheritance in the spiritual stars are an important harvest and trophy for many outer exploration teams of the Star Alliance. Not only can they be integrated into the Star Alliance civilization, many inheritances in the prosperous Star Alliance can also be used by exploration teams. The star master monk is developing his natal star and cultivating his family members.

However, in order to cooperate with Chu Yue in setting up the formation in the underworld, Liang Ji only needed to teach the inheritance to the formation masters among the ghost soldiers of the clan, and let these ghost soldier formation masters cooperate in setting up the formation, but he did not need to pay too much attention.

At this time, Liang Ji focused more of his mind and consciousness on the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang' that merged into the underworld and plundered the underworld origin of Yuyang Star.

After more than a month of erosion, distortion, and deification, the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang' has finally completely occupied and captured the origin of reincarnation in the underworld. The projection has also condensed into substance, completely controlling the origin of the underworld and the laws of the great road of Yuyang Star.

Nowadays, Liang Ji has been able to operate the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang', directly plundering and extracting the original power of the underworld of Yuyang Star, sending it into the natal star Jiuquan Underworld, integrating and strengthening the origin of Jiuquan Underworld.

At that moment, Liang Ji's mind and consciousness were withdrawn, the golden elixir in the sea of ​​​​consciousness rotated, and his soul directly left the body and entered the underworld of the natal star Jiuquan.

He did not stay in Fengquan Underworld, but went directly to the third layer of Huangquan Underworld in Jiuquan Underworld.

Reaching out towards the sky of the underworld, the 'Fengshen Bang·Ghost Edition' nourished in the origin of the Jiuquan underworld immediately emerged from the depths of the world, suspended in the sky of the underworld of Huangquan, blooming with dazzling divine light.

In the underworld of Huangquan, the impermanent ghosts and gods led a group of seventh-level ghost officials to bow down to the "God List" that appeared in the sky. Above their heads, there were "red edicts" and "white edicts" emerging, shining with divine light and the sky. The list of gods echoes and connects with each other.

On the ground, many ghost soldiers and even more ghosts were prostrate on the ground, kneeling down towards the ghosts, ghost officials, and the ‘Apotheosis of the Gods’ that appeared in the sky.

The majestic and rich incense and the power of faith rise from everywhere in the underworld and merge into the "Fengshen List" in the sky, making the "Fengshen List" and the divine light blooming from the gods below become more and more shining and powerful.


Liang Ji gave an order at this time, and the projection of the "Feng Shen Bang" integrated into the underworld of Yuyang Star immediately began to plunder the origin of the underworld, and sent it into the underworld of the natal star Jiuquan through the "Feng Shen Bang" body.

However, Liang Ji did not directly integrate the power of the underworld origin of the Yuyang Star that he plundered this time into the underworld origin of the natal star Jiuquan. Instead, he merged it into the 'Bang of Conferred Gods' and turned it into a special divine light.

The next moment, as Liang Ji took control of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods List', this divine light that incorporated a large amount of the power of the underworld of the Yuyang Star shot straight down to a seventh-grade white edict ghost official below.

Although this Bai Chi ghost official also has divine light blooming on his body, it is much darker than other ghost officials. Even with Bai Chi on his body, you can see several cracks on his body, almost tearing him apart. into several points.

The whole person looked weak and even seemed to be losing consciousness.

This seventh-grade white edict ghost official with dim light, severe injuries, and weak appearance is Liang Ji’s granddaughter ‘Wu Shanshan’ who was granted the imperial title through a deal with the human immortal Wu Shan.

Although the other party's severely injured soul had been nourished by Bai Chi and Liang Ji's natal star for several months, it still had not fully recovered, but it only seemed a little more stable.

In this way, if Liang Ji had only relied on the source of his natal star and the nourishment of Bai Chi's divine light, it would be unknown how many years it would take for Wu Shanshan's severely damaged soul to be completely restored.

Therefore, after some consideration, Liang Ji did not directly integrate the original power that the 'Feng Shen Bang' plundered from the underworld of Yuyang Star into the origin of the natal star Jiuquan underworld. Instead, he chose to use it on Wu Shanshan's soul. Repair and promote ghost official 'Wu Shanshan'.

After Liang Ji noticed that the Five Spirits Ghost Immortal was a little unstable, it was undoubtedly a necessary choice to win more favor and support from the Human Immortal Wu Shan.

Moreover, he had previously wanted to alert the Five Spirits and Ghost Immortals, but directly alerting them himself was undoubtedly an inferior strategy, but using the human immortal Wu Shan to alert them was the best strategy.

What's more, after Wu Shanshan, who specializes in the immortal Taoism, regains her sanity and strength, no matter in terms of strength, leadership and development of the Taoism, or sorting out the origin and order of the underworld, she will undoubtedly be stronger than the ghosts and ghosts consecrated by the ghosts of the Liangji clan. Official.

This move can be described as killing multiple birds with one stone.

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