The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 560 The Power of Immortal Taoism

Liang Ji's natal star is in the underworld.

In the sky where the 'Feng Shen Bang' manifested, a unique divine light shining in five colors shot out from it, directly covering the ghost official 'Wu Shanshan' below.

With the massive integration of divine light and the underworld source of Yuyang Star, the cracks and broken places in the soul of the ghost official ‘Wu Shanshan’ that had not been completely repaired were quickly repaired and made up for.

The illusory and weak soul body gradually solidified and became stronger under the compensation of this divine light and origin.


Finally, when her soul was completely repaired and solidified, the white edict suspended above Wu Shanshan buzzed and its divine light emitted, even overwhelming the divine light of other seventh-grade ghost officials who were also white edicts around her.

This is when Wu Shanshan, who has recovered her soul, divine power, and sanity, begins to show her power as a monk from the immortal Taoist lineage, surpassing the rest of the Bai Chi ghost officials.

"Ghost Wu Shanshan, thank the Emperor of Heaven for saving me!"

Enshrouded in the divine light, Wu Shanshan's soul has been completely stabilized and her mind has been restored. She also understands the cause and effect. She bows to Liang Ji, who is in charge of the "God List" in the sky, to show her gratitude.

Because the immortal Taoism practiced by Wu Shanshan has been completely integrated into Liang Ji's natal star, she is like the family members, ghosts and gods in the natal star, and calls Liang Ji the Emperor of Heaven, rather than a fellow Taoist or star master.

This is to maintain the orthodoxy and order among Liang Ji's natal stars.

Therefore, if a cultivator of the immortal Taoism chooses to integrate into the natal star of a star master, he is truly tied to the cultivator of the star master, and both will prosper and suffer.


Liang Ji's soul is in charge of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' list. Seeing Wu Shanshan recover her soul and sanity and bowing gratefully, she couldn't help but nod slightly.

After all, although he accepted Wu Shanshan into the natal stars and made her a ghost and god because of his deal with the human immortal Wu Shan, it can be said that Wu Shanshan's life, death, wealth, cultivation, etc. are all under his control, but the other party can know how to be grateful, know Advancing and retreating, and directly expressing surrender, is also a good thing for Liang Ji.

Otherwise, if a person who is ungrateful, does not know how to advance or retreat, and is unwilling to surrender is left in his natal star, always causing trouble for him or even harming his natal star, then even for the sake of his grandfather, the Immortal Wu Shan, Liang Ji also wanted to suppress him directly, and at most, he would not die.

But if this happens, it will inevitably leave consequences, and the transactions and cooperation with Renxian Wushan will inevitably be affected.

And now, since Wu Shanshan is knowledgeable and interested, Liang Ji is not stingy with rewards in order to strengthen the relationship between the two parties and further win over the immortal Wu Shan.

At the moment, Liang Ji continued to activate the 'Apotheosis of the Gods', and the five-color divine light continued to pour into the white imperial edict on Wu Shanshan's head. Under the infusion of divine light, the divine light blooming on the white imperial edict gradually changed in quality, and a little red was on the white. Gradually born and emerged in the divine light.

Then, like a prairie fire, that bit of red quickly burned and spread in the white divine light, igniting the white edict in the divine light and turning it completely into red.

The red divine light of Chi Chi bloomed and enveloped Wu Shanshan below. Her figure became more solid and taller. The simple white divine armor on her body quickly turned into a complex, gorgeous and stronger red divine armor. A red divine crown appeared on the top. The divine light and power around him broke through the limits and reached the sixth level of power!

At this moment, Wu Shanshan, the seventh-level white edict ghost official, was successfully promoted to Wu Shanshan, the sixth-level red edict impermanent ghost god.

In the past few months, Liang Ji has refined several fourth-level mirage demon elixirs, increasing the source of his natal star, and then the underworld source of the Yuyang star has been integrated, so the natal star Jiuquan underworld can withstand more. The sixth grade red edict was sealed by the impermanent ghosts and gods.

"Thank you for the imperial edict!"

Wu Shanshan, the newly promoted sixth-grade Chichi impermanent ghost god, once again bowed to the sky to thank Liang Ji.

However, unlike the big salute just now to thank her for saving her life, Wu Shanshan's salute at this time is a solemn and majestic etiquette.

As Wu Shanshan bowed down, Liang Ji clearly felt a unique divine power of faith flying out of Wu Shanshan's body and entering the "Fengshen List" he was in charge of. Although this spiritual power was small, it slightly increased the foundation of the "Fengshen List", and There is also a trace of power that is integrated into his golden elixir as the 'Feng Shen Bang' is transformed, slightly increasing the origin of his golden elixir.

At this moment, Liang Ji had some enlightenment: "This is the real power of the immortal Taoism!"

He accepted Wu Shanshan into his natal star and provided her with the 'immortal Taoism' to practice, and now there are finally signs of feedback.

This is also the difference between a cultivator of the Immortal Dao Lineage and the consecrated deity of his family in the star of his birth. After all, the Immortal Dao Lineage is one of the cultivation traditions recognized by the Star Alliance. It is a cultivation Dao lineage that can cultivate to the realm of third-grade gods, far from being a member of the Star Lord Familia. comparable.

"No wonder in the Star Alliance, there are so many star masters and immortal Taoist monks who cooperate with each other. This is really a way of practice that benefits both sides!"

"If I can seal a few more monks who practice the immortal Taoism among the natal stars, wouldn't it be able to greatly improve the natal stars and my own cultivation foundation?"

Liang Ji couldn't help but think of the benefits of being a monk of the 'Fairy Dao Tradition' for the first time.

"It's a pity that monks like Wu Shanshan who can directly integrate into the natal stars have a rare opportunity."

Although the Star Master and the Immortal Taoist monks can benefit from cooperation, it is undoubtedly not easy to find a suitable partner for cooperation.

Nowadays, among Liang Ji's natal stars, there is only Wu Shanshan, a practitioner of the immortal Taoism, so he naturally wants to maximize his effectiveness.

"In the name of the Emperor of Heaven, Wu Shanshan is granted the title of Sixth Grade Red Imperial Immortal Ghost and God. She wields the power of the Black Water Hell, controls the punishment of ghosts and gods in the Underworld, and supervises the Underworld!"

Liang Ji passed down the oracle in the name of the Emperor of Heaven, clarifying Wu Shanshan's position and authority, and gave her the power of supervision to facilitate her inheritance of the immortal Taoism, sort out and supervise the structure of ghosts and gods, and the operation of authority in the underworld. In order to optimize the origin of the underworld and the power of the law of the great road.

"It's a pity that Wu Shanshan, the sixth-grade Chichi god, can only act in the underworld of Huangquan to monitor and sort out the theocratic structure and operation of the underworld. Otherwise, if she can check and sort out the theocratic structure and operation of the entire Jiuquan underworld, ...That will definitely greatly increase the origin of the Nine Springs Underworld and the natal stars, and enhance the power of ghosts, gods and ghost soldiers!"

After successfully completing the redemption and promotion of the ghost official Wu Shanshan, Liang Ji plundered the rest of the Yuyang Star's underworld source power from the 'Feng Shen Bang' and directly integrated it into the natal star Jiuquan Underworld, causing the underworld source to slowly grow, and the Jiuquan Underworld began to Expanding inch by inch, it becomes stronger and deeper, able to support more ghosts and gods, and increase the origin and combat power of ghosts, gods and ghost soldiers.

Liang Ji felt the changes in the Jiuquan underworld, then looked at the ghost Wu Shanshan, and said through a message: "Wu Shanshan, go out and meet your grandfather."

He spent a lot of plundered original power to save Wu Shanshan, whose soul was severely injured and almost lost her soul. He even promoted her to a sixth-grade red imperial ghost. Naturally, Liang Ji wanted to let Immortal Wu Shan see his efforts and results. .

"Yes, thank you God!"

Wu Shanshan looked happy and grateful, and bowed in agreement.

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