The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 561 New attempt

Yuyang Star, the sun shines high on both sides, and the blazing sunshine shines on the stars, bringing vitality to all things.

The vegetation that had previously been swallowed up by the mist and thus withered and decayed, now gradually sprouts and grows again after years of sunshine and soil nourishment.

After the rebirth of vegetation, the remaining insects, birds, and beasts in the stars gradually increased and became active again on the earth and sky.

The indigenous cities were rebuilt on the ruins of the past, and the remaining indigenous people lived and multiplied in these rebuilt cities.

The whole star is full of vitality and vitality.


At this time, there was a buzzing and trembling sound coming from the stars, the earth, the ocean, and the underground of the city.

The remaining natives in the city were a little panicked at first, but now they are accustomed to it. Such tremors and buzzing sounds have appeared frequently in the past few years. They know that this is the movement caused by the saviors, who want to completely Save their stars and restore them to their legendary heyday.

However, some natives are grateful to the savior, but at the same time they are surprised that the trembling and buzzing sounds underground seem to have become more frequent and louder in recent months.

Buzz! Buzz...boom!

Finally, this time the trembling and humming did not stop, but became stronger and stronger, and finally turned into a loud roar.

Then, the remaining natives in the city saw that the 'Altar of the Sun' standing in the center of the city suddenly burst out with golden light, and the double sun image carved on it gradually rose up, turning into two illusory suns rotating relative to each other on the altar, a blazing The golden light beam shot out from the 'Altar of the Sun' and went straight into the sky and clouds.



"Star Lord!"

Seeing this, the remaining natives in the city immediately gathered in front of the 'Altar of the Sun', bowed deeply, and chanted and praised.

Such golden light pillars shot out in total forty-nine places in the stars, earth, and oceans, and connected into a large array, stimulating the stellar power of twin stars beyond the stars and in the galaxy.

More than two years later, Chu Yue, Wu Ling, Wu Shan and others once again opened the 'Sun Altar' formation on Yuyang Star, trying to activate the power of the stars and restore the strength and level of the star's spiritual veins.

However, what is different this time from the previous ones is that in the underworld of Yuyang Star, there are also thirty-six formations activated at the same time, forming a large formation in the underworld, directly opposite to the "Sun Altar" formation in the underworld, but And hooked together into one.

Just like the two fishes of Yin and Yang in the Tai Chi Diagram, they are opposite but connected together to form a complete Tai Chi Diagram.

Therefore, when there are forty-nine golden rays of light reaching into the sky and forming a formation in the underworld, thirty-six formations in the underworld also shoot out thirty-six pillars of dark light and sink into the sky of the underworld.

These thirty-six formations were laid out in the underworld by Liang Ji and Peng Yue, who sent their ghost soldiers to help Chu Yue. It took more than two years to arrange them. There are eighteen formations on each level of the two levels of the underworld, and they are connected to form an array. Integrated with the 'Altar of the Sun' array, it can be regarded as the culmination of Chu Yue's research on the indigenous heritage of Yuyang Star and the 'Altar of the Sun' array.

Outside of Yuyang Star, the starship was sailing in the void, and the exploration formation was operating to the extreme. All the changes that occurred in Yuyang Star at this time were collected and recorded in the starship formation database.

At this time, Liang Ji set up the 'Star Book', connected it to the starship formation, and mobilized the images and data recorded in it. He could clearly see the scene of the Yin and Yang formations being activated in Yuyang Star at this time.

I only saw that under the forty-nine golden light pillars, there were thirty-six dark light pillars that were like the shadows of those sun light pillars, forming another dark array that was connected with the golden light array, like Yin and Yang, light and dark sides.

This was a change that Chu Yue and the others had never experienced before when they launched the ‘Altar of the Sun’ formation several times.

Under the operation of this dual array of yin and yang, light and darkness, the two suns rotating relative to each other in the sky suddenly emitted golden light, shooting down two bright golden light pillars.

In the void, the starship's monitoring array also clearly recorded the explosion of the twin stars in the center of the galaxy. The majestic golden light and stellar power surged from the twin stars in the center of the galaxy, far exceeding the number of people Chu Yue had activated in the past. The Sun Altar's great formation.

These majestic and turbulent star powers turned into two golden light pillars when they shot into the Yuyang Star, as if they were shot down from two suns in the sky.

In the past, these two golden light pillars were shot into the 'Sun Altar' formation, transformed by the formation, integrated into the forty-nine 'Sun Altar's, and finally merged into the star spiritual veins. Chu Yue and others thought In this way, the strength and power of the Yuyang Stars' spiritual veins can be restored and enhanced.

However, several attempts ended in failure. Although the power of the twin stars was transformed by the 'Altar of the Sun' formation and successfully entered the star spiritual veins, the star spiritual veins were like leaking sieves. Not even a trace of the incoming star power can be left behind. All the star power has flowed away. Naturally, Chu Yue and others' plan to restore and increase the strength and level of the star spiritual veins has never been possible. Can be achieved.

But this time, the golden beams of light shot down from the sky on both sides have undergone different changes. They are no longer shot into the 'Altar of the Sun' formation, but one shot into the 'Altar of the Sun' formation, and the other shot into the 'Altar of the Sun' formation. In the great formation of the underworld.

The double-sun light pillars and the two majestic stars' power circulate through the Yin and Yang realms respectively and merge into the Yin and Yang realms.


Liang Ji borrowed the power of the starship through the 'Star Book' and clearly saw the changes in the power of the double-sun stars in the sky, and he suddenly understood something in his heart.

"Chu Yue's arrangement in the underworld really worked."

"Maybe this time, they really have a chance of success!"

With a thought in his mind, Liang Ji suddenly collected the 'Star Book', and then came to the 'Altar of the Sun' in the city. The golden elixir in the sea of ​​consciousness rotated, and he used his escape technique to move along the 'Altar of the Sun' toward the stars and spirits deep in the earth. The pulse location flew away.

All the way down, Liang Ji could see the golden light and the power of stars moving in the 'Altar of the Sun' on the side, instilling towards the 'Star Spiritual Vein' deep in the altar and where it was established.

Finally, when Liang Ji escaped deep into the ground, he saw Yuyang's star spiritual veins again. At this time, the star spiritual veins had already transformed from the original foggy river into a long river of starlight, and with the injection of the power of the stars from the 'Altar of the Sun', Immediately, this long river of starlight was rendered, and the starlight gradually turned into gold, like the golden light of the sun.

At the same time, there is also golden light rendering in the upstream and downstream of the star spiritual veins and the long river of starlight. Together with the golden light poured in here, the entire long river of starlight is dyed into a long river of golden light.

This is above the star spiritual veins, and the golden light of the sun and the power of the stars poured into the other forty-eight 'Sun Altars' are playing a role.

In an instant, the long river of starlight turned into a long river of golden light, in which the light, spiritual power, and origin were greatly increased, and the star spiritual veins were temporarily improved and strengthened.

However, when this golden light bloomed to its peak, it began to gradually fall and dissipate, as if it had reached its peak. The golden light peeled off from the long river of starlight, leaked and dissipated from the long river of starlight. This long river of starlight and star spiritual veins, If one cannot retain the power of the stars brought by the 'Altar of the Sun' array, it will naturally be unable to maintain the short-term improvement and strengthening of the star's spiritual veins.

This is the main reason why Chu Yue and others failed to restore and strengthen the star spiritual veins several times in the past. Liang Ji had already seen this kind of change when Chu Yue and the others first tried it when they escaped into the star spiritual veins deep underground.

But this time, when the golden light and stellar power began to peel off and leak out again, different changes finally appeared in the star spiritual veins and the long river of starlight.

Wisps of dark light emerged from all over the starry river.

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