The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 563 Chu Yue’s Suggestion

After hearing Wu Shan's words, several people couldn't help but look at Chu Yue.

After all, this set of Yin and Yang Realm formations was mainly researched by Chu Yue based on the inheritance of the Yuyang Star natives. No one knows it better than her.

The joy on Chu Yue's face was slightly suppressed at this time, and she said thoughtfully: "Will this formation continue to work after the Yuyang Star's spiritual veins are restored to the seventh level?"

"Can we continue to upgrade the stars to the eighth or even ninth level?"

"To be honest, I'm not sure either."

"Although I am an Immortal Master of Formation Dao, and I have done extensive research on the indigenous heritage of Yuyang Star, my experience, knowledge, and cultivation realm are also limited."

"I don't even have the slightest research or understanding of eighth-level and ninth-level stars. Naturally, I don't know if this formation can promote Yuyang Star to eighth or even ninth level."

After hearing Chu Yue's words, several people present could not help but frown slightly.

Taoists other than Star Masters can only practice to the realm of third-level immortals, which is equivalent to seventh-level stars. They do not understand the realms of second-level and first-level stars, and naturally do not have enough knowledge and understanding of eighth-level stars and ninth-level stars.

Moreover, in the Star Alliance, it is strictly forbidden for monks from all the Taoist traditions to refine and study the stars of all levels within the Star Alliance. Therefore, except for the Star Master monks who study their own natal stars, the other monks of the Taoist traditions naturally have no way to study the stars and star spiritual veins. .

They can only practice to the realm of third-level immortals, and then choose to come to the outer star sea outside the Star Alliance to explore and find the spiritual stars for research.

It can be said that this Yuyang Star is probably Chu Yue's first time to practice and study real stars and spiritual veins. She was able to study this set of Yin and Yang two world formations only through the indigenous inheritance in Yuyang Star, and stimulate the stars. The increase in power, or the restoration of the strength of the star spiritual veins, although the increase is still very weak, is already a very remarkable achievement.

It is enough to show that Chu Yue has high talent and deep cultivation in the formation path.

"So, this time I called everyone together to discuss and decide on the next disposal plan for Yuyang Star."

Chu Yue said, looked at the first few people, and directly expressed her suggestions, saying:

"If we choose to occupy this Yuyang Star ourselves and slowly try to restore and improve the star spiritual veins, then it will take at least more than a thousand years to restore this Yuyang Star to a seventh-level star before we can determine whether we can continue to advance to the eighth level. , Ninth level stars.”

"This is such a waste of time. Although we are third-grade immortals, our lifespans are limited, and we don't have a few thousand years to waste."

Wu Shan and Wu Ling, two third-level immortals, nodded slightly and agreed with Chu Yue's words.

The maximum lifespan of a third-level immortal is only three thousand years. Even some methods of extending life are limited. And when they reach the third-level immortal realm, their lifespan is only a few hundred years. The older ones, such as Wu Shan, a veteran immortal, have three thousand years. The number is already over half.

They really don't have that much time to spend on such an experiment that they don't know whether it will succeed.

"So, my suggestion is to report the situation of Yuyang Star to the Star Alliance, and the Star Alliance will accept it and continue the arrangement and research of Yuyang Star."

"I believe that there are better formation masters and more resources in the Star Alliance, which can make Yuyang Star's 'Star Spiritual Veins' recover faster."

"There are even some eighth- and ninth-level Star Masters in the Star Alliance. Their cultivation and formation research are far superior to mine. Perhaps they can directly deduce whether this formation can Yuyang Star has been promoted to the eighth or ninth level."

"Anyway, with the results of this Yuyang Star and the 'Sun Altar' formation of the Yin and Yang Realms that we have developed, even if it is handed over to the Star Alliance, it will definitely be able to exchange for a lot of merits and benefits. As far as we are concerned, It’s not a loss.”

"Even if the Star Alliance can really develop a complete promotion method for the spiritual vein stars based on the Yuyang Star and perfect the path of the 'Earth Immortal Dao Lineage', our future progress will be more promising. "

Chu Yue said, with a bit of excitement on his face, and looked at Wu Shan and Wu Ling.

She knew very well that in this exploration team, Liang Ji and Peng Yue were both Star Master monks, and they were Star Master monks from the Star Palace. They had already walked on the Great Road to Heaven and were not worried about the future of cultivation.

But Wu Shan and Wu Ling were the same as her. They had reached the third-level immortal realm and had no way forward. They were eager to find a way to continue to advance and be promoted.

Therefore, to a certain extent, the three of them have common interests and needs, and they are also the easier targets for her to persuade and win over.

And as long as she can persuade and win over Wu Shan and Wu Ling, and the three of them agree, she will naturally be able to better convince Liang Ji and Peng Yue.

Sure enough, after listening to Chu Yue's words, Wu Shan and Wu Ling both had expressions of emotion on their faces, and their brows suddenly widened.

"I agree with Chu Yue!"

"We can hand over Yuyang Star to the Star Alliance, and let the Star Alliance senior officials continue to study and deduce it."

The Ghost Immortals and Five Spirits expressed their opinions directly on the spot and agreed with Chu Yue's suggestion.

Since in the underworld of Yuyang Star, the Five Spirits, Ghosts and Immortals let go of monsters and studied monsters, Liang Ji was worried, and after the ghost Wu Shanshan had the immortal Wu Shan warn the other party, although the Five Spirits, Ghosts and Immortals restrained themselves, Liang Ji It can also be clearly felt that there are some signs of estrangement and division in this small exploration team.

At this moment, Wuling Guixian agreed with Chu Yue's opinion without hesitation. The human immortal Wu Shan hesitated for a while and looked at Liang Ji and Peng Yue, but in the end he agreed with Chu Yue's opinion.

After all, this is related to his own subsequent path and practice. Even if Wu Shan has a closer relationship with Liang Ji, even if he has contact with the ghost Wu Shanshan, he has to consider his own practice.

As a result, three of the five members of the exploration team have agreed, forming a majority.

However, the opinion of the Star Alliance exploration team is never based on the number of people. Although Liang Ji and Peng Yue are only two people, they are both Star Master monks, whether they are in the Star Alliance, or in the external expansion legion, or In the exploration team, although they are small in number, they hold more and heavier say.

This is the reality in the Star Alliance. Star Lord monks have always occupied the dominant position and have far more and higher say than other Taoist monks, even if their cultivation is insufficient.

Therefore, Chu Yue gained the consent and support of Wu Ling and Wu Shan, which only increased her confidence. She also needed to persuade Liang Ji and Peng Yue to agree.

"Liang Ji, Peng Yue, I know that directly reporting to the Star Alliance and letting the Star Alliance take over Yuyang Star will do the greatest damage to your interests."

Chu Yue looked at Liang Ji and Peng Yue and said thoughtfully.

If the Star Alliance can perfect the Yin and Yang Realm 'Sun Altar' formation on Yuyang Star, truly realize the path to promotion to the spiritual stars, and perfect the path to the Earthly Immortal Tradition, Chu Yue, Wu Shan, and Wu Ling will naturally be able to obtain The greatest benefit; but the path of 'Earth Immortal Taoism' has no effect on Liang Ji and Peng Yue.

On the contrary, after Yuyang Star is handed over to the Star Alliance for the Star Alliance to study the method of spiritual vein star promotion here, Liang Ji and Peng Yue will not be able to mine spiritual stones, spiritual objects, spiritual vein roots, and stars in Yuyang Star. Source and other resources.

Therefore, the two of them would suffer the most if they handed over Yu Yangxing.

In particular, this Yuyang Star is a fourth-order star, and many of its resources, origins, spiritual roots, etc. are exactly what the two people need for the development of their natal stars.

"So, if you two agree, we can hand over 70% of the merits and benefits rewarded by the Star Alliance after turning over Yuyang Star to you to compensate for your losses."

"The three of us only get 10% each!"

Chu Yue directly stated the conditions.

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