The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 564 The Void Demon Group Attacks

After hearing Chu Yue's promise, Liang Ji and Peng Yueshang did not express their opinions, but the Five Spirits and Ghost Immortals on the side couldn't help but glance at Chu Yue.

Obviously, her promise was not discussed with Wu Ling and Wu Shan.

However, Wuling Guixian only glanced at it and did not raise any objections on the spot.

On the one hand, he also understood that if Liang Ji and Peng Yue wanted to agree, they must give up most of their merits and benefits.

On the other hand, Wu Ling also knew that in this expedition team, the two star masters Liang Ji and Peng Yue were in the same group, and Wu Shan also favored Liang Ji. This can be seen from the fact that Wu Shan specifically talked to him before and warned him to be careful of the devil. It seemed that it was Wu Shan's action, but in fact he knew very well what Liang Ji meant behind it.

Therefore, if he did not want to be completely isolated in this exploration team, he must form an alliance with Chu Yue. Naturally, he could not directly refute the other party's commitments and opinions.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue couldn't help but ponder after listening to Chu Yue's words.

Chu Yue's plan can be said to have advantages and disadvantages for them. The key is that it is difficult for them to estimate at the moment whether they will gain more income from mining the resources in Yuyang Star or the merits they will get from the Star Alliance after handing it over. , the reward benefits will be more.

Moreover, this also involves an issue of unity within the exploration team.

If the two of them insist on vetoing Chu Yue's opinion, they may be able to mine more resources and treasures from Yuyang Star, but in this case, their newly established exploration team may have to face the challenge after the first exploration mission. It's going to be disintegrated.

After the exploration team disintegrated, it would probably be even more difficult for them to find suitable third-level immortals to form a new exploration team.

Therefore, Liang Ji and Peng Yue discussed briefly and finally chose to agree with Chu Yue's opinion.

Anyway, as long as the exploration team is still there, we will naturally be able to explore and discover more spiritual stars and mine more resources and treasures later.

This was their first exploration of the outside world. Within a few years, they successfully discovered the 'Yuyang Star', which undoubtedly gave Liang Ji and Peng Yue more confidence that they would discover the second, third, and even the tenth star in the future. One or more spiritual vein stars will not be difficult.


"I agree!"

Liang Ji and Peng Yue each agreed.

"Okay!" Chu Yue got everyone's agreement, her face became more and more happy, and she said with a smile: "I believe everyone will not regret this choice..."

"Beep! Alert! A large number of void demonic beasts have been discovered, and there are signs of forming a void demonic tide!"

"Alert! A large number of void monsters have entered the Twin Sun Galaxy!"

"Exploration team, please take precautions!"

Before Chu Yue finished speaking, the five members of the team almost simultaneously received the sound of alarms coming from the starship in space.

The expressions of several people changed when they heard this, and Liang Ji immediately raised the 'Star Book' and connected the formations in the starship. A starlight shot out from the 'Star Book' and turned into a curtain of light in front of several people. The scene of starship exploration appeared in the light curtain.

Liang Ji and others stayed in Yuyang Star for several years, while exploiting the resources and spiritual objects on Yuyang Star, while studying the improvement of spiritual vein stars.

But in the past few years, the starship they took did not always stay outside Yuyang Star, but had already traveled throughout the Double Sun Galaxy where Yuyang Star was located.

Special detectors were also placed at key points in the Double Sun Galaxy, as well as at various locations on the periphery of the galaxy, to coordinate with the starships in monitoring the situation inside and outside the entire Double Sun Galaxy.

This monitoring system can, on the one hand, help Liang Ji and the others search for some resources and spiritual objects born in the void of the galaxy and those born in the Death Star, so that while Liang Ji and the others are mining the spiritual objects of the Yuyang Star, they will not Miss the spiritual creature born in the void of the Double Sun Galaxy.

On the other hand, in order to cooperate with Chu Yue and others in studying the recovery and promotion experiments of Yuyang Star, the 'Sun Altar' formation was launched several times. The starship was able to observe the explosion of twin stars and the power of stars from space. The traction situation relies on this monitoring system.

Finally, this monitoring system can also monitor possible dangers inside and outside the galaxy.

At this moment, through this monitoring system, the light screen emitted by Liang Ji's "Star Mirror" clearly showed that there were a large number of various void monsters surging in outside the Double Sun Galaxy.

Void Blue Chapter, Void Golden Snake, Void Mirage, Void Giant Whale, Void Golden Crow, Void Fire Lion, etc. Various familiar and unfamiliar void monsters appeared in the light curtain and charged towards the Double Sun Galaxy where they were located. Come.

Even when the light curtain is manifesting, there will be some explosions and fires erupting at the edge of the galaxy and in the void wherever the void monsters rush through. At this time, the light curtain emitted by the 'Star Book' will shake. , and then changes the angle to show the situation of the void monster rushing from outside the galaxy.

When Liang Ji saw this, he knew that those explosions and shining fires were the detectors arranged by the starship around the galaxy. They cooperated with the starship to monitor the surroundings. Now they were destroyed by these incoming void monsters.

"How come there are so many void monsters charging at you?"

The Five Spirits and Ghost Immortals looked at the void demon beasts that almost formed a demon tide in the picture, and couldn't help but change their expressions slightly.

Although the Void Demon Clan shown in the Star Diary Light Screen were basically only middle and lower classes, there were so many of them that even he, a third-grade ghost immortal, felt frightened.

What's more, no one knows whether there are high-level void monsters lurking among or behind these void monsters!

"It's the power of the stars!" The experienced human immortal Wu Shan was the first to react and said in a deep voice: "It's the explosion of the power of the stars that attracted these void monsters!"

Liang Ji and others reacted instantly when they heard this.

In the past few years, in order to study how to restore and strengthen the "star spiritual veins" of Yuyang Star, they activated the "Sun Altar" formation among the stars no less than ten times, triggering the twin stars in the center of the galaxy to explode with stellar power.

Although, with the traction of the 'Altar of the Sun' formation, most of the stellar power that explodes each time is directly pulled to the Yuyang Star, and is sent into the star spiritual veins with the movement of the formation.

However, with more than ten stellar explosions, some of the stellar power has spread to various parts of the galaxy and even outside the galaxy.

Moreover, every explosion of a star is like a flame in the dark night, always attracting the attention of the void monsters wandering in the void.

Therefore, it is not a strange thing to attract the arrival of void monsters and invade this twin-yang galaxy.

On the contrary, it took several years to attract the attack of these void monsters, which already shows that they have done a good job in controlling and preventing the explosion of stellar power.

"They cannot be allowed to invade Yuyang Star. We must block these void monsters from the galaxy as much as possible." At this time, Chu Yue spoke up first, "Otherwise, all the efforts we have made in the past few years may be ruined. !”

"Return to the starship!"

"Start the formation!"

"Destroy the void demon group!"

Liang Ji and others also made a decision directly without further delay.

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