The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 565 Star Map Formation

In the Double Sun Galaxy where Yuyang Star is located, the starship sails directly from the void outside Yuyang Star and rushes to the center of the galaxy where the twin stars are located.

Wherever the starship passed, streaks of starlight were emitted from the starship, scattering everywhere inside and outside the galaxy.

Wherever the starlight falls, there are often stars, void nodes, or meteorite belts lit up by the starlight, criss-crossing to form a 'star map' array, covering the entire Double Sun Galaxy.

The Star Map Array is a great achievement of the Star Alliance's hundreds of thousands of years of research on the innate spiritual treasure "Celestial Star Array". It can use stars, the void, and the galaxy as the base points, and the array eyes can be deployed in the void star sea. Used to protect stars, galaxies, and the void star sea.

For example, the Iron Wall Galaxy where Liang Ji and the others serve in the Third External Expansion Corps are equipped with the 'Galaxy Star Map Array' to protect the entire Iron Wall Galaxy and the Third Expansion Legion.

Even when the Star Master monks are practicing in the third stage of refining the void, if they want to refine the four natal stars, the sun, the moon and the stars into the false ones, and refine the void into the real ones, they also need to use these sun, moon and stars to set up a "star map array" to serve as the natal stars. Added means of galaxy defense.

Similarly, Liang Ji and his other teams exploring the star sea outside the Star Alliance also mastered the inheritance and formation methods of the "Star Map Formation". Even the inheritance and formation methods of this 'Star Map Formation' do not need to be mastered by the members of the exploration team, but are directly designed in the starships they rent.

When the external expansion team discovers a suitable target in the outer star sea, selects the spiritual star, and takes a starship to explore the void and galaxy conditions around the star, the inheritance of the 'Star Map Array' designed in the starship can be based on Based on this information and intelligence, the corresponding 'Star Map Array' can be designed by oneself.

Such a 'star map array' designed by the starship weapon spirit may not be 100% suitable for the galaxy where it is located, but at least most of it is suitable. Once successfully arranged, it is enough to protect the spiritual stars discovered by the exploration team in most cases. .

Later, whether the exploration team turns over the discovered spiritual stars to the Star Alliance or keeps them for development, they will naturally be able to find specialized personnel from the Star Alliance to fine-tune the 'Star Map Array' so that it can It is more consistent with the galaxy where it is located and more powerful.

Now, this is the case of the Double Sun Galaxy where the Yuyang Star discovered by Liang Ji and the others is located.

As early as a few years ago, when they drove starships to patrol inside and outside the galaxy, and when setting up inspection points, they had already used the power of starships to initially lay out the 'Star Map Array' in the galaxy.

In fact, the locations of the monitoring points inside and outside the galaxy are all the eyes and nodes of the 'Star Map Array', and they are part of the 'Star Map Array'.

Therefore, when Liang Ji and the others saw that the void monsters had rushed into the galaxy and even destroyed some monitoring points arranged at the edge of the galaxy, the five of them did not hesitate and returned directly to the starship and launched the starship to counterattack.

Otherwise, if these void demon swarms are allowed to continue to penetrate into the galaxy and break through and destroy more monitoring points, array eye nodes, etc., it will only cause more and greater damage to the "Star Map Array" of the Double Sun Galaxy, which will naturally be more detrimental. They defend and resist these incoming void demon groups.

boom! boom! Rumble...

At this time, as the starship started, the "Star Map Array" arranged in the Double Sun Galaxy began to rotate. It seemed as if the entire Double Sun Galaxy was rotating. Starlights circulated in the star map, either like thunder or thunder. The sword light was too sharp, or it was like fire, blasting towards the void monsters that rushed into the galaxy.

The monsters in the void that were struck by starlight were really killed by thunder, killed by sword light, and burned by flames. A large number of corpses were left in the void.

However, when Liang Ji and others were sitting on the starship, controlling the entire galaxy's "Star Map Array" through the starship, they quickly discovered a problem.

"This 'Star Map Array' is, after all, a temporary arrangement in this galaxy that relies on the inheritance and array diagrams brought by the starships, not to mention the innate spiritual treasure within the Star Alliance, the 'Celestial Star Array' In comparison, it is far from comparable to the 'Star Map Array' of the Iron Wall Galaxy!"

Chu Yue, as the most knowledgeable formation master among the team, stretched out his hand to connect the light curtain manifested on the starship, checked the situation on the battlefields around the galaxy, and said in a deep voice:

"Now the power of this 'Star Map Array' can only kill low-level void monsters, it can only injure mid-level void monsters without killing them, and it has absolutely no lethality against high-level void monsters!"

Liang Ji and others had already seen clearly from the light curtain that the void monsters that were killed by the starlight emitted by the 'Star Map Array' and left lying in the void were basically low-level void monsters of the first to third levels.

As for those intermediate-level and even occasionally visible high-level void monsters, they rushed straight through the bombardment of numerous starlights in the 'Star Map Array' and continued to attack the interior of the galaxy.

Wherever it passes, it even causes huge damage to the "Star Map Array" covering the Double Sun Galaxy, constantly damaging and weakening the power of the "Star Map Array".

"After all, just relying on the temporary formation deployed by the starship to kill the largest number of low-level void monsters is already extremely effective."

Immortal Wu Shan answered the conversation at this time, but he did not feel it was a pity and only said:

"The number of remaining mid-level and high-level void monsters is small after all, and we still need to win them down."

As he spoke, he turned to Liang Ji and Peng Yue and said:

"Liang Ji, Peng Yue, I'll leave those mid-level void monsters to you two."

When Liang Ji and Peng Yue heard this, they each nodded and said there was no problem.

Although the combat power of their Familia is only at the fourth level, with the help of the 'Star Map Array', they can deal with those severely injured fifth and sixth level void monsters without any problem.

"Five Spirits, the two of us will deal with those high-level void monsters."

"Chu Yue will be sitting on the starship, controlling the entire 'Star Map Formation', and commanding the entire field to be ready to support various battlefields at any time."

Renxian Wushan has rich experience and quickly gives the most appropriate advice.

Wu Ling and Chu Yue did not object when they heard this, and nodded in agreement.

At that moment, after the task was assigned, Wu Shandang rushed out of the starship first. His body crashed through the void and teleported away. In the blink of an eye, he appeared on the other side of the galaxy, facing a giant creature that was as wide as the sea and stretched across the sky. High-level Void Chapter Demon.


The human immortal roared angrily, and his figure quickly grew in size. He directly activated the great magical powers of 'Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth' and 'Three Heads and Six Arms', and fought with the high-level Void Chapter Demon in the void.

On the other side, the actions of the Five Spirits and Ghosts were much more secretive. Liang Ji did not even notice when the other party left the starship, nor did he find any trace of the other party in the void of the galaxy.

It wasn't until a high-level void mirage monster as big as a mountain, more than 10,000 feet tall, with a double shell on its back struggled violently at the edge of the galaxy, erupting into a large fog of law that enveloped all directions. Only then did Liang Ji see some ghostly shadows flickering in the fog of law. Knowing that the Five Spirits Ghost Fairy had already fought against the high-level void mirage demon, it even seemed to have the upper hand.

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