The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 566 The ‘Altar of the Sun’ on the flying boat

In the void, Wu Shan and Wu Ling had each taken action to stop the high-level void monsters that rushed into the Shuangyang Galaxy. The largest number of low-level void monsters were basically crushed and killed by the 'Star Map Array' hosted by the starship.

Only some mid-level void monsters are left, still rampaging through the Twin Sun Galaxy's 'Star Map Array', attacking and destroying wantonly.

At the moment, Liang Ji and Peng Yue didn't waste any more time. They each activated the golden elixir and natal stars, and raised the 'Star Book' to open the starlight portal in the void.

Spaceships flew out from the two starlight portals one after another, divided into combat teams, and rushed to various parts of the galaxy to fight and fight with those mid-level void monsters.

The 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boat driven by Liang Ji's family members used the power of gods to suppress the void and monsters, and used the power of various elements such as wind, thunder, water, fire, ice, yin and yang to kill them.

Among the middle-level void monsters that broke into the galaxy and were severely damaged by the 'Star Map Array', a large number of fourth-level void monsters were no match for these Familia flying boats. At this time, they were quickly bombarded by the flying boats. Kill on the spot.

In particular, I don’t know whether it’s because Yuyang Star was previously sacrificed to become a place where void mirages lay their eggs; or because Chu Yue launched the ‘Sun Altar’ formation on Yuyang Star more than ten times, which caused the mirage to spread in the void. The power of stars contains more vitality.

Among these attracted void demon beasts, although there are more than a dozen groups and different void demon clans, the number of void mirages is the largest among them.

Among the low-level and mid-level void monsters that have appeared so far, void mirages account for more than half of them. Among the two high-level void monsters that have appeared, there is also a seventh-level void mirage. The five spirits, ghosts and immortals blocked Zheng Lie.

This was convenient for Liang Ji. He sent his family members to drive a ship of the 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boat. The first ones to focus on were the fourth-order void mirages that had suffered heavy losses. They killed them one by one on the spot, but within a moment they were gone again. Nearly ten level four void mirage demon pills were captured.

It was more than the fourth-level mirage demon pills he had harvested in the past few years.

Coincidentally, he had been delayed here on Yuyang Star for several years, and the fourth-level mirage demon elixir obtained from the previous hunting was almost consumed, and it was just in time to make up for it at this time.

hiss! howl……

However, these fourth-level void mirage monsters have condensed demon souls and possess spiritual wisdom. When they saw that they were not opponents, they all made the slightest sound and called for support.

As a result, several fifth-level and sixth-level void mirages came to support quickly, and the erupting mist and natural disaster quickly enveloped the battlefield, engulfing Liang Ji's family members and the 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boat.

Although these fifth-level and sixth-level void mirages were also severely damaged by the 'Star Map Array', the mist natural disasters they jointly set were also powerful. Liang Ji's family flying boats were suppressed by gods or bombarded by the power of elements. , it is difficult to break through the siege and erosion of these foggy natural disasters for a while.

What's more, golden light shot out from the open shells and conch shells of these void mirages from time to time, bombarding the Familia flying boats. In just a few moments, several flying boats were blasted through their defenses, killing the gods enshrined and entrusted in them. The defense of the flying boat was shattered, and the flying boat and the family members in it were killed.

Seeing this, the leading flagship in the flying boat team, the Biyan Thunder God Flying Boat, with the fourth generation Thunder Emperor sitting in it, immediately gave an order: "Array!"

The 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boats suddenly criss-crossed and formed an array. Thunder, fire, wind, water, etc. shot out from these flying boats, intertwining in the air to form a 'Ten Directions Destruction Battle Formation', gathering together The power of ten flying boats, ten types of family members, and ten kinds of gods merged into one, and turned into a blast of destructive divine light.

The divine light of destruction that shone with ten colors of light tore through the fog, penetrated the shell, and killed a severely injured fifth-level void mirage on the spot, harvesting a fifth-level void mirage demon pill.

At the same time, in the surrounding fog and natural disasters, groups of 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boats formed an array, blasting out beams of destructive divine light, tearing apart the fog and bombarding the incoming fifth- and sixth-order void mirages. .

There were more fifth-level void mirages that suffered heavy losses and were killed on the spot!


However, just relying on the battle formation composed of these fourth-order flying boats and the destructive divine light blasted out, there is still hope to kill the severely damaged fifth-order void mirage, but it is difficult to kill the severely damaged sixth-order void mirage.

On the contrary, the bombardment of the God of Destruction and the killing of several fifth-order void mirages further angered the leading sixth-order void mirage.

But when I saw the shell that was open and full of cracks, a roaring sound came from it, and a thick golden light blasted out from it, like thunder and a sword from the sky. Wherever it passed, it directly wiped out the surrounding flying boat teams from all directions. The battle formation was cut on the spot.

Among them, several leading Bi'an flying boats were cut down into the void one after another and exploded on the spot.

Teams of Biyuan Familia who were driving Biyuan flying boats, including the leader of the fourth generation Thunder Emperor, fell on the spot one after another, and turned into pieces together with the flying boats, floating in the void.

In just a blink of an eye, several of the 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boat teams were bombarded to pieces, scattered among the misty natural disasters spread by the sixth-order void mirage, making it even harder to withstand the attack of the sixth-order mirage.

"not good!"

"Start the 'Altar of the Sun' quickly!"

Seeing this, shouts of exclamation and orders rang out from each of the 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boats.

The next moment, on top of the dozens of Wanxiang Mountain flying boats left in the mist, the manifested gods such as Chaofeng, Chiki, Suanniu, Yasu, and Prisoner Niu were holding golden altars one after another. 'Come.

The golden altars are lined with patterns, forming the pattern of the sun, which is modeled after the 'Altar of the Sun' on the Yuyang Star.

Liang Ji has been hovering in the Yuyang star for several years, and nearly a thousand years have passed in the natal star. The lower-level family members have changed several generations, so naturally there is no growth.

In the past nearly a thousand years, Liang Ji's formation masters, talisman masters, weapon masters, flying boat casters, etc. have already completely digested a lot of knowledge and inheritance about the 'Sun Altar' formation passed down by Chu Yue, and even Transform it into a method suitable for the dependent clan itself.

And during these thousand years, the "Wanxiang Mountain" flying boat template of the family members was transformed, and part of the effectiveness and power of the "Sun Altar" was integrated into these "Wanxiang Mountain" flying boats.

This is also one of the main purposes for many star master monks in the Star Alliance to come to the outer star sea to explore the spiritual stars and life stars. It is not only to search for and develop the spiritual objects and resources of the natal stars, but also to explore and study these stars. The essence of indigenous civilization and inheritance in the spiritual veins and stars of the outer realm can be used to enhance the development of the dependent clan.

And their biggest discovery and gain this time in the Yuyang Star is undoubtedly the 'Sun Altar' formation inherited by the indigenous people. Naturally, Liang Ji and Peng Yue will not let it go, and it has been introduced to the natal star family members long ago. Among them, let the dependents digest and integrate into their own development to enhance the development of the dependents.

At this time, the 'Altar of the Sun' held up by the gods on the 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boats was one of the results.

I saw the 'Sun Altars' being lifted up and activated by the gods. The patterns on them were flowing, and the illusory and real sun rose in the altars. The next moment, golden light beams shot out from these 'Sun Altars', breaking through the fog. , shot into the void, immediately causing the power of the star in the center of the galaxy to explode, and thousands of golden lights rushed in!

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