The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 567 Starship Transformation Requesting Star Alliance for Assistance

Thousands of golden rays shone through the fog, and even the misty natural disasters caused by the sixth-order void mirage were torn to pieces by the golden rays transformed by the power of these stars.

"Gather together!"

Among the surviving flying boats, orders rang out again, and the 'Altar of the Sun' held by the gods immediately flew up and formed an array in the void, forming a large array of 'Altar of the Sun'.

Under the operation of the large formation, thousands of golden lights shot from the void suddenly gathered together and turned into a bright beam of light, which was like a spear of the sun god directly blasting towards the sixth-order void mirage monster.

hiss! Roar……

Amidst the roar, the sixth-order void mirage demon erupted in mist and golden light, and used its shell defense to the extreme to resist the incoming sun's golden light divine spear.

But amid the roaring and shattering sounds, the sixth-order Void Mirage, which had suffered heavy losses under the ‘Star Map Formation’, could not withstand the blow from the Liang Ji Familia’s trump card.

The double shells on the back of the sixth-level mirage demon were blasted to pieces on the spot, the fog inside was blown away, the golden light shattered, and it died on the spot, leaving behind a sixth-level demon pill.

The surviving flying boats and dependents quickly cleaned up the battlefield, then reorganized and rushed to other battlefields in the galaxy.

The battle between Liang Ji's family members and the Void Mirage in a flying boat was just a corner of the battle in the entire Shuangyang Galaxy. At this time, looking at the battlefields inside and outside the entire galaxy, the situation was similar.

On the whole, the exploration team relied on the 'Star Map Formation' to control the entire scene, whether it was the battle between Liang Ji and Peng Yue's Familia flying boats and the mid-level void demon clan, or the battle between Wu Shan, Wuling and the high-level void demon clan. The battles are all about gaining the upper hand.

But this advantage is not an overwhelming advantage. With a large number of low-level void demons being killed by the formation, and a large number of mid-level void demons being bombarded by Liang Ji and Pengyue's flying boats, these low-level and mid-level void demons The clan's counterattack also caused a lot of damage to the 'Star Map Array'. Liang Ji and Peng Yue's family flying boats were also attacked and fell from time to time.

What's even more troublesome is that in the vast void outside the Twin Sun Galaxy, there are still a large number of void demon beasts that are constantly attacking. Although the number is not as large as the first batch of void demon beasts that rush in, they are still there. There is a steady stream of them, and they are of higher levels and stronger strength.

Among the first group of void monsters that rushed towards them, they were mainly low-level void monsters, and they looked more like cannon fodder that had been driven here. Among the void monsters that kept coming from behind, there were more mid-level monsters, and even new high-level void monsters appeared.

On the starship, Chu Yue immediately activated the formation on the starship upon seeing this. A huge 'Altar of the Sun' emerged, rose, and started on the starship, causing the twin stars in the center of the galaxy to erupt, and a majestic golden light struck. Come, be swallowed up and transformed by the 'Altar of the Sun' on the starship.

The next moment, countless golden lights centered on the starship spread to the entire galaxy's "Star Map Array". The starlights that criss-crossed and killed monsters all contained bright golden light. Their power suddenly increased, killing large areas. A low-level void monster that breaks into the galaxy.

Even the mid-level and fourth-level void monsters could not withstand the bombardment of starlight that merged with the golden light of the sun. They were killed on the spot one after another. The fifth- and sixth-level void monsters were also seriously injured and dying. Liang Ji and Peng Yue's family members even drove flying boats. There is no need to set up a formation or set up an 'Altar of the Sun' to surround and kill these severely injured and dying fifth- and sixth-order void monsters.

Not only that, under Chu Yue's control, two 'Sun Golden Spears' were shot out from the 'Altar of the Sun' rising above the starship, directly hitting the two people who were fighting Wu Shan and Wuling at the edge of the galaxy. A seventh-level void demon clan.

Wu Shan and Wu Ling already had the upper hand in the battle with the incoming seventh-level void monsters, but it was difficult to defeat the enemy for a while. At this time, with the help of the golden spear fired from the starship 'Altar of the Sun' , instantly severely inflicting heavy damage on their respective opponents and defeating them.

There is no doubt that the 'Altar of the Sun' on the starship was renovated and decorated by everyone under the leadership of Chu Yue in the past few years.

The starships leased by the Covenant Outland Exploration Team from the Outer Expansion Legion often have fixed templates, of which formations, restrictions, etc. are all basic models.

If the exploration team wants to improve the starship's formation, restraint power, and transform the starship, it needs to rely on the team's own strength.

The inheritance and resources obtained by the exploration team in the outer realm can also be used for the transformation and improvement of starships.

Therefore, the starships of many veteran exploration teams of the Covenant have often been transformed and upgraded many times, incorporating the inheritance and resources discovered by many exploration teams, and they often have their own characteristics.

Liang Ji and the others built the 'Altar of the Sun' on top of the starship, which can be regarded as the first modification and upgrade of the starship.

"Liang Ji, Peng Yue!" Although Chu Yue used the 'Altar of the Sun' on the starship to help solve most of the void monsters that rushed into the galaxy and suppressed the entire battlefield for a while, she was obviously not optimistic about the next battle. , directly called Liang Ji and Peng Yue, and said: "The explosions of stellar power that we triggered several times will definitely attract more void monsters to attack in the void. Only the strength of our team can block it once or twice, but It’s absolutely impossible to withstand five or ten impacts!”

"We must ask for help from the Star Alliance. It just so happens that we should hand over the Sun Bathing Star and the 'Altar of the Sun' array to the Star Alliance."

Liang Ji stood on the starship. Through the detection array on the starship and the many family ships sent out, he also had a very good understanding of the fighting situation in the entire galaxy.

He knew very well that what Chu Yue said was very correct. Although they had eliminated the first batch of void monsters that rushed into the galaxy, the 'Star Map Array' initially deployed in the galaxy was also destroyed in the battle. Nearly one-tenth of the time, the power of the 'Star Map Array' has been declining.

In their previous battles, both his Familia flying boat and Peng Yue's Familia flying boat had sacrificed the 'Sun Altar' to induce the power of the stars to help; Chu Yue even activated the 'Sun' built on the starship. The altar 'induces the power of the stars.

Although the first batch of incoming void monsters were quickly suppressed as a result, the power of the stars that was frequently activated was like a beacon in the darkness, constantly attracting more void monsters in the void of the surrounding star sea.

If they want to resist the incoming void monsters, they will inevitably continue to sacrifice the 'Sun Altar' to trigger more stellar power to explode, which will naturally attract more void monsters to attack. It is like a vicious circle that will eventually To the point where they are irresistible.

"What do you think?"

Liang Ji immediately asked other people in the team for their opinions.


"I also think we need to call for help."

Peng Yue, Wu Shan and Wu Ling all agreed.

"Okay, in that case, Peng Yue, let's locate the Star Alliance and send a signal for help."

Liang Ji no longer hesitated and spoke directly to Peng Yue.

The starship the exploration team was riding on had already left the star field near the Covenant Alliance and penetrated deep into the outer star sea. It was unknown how far away it was from the Covenant Alliance. It was naturally difficult to contact the Covenant Alliance to send messages only relying on the formations and restrictions on the starship. , positioning coordinates.

At this time, we can only rely on the Star Master monks in the exploration team to use the Star Master's natal star as the coordinates to locate the Covenant's position, send information, and locate the starship coordinates.

The dominant position and important role of the Star Master monks are very clear in many cases in the outer star sea and the exploration team.

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