The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 572 The void serves as the formation disk, the stars serve as the formation base, and the re

The 'Chaos Vortex' is located in the void and has the closest connection with the surrounding void, chaos, and the turbulent flow of many elements.

Even though Peng Yue had been preparing for several years, he had set up special formations and restrictions around it to temporarily isolate the 'Chaos Vortex' from the void, chaos, and elemental turbulence, and wanted to include it in his own 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' for sacrifice. It's not easy either.

Seeing that the starlight portal opened in the void began to shake and seemed to collapse, Peng Yue did not hesitate anymore. The starlight on his body suddenly shone brightly, forming a huge figure of the 'nine-tailed snake' behind him.

However, behind the figure of the 'nine-tailed snake', only four snake tails condensed into substance, while the other five snake tails were illusory and blurry.

Obviously, this is the magical power acquired by the Pengyue family members through practicing the inheritance of the 'Nine-tailed Snake', just like Liang Ji obtained magical powers such as the Great and Small Ruyi, the Law of Heaven, Elephants and Earth from the family members.

The 'nine-tailed snake' inheritance specially chosen by Peng Yue naturally has its own mysteries.

At this time, the phantom of the 'Nine-tailed Snake' appeared behind Peng Yue, and the four-color vortex and furnace in front of the starlight portal suddenly became brighter and more powerful, directly engulfing the 'chaos vortex' sweeping up in the void.

At the same time, in the starlight portal, many voices of praise and praise came out, and four-tailed snake figures that seemed to be illusory and real rushed out from it, pulling the four-color vortex, embracing the furnace, and working together to devour this The four-color vortex and furnace of the 'Chaos Vortex' were pulled into the starlight portal and back into the natal stars.

Obviously, this is the snake-man family among Pengyue's natal stars. They are also holding sacrifices and ceremonies to help Pengyue collect this 'chaos whirlpool'.

Seeing that the four-color vortex and furnace successfully recovered the natal stars, Peng Yue also let out a sigh of relief. No matter how hard he persisted in holding on to the magic formula in his hand, it collapsed directly, and the starlight portal opened in the void also collapsed.

Peng Yue's figure standing on the starship was so limp that he almost collapsed to the ground. However, the next moment, starlight burst out from his body. His pale face, limp figure, and stars all around him were shattered. The Guardian Star Technique was restored in an instant, and his eyes glowed with light. He stood on the starship deck with his head held high, showing no sign of weakness.

This is the power of the Star Lord monks. As long as the natal star is not destroyed and the star power is continuously transmitted, even if the Star Lord monks lose their magic power for a moment, they can quickly make up for it the next moment.

The natal star is the most powerful foundation for the Star Lord monks. If the foundation is not destroyed, the Star Lord monks will be undefeated!

"Okay." Peng Yue said in a relaxed tone, sensing the status of the natal stars and the 'melting furnace of all laws' within them, and couldn't help but show joy on his face, turned around and saluted Liang Ji and others, and said: "Thank you all for your guardianship and waiting. "

Liang Ji and others returned the favor with smiles, congratulating each other on their further progress.

In the past few years since the expedition team discovered Yuyang Star, Liang Ji, Chu Yue, Wu Shan, and Wu Ling have focused their main efforts on Yuyang Star. Although their purposes are different, the gains and results are basically all in Yuyang Star. On the star; only Peng Yue has focused his main energy on this 'chaotic vortex' for several years, and even gave up most of the gains on Yuyang Star, which shows the importance of this 'chaotic whirlpool' to him .

Now, Peng Yue has successfully collected this 'chaos whirlpool' and refined it into the 'melting pot of all laws' of his natal star. It will definitely be of great benefit to the development of his natal star and his own practice. Naturally, he deserves congratulations.

boom! boom! Rumble...

While several people were talking, suddenly there was a roaring and shaking sound coming from a distance.

Liang Ji and others turned around and saw that in the distant Double Sun Galaxy, five giant figures made of starlight appeared in the galaxy, standing around and in the center of the galaxy.

These five starlight giants are standing in the Double Sun Galaxy. They are stretching out their giant hands made of starlight, grabbing the stars in the Double Sun Galaxy, grabbing the stars from their original positions, sending them to new positions in the galaxy, and adjusting them. It shows the division and position of stars in the entire double-sun galaxy.

The sound of roaring and shaking is exactly the movement caused by these five starlight giants picking stars and placing them, which shakes the entire Twin Sun Galaxy and the surrounding void.

"Reach for the stars and get the moon! Move the stars and change the fight!"

On the starship, the human immortal Wu Shan couldn't help but exclaimed in praise when he saw this.

"This is the power that only seventh-level star masters can have! Although this is not the first time I have seen it, people can't help but be amazed every time they see it."

"Both are third-level cultivations. The gap between the immortals who are not from the Star Lord lineage and these Void Refining cultivators from the Star Lord lineage is really huge."

On the side, the newly promoted third-level immortals Chu Yue and Wu Ling were obviously witnessing such a scene for the first time. The seventh-level star master took action with all his strength, picking up the stars and the moon, using the stars as chess pieces and the sea of ​​​​stars as an array to control the entire Shuangyang galaxy. .

Both of them couldn't help but have a look of surprise on their faces, and they were speechless for a long time.

The seventh-level star master corresponds to the third-level Void Refining Realm. He can already refine the void, refine the false into the real, and refine the sun, moon and stars derived from the innate spiritual treasure "Celestial Star Array" around his own natal stars into real stars. , master the power of picking up the stars, grabbing the moon, and moving the stars.

At this time, as the five seventh-order star masters continued to move the stars in the Double Sun Galaxy, adjusting the positions and movement traces of the stars in the Double Sun Galaxy, starlight gradually rose up in the Double Sun Galaxy, covering the entire galaxy inside and outside. .

A 'Star Map Array' arranged with stars as its base points and eyes gradually formed in the Double Sun Galaxy.

"This is the real star map array!"

Formation Dao Immortal Master Chu Yue couldn't help but exclaimed as he looked at the large formation gradually forming in the Shuangyang Galaxy.

"The void serves as the array disk, the stars serve as the array base, and the galaxies serve as the array map!"

"This is the true appearance of the 'Star Map Array' developed by the Star Alliance after imitating the innate spiritual treasure 'Zhoutian Star Array'."

"It is far from comparable to the temporary formations deployed by starships before."

Previously, the temporary 'Star Map Array' deployed by starships in the Double Sun Galaxy mostly used array disks, formation flags, etc. as formation eyes and nodes. When faced with the attack of the Void Demon Tide, those formation disks and arrays The formation eyes and nodes such as flags will be destroyed by the void monster. After a big battle, less than half of the 'Star Map Formation' was destroyed.

But now, the five seventh-level star masters have directly moved the stars to form a "star map array" with the stars as the eyes and nodes. If another enemy attacks, the enemy will not be able to threaten them unless they destroy the stars in the array. The 'Star Map Array' that protects the Double Sun Galaxy.

The difference can be imagined.

As Chu Yue spoke, he took out an array disk and observed the formation of the five seventh-order star masters in the Shuangyang Galaxy. At the same time, he was deriving and learning from his own formation disk.

Liang Ji and others were not in a hurry to return to the Star Alliance at this time. They were all on the starship, watching the changes in the Double Sun Galaxy, and each had their own insights and gains.

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