The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 573 Star Map Sub-Array: The Star Alliance’s Development Path

Ning Zetian and other five seventh-level star masters spent a total of three months moving the stars and setting up the star map array in the Double Sun Galaxy.

Three months later, it can be said that the entire Double Sun Galaxy has changed drastically. The stars in the sky are arranged in an orderly manner, and the stars are connected like a star map spread out in the void, sealing off the inside and outside.

Although it seems that it is not as good as the star fields and galaxies within the Star Alliance, it is almost the same as the Iron Wall Galaxy that Liang Ji and the others have seen.

During these three months, Liang Ji and his party did not leave. Instead, they observed Ning Zetian and his team from outside the galaxy as they arranged the formation. Even later, they were no longer satisfied with just observing from one location, but drove the starship around the Double Sun Galaxy and observed from all directions.

Ning Zetian and the other five people had no intention of stopping them and allowed them to observe and learn.

After three months, each of the five people has gained something.

Chu Yue learned more profound ways of formation from it, Wu Shan learned many ways of strength from it, Wuling learned the ways of various voids, and Liang Ji and Peng Yue learned the ways of various stars and star magic experience from it.

They had already seen that Ning Zetian and others used various star techniques to move the stars, one of which was the star technique 'Star Picker'.

The Star Technique 'Star Picker' is a star technique with a very low lower limit and a very high upper limit. Liang Ji and Peng Yue are fourth-level star masters who have been able to learn and master it, while Ning Zetian and other seventh-level star masters still use it to move stars. You have to master this astrology.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue observed and gained insights from it, and gained a lot from the astrology "Star Reacher".

After three months, Ning Zetian and five others arranged the formation, and then the five starships were separated into five directions, with starlight emerging from each and sinking into the "star map array" arranged by the Double Sun Galaxy.

The large array started to rotate, and bright starlight started to circulate from all over the galaxy, like turbulent waves, converging on the center of the large array, where the twin stars were located.

The next moment, a bright golden light accompanied by starlight burst out from the twin stars and shot into the void.

In the void, starlight emerged, crisscrossed and connected, forming a larger star map that enveloped the Double Sun Galaxy, connected to the golden light emitted.

"That's... the Manggu Star Region, the Penglai Star Region, the Yinghai Star Region..." Liang Ji looked at the huge star map emerging in the void and quickly identified each of the star regions.

The general information of the Star Alliance's Thirty-Three Star Domains, including the appearance of the star domains, is the knowledge that Liang Ji and the others need to learn and master in the Star Palace.

At this time, it is natural to be able to identify these star fields at a glance.

"This is the projection of the innate spiritual treasure 'Zhoutian Star Array'!"

On the side, Peng Yue also recognized the star map emerging in the void and said in admiration.

As the golden light and starlight emitted from the Double Sun Galaxy continued to sink into the projection of the innate spiritual treasure 'Celestial Star Array' emerging above, outside the thirty-three-star domain of the projected 'Celestial Star Array', gradually A more illusory and smaller galaxy emerged.

"It's the Double Sun Galaxy!"

Liang Ji and others recognized at first glance that the illusory and small galaxy that appeared was the Double Sun Galaxy where they were at this time.

"This connects the Twin Sun Galaxy to the Star Alliance!"

"The star map array in the galaxy is connected with the innate spiritual treasure, the Zhoutian Star Array, and has become a part of the Zhoutian Star Array. Although it has not been integrated into one, it has also become the Zhoutian Star Array. The secondary formation of the Grand Formation!"

Formation Dao Immortal Master Chu Yue's face showed excitement at this time. Apparently, he had learned a lot from the operation of the 'Star Map Array' in the twin-yang galaxy and its connection with the innate spiritual treasure 'Zhoutian Star Array'. .

Liang Ji listened to Chu Yue's words, looked at the connection between the two formations in front of him, and recalled in his mind the many messages he had learned in the Kunlun Star Palace about the Star Alliance and the innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Formation" , I also realized a lot in my heart for a while.

The Star Alliance formed an external expansion corps to support the exploration teams formed by many star masters and high-level immortals. They continued to explore the outer star sea and search for more life stars and spiritual vein stars.

On the one hand, the purpose is to plunder the resources, inheritance, civilization, etc. of the outer star sea for the Star Alliance, but the more important reason is to expand and open up new star fields.

This is basically how the Star Alliance's Thirty-three Star Domains came about.

The most important step in the expansion of the Star Alliance and the development of the star field is to integrate the newly developed star field into the innate spiritual treasure "Celestial Star Array" and bring it under the protection of the array.

Now it seems that these galaxies and the 'Star Map Array' arranged in the star sea outside the Star Alliance should be prepared for this. The star arrays are connected and become the sub-arrays of the "Celestial Star Array". When necessary, these sub-arrays can be used as base points to expand the "Celestial Star Array" and include the star field where the galaxy is located in the array. , to open up a new star territory for the Star Alliance.

This is true for double-sun galaxies, and this is true for iron-walled galaxies.

Liang Ji believed that there must be many galaxies with similar arrangements of "Star Map Array" in the outer sea of ​​stars around the Star Alliance.

Nearly ten thousand years have passed since the last time the Star Alliance developed a new star field, the Manggu Starfield. After the previous chaos of the Earthly Immortals in the Manggu Starfield and the invasion of the God Realm, although the There was a lot of chaos and losses, but the Star Alliance basically eliminated the internal hidden dangers in the Manggu Star Territory and completely digested the Manggu Star Territory.

Even after the Earth Immortal Rebellion, although the Star Alliance has not completely opened up the path to a successful 'Earth Immortal Dao Lineage', it has at least seen hope and found a direction.

Nowadays, after thousands of years of development within the Star Alliance, whether it is the accumulated resources, materials, or the large number of monks from various sects trained, it has reached a peak level and has also reached a bottleneck.

Next, whether it is to break through bottlenecks or for the development and advancement of many internal monks, the Star Alliance may need to launch a new development war to open up the 34th Star Territory of the Star Alliance.

According to Liang Ji's estimation, this time may not be long, ranging from ten years to more than a hundred years. I am afraid that the pioneering war will begin.

When the time comes, these galaxies that are outside the Star Alliance and are linked to the innate spiritual treasure "Celestial Star Array" to form a sub-array will surely be the bridgehead for the Star Alliance's pioneering war.

I just don’t know in which direction the Star Alliance will launch a pioneering war. Will it be in the direction of the Twin Sun Galaxy?

Thoughts were swirling in Liang Ji's mind. The Shuangyang Galaxy over there had completed its connection with the innate spiritual treasure 'Celestial Star Array', and all the strange phenomena in the void had dissipated.

And they also received news from the seventh-order star master Ning Zetian: "The Shuangyang Galaxy has successfully connected with the Star Alliance. If you need it, you can directly teleport through the large array in the Shuangyang Galaxy and return to the Star Alliance or the Third Outer Expansion. Legion.”

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