The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 574 Returning to the Star Alliance, a team with an uncertain future

Liang Ji and others finally chose to return to the Covenant through the large array of the Double Sun Galaxy. As for their starship, they stayed here in the Double Sun Galaxy for the time being.

When the next time they explore the outside world, they can go directly to the Twin Sun Galaxy through the teleportation array, board the starship and continue exploring into the void star sea ahead.

In this way, there is no need to take a starship to travel between the Twin Sun Galaxy and the Covenant. These are all areas that have been explored. Sailing back and forth is just a waste of spiritual stones and energy in the starship.

Although Liang Ji and the others made a small profit from their first exploration operation, they could not afford too much such waste.

In a burst of starlight, Liang Ji passed through the star gate and came to an airport. Looking out from the airport, he could see the Iron Wall Galaxy not far away.

This is just outside the Iron Wall Galaxy where the Third Legion of Extension is stationed.

Liang Ji and others chose to return to the Star Alliance. Instead of being directly transported back to the Star Alliance, they first came to the place where the Third Legion was stationed to handle the formalities.

"It seems that the transmission through the secondary formation is no better than the transmission under the operation of the innate spiritual treasure 'Zhoutian Star Formation' within the Star Alliance."

Liang Ji looked back at the star gate that was gradually closing, and thought to himself.

Although the star gate is also opened through the power of the innate spiritual treasure 'Celestial Star Array', within the Star Alliance, Liang Ji's teleportation through the star gate is like crossing an ordinary portal, which is stable and normal.

But this time, through the secondary array of the Double Sun Galaxy, Liang Ji clearly felt that the transmission took longer. In the star gate, he could see the starlight flowing around him and the process of being transported in the starlight.

Because of this, Liang Ji had a better and deeper understanding of the star gate opened by the 'Zhoutian Star Array', and he could see more information from it.

"This should be a dual application of starlight and space power."

"On the one hand, use the power of the star map to open space teleportation, and on the other hand, use the power of starlight to protect the people and objects being teleported."

In the Star Alliance, the innate spiritual treasure 'Celestial Star Array' has complete control over the space and the power of the stars in the Star Alliance, so whether it is opening the space channel or guarding the stars, it can be done without any fuss. The monks who were teleporting in it were not aware of anything unusual.

But outside of this star alliance, although there is a secondary array of the Double Sun Galaxy connected to the "Zhoutian Star Array", the "Zhoutian Star Array" can control the Double Sun Galaxy and the Iron Wall Galaxy at most, but it is difficult to control the middle of the two galaxies. The vastness and emptiness.

In this way, opening the star gate teleportation is naturally more difficult and more expensive than within the Star Alliance, but the comfort level of teleportation is far inferior.

For this reason, the amount of spiritual stones required to open a star gate teleportation outside the Star Alliance is much higher than within the Star Alliance.

Of course, for Liang Ji and others who had just made a lot of money, they did not hesitate to pay for this transmission fee.

"Finally home."

Human Immortal Wu Shan looked at the surrounding airport and said with a smile.

"Although the Outer Domain Star Sea is good, it lacks spiritual food and fine wine. I will definitely enjoy it when I come back this time."

Exploring the outer star sea, everyone on the starship can only enjoy the spiritual objects cultivated by Liang Ji and Peng Yue's natal stars, not to mention that the quality is far inferior to the spiritual objects cultivated by the ninth-level stars in the Star Alliance. The classes are only middle and low-class, which can barely allow Wu Shan, Chu Yue and others to enter, but it is impossible to enjoy them.

Later, they took down the Yuyang Star, but it was a star that had been twisted and smeared by the Void Mirage. Although it was a star with spiritual veins, there were not many spiritual objects that could be used to make spiritual meals and spiritual brews. Naturally, it would also take a few years. There are few tasting opportunities.

Now that we have returned to the Star Alliance, even though we are still only expanding into the Iron Wall Galaxy where the Third Legion is stationed, we are still able to enjoy many spiritual objects, spiritual meals and other resources that are only available in the Star Alliance.

As for Renxian Wu Shan, as an old man who has been exploring in foreign lands for a long time, he is used to coming back from every adventure and enjoying it.

When Liang Ji heard Wu Shan's words, he was slightly moved in his heart. He turned to a few people and said with a smile: "Three seniors, Peng Yue, our exploration team successfully discovered Yuyang Star in the first operation, and we also made a lot of money." With meritorious deeds and spiritual stones, this return can be regarded as a victory."

"To celebrate this harvest and victory, how about I treat you to a treat and let everyone get together and then deal with their own affairs?"

Facing Liang Ji's invitation, the few people naturally had no objection. After all, they had already returned to the Star Alliance and were not in a hurry.

At the moment, several people took a starship at the airport and directly entered the Iron Wall Galaxy and entered the Iron Wall Star.

Liang Ji naturally chose the "Yujing Tower" owned by his senior sister Bian Yujiao in the Iron Wall Star for a treat. He had already contacted Yujing Tower when he was at the airport outside the star system and asked him to arrange a banquet in advance.

Unfortunately, senior Bian Yujiao is not in the Iron Wall Galaxy at this time, nor is she in the Star Alliance. The other party has followed his exploration team and once again entered the outer star sea to explore.

However, Yujing Tower is also aware of the relationship between Liang Ji and Senior Sister Bian, so the banquets prepared are of the highest standard, and there are even many high-end spiritual meals and spiritual brews for the three third-grade immortals to enjoy.

The guests and hosts enjoyed a banquet, but Liang Ji also saw that everyone had their own thoughts.

There is no doubt that Chu Yue is currently focused on the formation, and is still thinking about joining the research on the Yuyang Star's Sun Altar formation; and the Five Ghosts and Immortals, after an expedition to the outside world, also have adventure experience, He is no longer a newcomer, and although he didn't say anything in Yuyang Star before, there is obviously some distance between him and Liang Ji and Wu Shan because of the monsters in the underworld.

Now that he has returned to the Star Alliance, the other party seems to have other ideas in mind.

When the banquet ended, Liang Ji couldn't help but sigh. This first exploration was fruitful, but he was worried about whether he could find these suitable teammates for the second exploration.

It is obviously not an easy task to form a mature and cooperative expedition team in the outer star sea. It requires cooperation and integration on many expeditions.

In the banquet hall of Yujing Tower, the immortal Wu Shan did not leave in a hurry after the banquet. Hearing Liang Ji's sigh, the other party obviously understood Liang Ji's thoughts and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Liang, you don't need to be too embarrassed." Too worried.”

"It is not easy to form a suitable team for Outland Exploration."

"I have been exploring the outer regions for a long time, and I have seen many teams that are divided and combined. I have joined more than ten teams myself."

"Moreover, our team has already gone through an exploratory operation and gained a lot. With experience and benefits, it will be much easier to recruit people later than before."

"What's more, Fellow Daoist Chu Yue and Fellow Daoist Wuling may not choose to leave the team."

Wu Shan smiled and pointed out:

"It's hard to say that Wu Ling has deep thoughts, but it's not easy for fellow Taoist Chu Yue to join the research on Yuyang Star."

"The most important thing you should do now is to dispose of the spiritual objects and resources we harvested on Yuyang Star as soon as possible, and distribute the spiritual stones and benefits to everyone. Even if you cannot retain people, it will also help recruit new people later. .”

When Liang Ji heard this, his expression turned serious, he saluted Wu Shan and said, "Thank you, Senior Wu. I know how to do it."

No matter what, in the exploration team, the immortals Wu Shan and Peng Yue will not leave, and with them here, the exploration team can continue to maintain its existence.

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