The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 575 The Tie of the Heart Two or Three Things in the Star Palace

Star Alliance, Kunlun Star Palace, Kunlun Mountain.

Liang Ji took the starship back to the Star Alliance and once again saw the sacred mountain standing on the edge of the Star Alliance's star sea, guarding the border of one side.

Different from when I left, when I returned to the Star Alliance, looking all the way, the sacred mountain standing in the void grew from small to large, until it looked like a pillar reaching the sky in the distance, with no peak in sight, which was very shocking.

If the Iron Wall Star stationed by the Third Legion is a military camp stationed outside a city to protect the city; then the Kunlun Mountain standing on the edge of the Star Alliance is the city wall that protects the city. It is tall, powerful, and solid. .

Such powerful and solid city walls are distributed in all directions of the Star Alliance. They are all composed of star palaces and are the strongest defense line to protect the Star Alliance.

Although the Star Alliance has always pursued a policy of development and expansion, it has never slackened on its own protection. In this way, it has been possible to control the thirty-three stars for hundreds of thousands of years without losing a single star field.


At this time, the starship was approaching the Kunlun Mountain. There were stars emerging and buzzing on the mountain, and a divine light was shining towards the starship. Liang Ji stood on the starship and looked at it, as if it was the vast and infinite mountain directly across the sky. The suppression came, suppressing and imprisoning the entire starship, as well as the passengers and monks on the starship.

However, this feeling of suppression came and went quickly. Before everyone could react, the starlight had already swept across the entire starship, verifying its identity. The next moment, the suppressed starlight turned into a passage, and the starship sailed directly along the starlight and entered the airport of Kunlun Mountain.

"Finally home!"

Liang Ji looked at the familiar airport and the familiar scenery inside the sacred mountain, and couldn't help but smile on his face.

This time I went to the Outer Star Sea. Although it was only a few years, the experience was very different from that in the Star Alliance, and I gained a lot, but it was enough to make children who left home for the first time always miss home.

Just like the immortal Wu Shan, even an old man who has explored the outer star sea many times still likes to enjoy the fine wine and food of the Covenant after returning to the Iron Wall Galaxy.

"This is a kind of pull, a kind of bondage, just like the string of a kite, tying up the Star Lords and monks who are exploring the outer star sea!"

Liang Ji had a clear understanding in his heart.

This kind of involvement and restraint is undoubtedly very necessary. Otherwise, Star Lords and monks have been exploring the outer star sea for a long time, but they have no sense of belonging to the Star Alliance. It will be like a kite with broken strings, even if they can still find their way back. , I’m afraid he may not be willing to come back.

When the time comes, being immersed in the sea of ​​stars in the outer world will be a kind of loss and sinking.

"After the goods and star palace affairs are dealt with, go home and have a look."

Liang Ji thought about it and made a decision.

Liang Ji didn't mind this kind of involvement and restraint. On the contrary, he hoped that this kind of restraint would involve more and be stronger, instead of being like the human immortal Wu Shan. Apart from his granddaughter Wu Shanshan, he could only rely on the people in the Star Alliance. The fine wines and delicacies will pull and bind your heart to return home, so that you will not get lost in the sea of ​​stars in the outer world and the boundless void.

After some reflections, Liang Ji opened the 'Star Directory' and heard a series of notification sounds.

This is when he returned to the Star Alliance, and the 'Star Directory' connected to and logged into the Star Network in the Star Alliance, and began to receive a lot of information that had been retained on the Star Network in the past few years.

Liang Ji checked them one by one. There were greetings and messages of contact from relatives and friends, as well as messages from Kunlun Star Palace, Shande Building, Herborist Group and other groups that were related to Liang Ji.

What made Liang Ji a little speechless was that among these messages, there were more messages from Xinggong, Shandelou, Herborist Group, etc., far exceeding the contacts and greetings from relatives and friends.

However, the difference is that most of the messages sent by Kunlun Star Palace are bills. During his several years of exploration in the outer star sea, he received a bill every year, which recorded the principal amount of his loan from the Star Palace. , interest and other collection bills.

"Sure enough, without the benefits for new students, these loans will be a dead end."

Liang Ji suddenly felt that his previous insights were unnecessary. As long as he kept this loan, it might be the strongest tie and restraint.

Although he was complaining in his heart, Liang Ji still clicked on the latest bill, which detailed the information about his previous loans in the Star Palace, including the interest-free loan in the new life stage and the interest-bearing loan he had made for leasing the starship. loan.

"Put the freshmen loan aside for now. It's interest-free anyway, as long as you repay it within the valid time."

"It's an interest-bearing loan..." Liang Ji looked at the data and raised his eyebrows slightly, "In order to lease the starship, I borrowed 40,000 merits from the Star Palace, and now I need to repay 42,400 merits!"

"The annual interest rate is one percent. I'm afraid only in Star Palace can there be such a low loan."

Although Liang Ji spent most of his thoughts on cultivation these years, developing his natal stars and cultivating his dependents, as his cultivation became higher and his contacts became wider, he gradually became aware of many situations in the Star Alliance.

In the Star Alliance, there are also various loan channels, either public or private, but the interest rates are not lower than those in the Star Palace.

This is how each star palace takes care of its students.

"Perhaps I can repay the interest first, hold on to the principal temporarily, and save enough merit to buy the starship outright?"

Liang Ji suddenly had a new idea in his heart.

The starship belonging to the exploration team was leased for thirty years with 100,000 merits. After the time expired, if they wanted to continue the lease, they had to pay the rent again. Liang Ji couldn't help but buy the entire starship directly.

"On the first expedition, I discovered the Yuyang Star and bought more than 40,000 merits. If I earn more like this in the future, I may not be able to buy the starship outright."

"It's just that, according to what the seniors and seniors in the Star Palace Forum said, exploration in the outer realm does not yield results every time. Most of them spend several years in the outer realm, but it is difficult to find a living star. In this way Not only will there be no gains, but more likely losses.”

"If we lose a few more times, I'm afraid all the merit earned this time will be used to repay the interest."

Liang Ji thought for a while and decided to only pay back the interest and keep the principal temporarily.

"Wait a minute and wait for the second expedition to see the situation. If there are gains, I hope to buy the starship outright. If there are no gains, stop the loss in time."

With a decision in his mind, Liang Ji directly logged into the Star Palace official website and paid back the interest owed. Then he browsed the Star Palace official website forum to check out the exchanges of information among seniors and seniors about exploring the outer star sea, hoping to find out. Some money-making directions and clues may become the direction of the second adventure.

While browsing all the way, Liang Ji took a flying car back to his residence in Xinggong.

He checked some messages from his relatives and friends and responded in turn. Unfortunately, most of his seniors and sisters were no longer in Kunlun Star Palace. Master Akadema was still in retreat, so no one prepared a banquet for him for the time being.

Ding dong!

Liang Ji was thinking that there was new news coming from the 'Star Directory'. He clicked to check it, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"The Fengfeng Banquet is coming soon!"

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