The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 576 Shandelou and Herborist Group

Under the Kunlun Mountain, Kunlun City, Shande Tower!

This time, the person who held the feast for Liang Ji was not his relatives, friends, or seniors, but the local Shan Delou.

After Liang Ji received the information, he only hesitated for a moment before agreeing to the invitation.

When he first entered the path of star master cultivation, he signed an investment agreement with Shan Delou and Herborist Group. Although the spiritual stones he received investment at that time may seem like nothing now, they were important when he first entered the path of star master. of assistance.

Moreover, over the past 20 years, Liang Ji's cooperation with Shandelou and Herborist Group has been going well.

Now he is seeing that the thirty-year supply period he signed is coming to an end, and he has just completed his first exploration of the outside world, bringing back a large amount of resources and spiritual objects from the outside world for sale.

Liang Ji knew very well the purpose of the Feng Banquet organized by Shan De Lou for him this time.

If possible, he is willing to continue this cooperative relationship.

"Fellow Daoist Liang, welcome, welcome!" Liang Ji came to Shande Building and was greeted by a young man. After saluting him, he introduced himself with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Liang, I am the manager of Shande Building in Kunlun City two years ago. Just transferred here."

"Speaking of which, you and I are still from the same family. My surname is also Liang, and my name is Liang Shengxiao."

"Oh?" When Liang Ji heard this, he also showed a smile on his face and returned the greeting: "I have met fellow Taoist, and I would like to thank you for this invitation."

"Haha..." Liang Shengxiao smiled and said, "You're welcome, fellow Taoist. Over the years, our Shande Building has been very happy to cooperate with fellow Taoist."

"Now that fellow Taoist has returned from the outside world, when we at Shan De Tower learn the news, we naturally have to express something."

"I was worried that I would disturb fellow Taoists by inviting them rashly."

Liang Ji also smiled when he heard this and said: "No need to disturb me. I have been away from home for several years and I miss the food and wine in Shandelou."

"Haha, that's easy to say! It's easy to say!" Liang Shengxiao laughed when he heard this and said: "We at Shan Delou will definitely use all means this time to satisfy fellow Taoists."

While talking, Liang Shengxiao led Liang Ji towards Shande Tower.

"Fellow Daoist Liang, wait a minute!" At this time, a clear female voice came from the side and said with a smile: "Why don't we, the Herborist Group, treat this meal."

When Liang Ji and Liang Ji heard this, they couldn't help but turn around and saw a woman in a green shirt, with a face like a hibiscus, walking towards them with a smile.

"It turns out to be fellow Taoist Hua Daoist."

However, this Liang Ji knew him. He was the manager of Herborist Group in Kunlun City.

Liang Ji had met each other in the past 20 years when he was supplying goods to Shande Building and Herborist Group in Kunlun Star Palace.

Liang Shengxiao obviously knew the other party. Hearing this, he smiled and said, "Ms. Furong, what you said is wrong. This time we, Shandelou, are hosting a banquet for Fellow Daoist Liang. How can we allow you to come and invite us?"

"If your Herborist Group wants to invite Fellow Daoist Liang, please wait in line and wait until our banquet is over before inviting Fellow Daoist Liang."

Unfortunately, Herborist Group Manager Hua Furong did not accept his words and said with a smile: "Liang Shengxiao, Liang Daoyou is not only a distinguished guest of our Shande Building, but also a distinguished guest of our Herborist Group."

"Over the years, the cooperation between Daoyou Liang and our Herborist Group has been very pleasant."

"This time, Fellow Daoist Liang returns from the outside world. How can we, the Herborist Group, not make a gesture?"

As Hua Furong spoke, she emphasized the word 'outside', then turned to Liang Ji and bowed, saying, "Fellow Daoist Liang, can we, the Herborist Group, be included in this banquet?"

Seeing this, Liang Ji immediately understood what the other party meant.

The Herborist Group was worried that Shandelou would host a banquet first, and reached an agreement with him to select all the good goods, resources, and spiritual objects he brought back from the outside world. Later, the Herborist Group would host another banquet, and it would be difficult to find good goods. .

Now, Hua Furong wants to join the banquet and negotiate cooperation, acquisition and other agreements with Shan Delou, and Liang Ji naturally has no objection.

After all, as a seller, it would be of great benefit to him to have more bids.

And what Hua Furong said to him clearly pointed out this meaning.

At the moment, Liang Ji said with a smile: "Two fellow Taoists, I have been very happy to cooperate with Xian Delou and Herborist Group. When I first entered the path of star master cultivation, I also received a lot of support from Xander House and Herborist Group. I’m really grateful.”

"This time I have returned from the outer world, and I feel a little homesick. I will prepare to go home after I have taken care of the chores."

"In my opinion, it's better to put the banquet for both families together, instead of delaying the time by dividing it twice."

Hearing Liang Ji's words, Hua Furong smiled on her face, and she knew that Liang Ji would agree to her participation.

On the side, Liang Shengxiao kept a smile on his face, and there was no change. The person who can be the manager of Kunlun City's Shande Building is naturally not a simple person. He also smiled and said: "Haha... In this way, we won't delay Brother Liang too much." Go home and reunite.”

With that said, he turned to Hua Furong and said, "Ms. Furong, how about your and my family hosting this banquet together?"

"Thank you, fellow Taoist." Hua Furong saluted Liang Shengxiao and thanked her with a smile.

After all, this time, Herborist Group was one step behind and failed to get the news in time about Liang Ji's return and invited him first. Instead, Shandelou invited him first. It was extremely rude and presumptuous for her to come and interfere at this time.

However, she learned from the news from Herborist Group that Liang Ji's first exploration of the outside world was a great harvest, and he even received many rewards from the Star Alliance.

And the other party has been cooperating very well with their Herborist Group. If she can't catch such a high-quality customer, she may regret it.

However, Shande Building is also a big company that is no worse than their Herborist Group. Hua Furong doesn't want to offend Liang Shengxiao too deeply. Now that the other party is willing to be generous, she naturally won't push for an inch, but is very grateful.

As for Liang Shengxiao, when he saw Hua Furong arriving, he knew that it was impossible to monopolize the goods, resources, spiritual objects, etc. brought back by Liang Ji. So it was better to agree to the other party's participation without offending Liang Ji. , he can also earn favors from Hua Furong, and he will not lose.

At the moment, the three of them had different thoughts in their minds, but with smiles on their faces, they walked into the Shande Tower politely.

There are private rooms and banquets in the building that Liang Shengxiao has already ordered to prepare.

The banquet was very sumptuous. Although most of the spiritual meals and spiritual brews were middle-level, there were also two high-level spiritual meals.

Hua Furong joined in at this time and ordered four more high-end spiritual meals and a bottle of high-end spiritual wine to join the banquet, making this reception banquet more luxurious and high-end.

But it was a feast for Liang Ji.

The entire banquet was enjoyed by all the guests. When the banquet was halfway through, Liang Shengxiao and Hua Furong tacitly brought the topic to Liang Ji's harvest in this foreign adventure.

Liang Ji naturally understood what they meant, and without being too pretentious, he directly sent the two of them a detailed list of resources and spiritual objects obtained from their exploration of the outer star sea through the Star Directory, saying:

“I have had a great time working with both companies for many years.”

"I would like to hand over these supplies from the outside world directly to you for processing. You can give them as many spiritual stones as you like."

"However, after all, these goods do not belong to me alone, but to our entire expedition team. I also need to give adequate explanations to my other companions."

"So, I would like to ask you two fellow Taoists not to lower the price too harshly."

Hearing Liang Ji's words, Liang Shengxiao and Hua Furong both smiled and said, "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Liang, we are in a long-term cooperative relationship. We will continue to cooperate in the future, and the price will definitely satisfy Fellow Daoist."

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