The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 580: Muhuang Planet, Demon Meteor Ruins, Biluo Sea

"This is the famous 'Breath of Nature' of Jupiter!"

Peng Yue read the strategy and clearly knew the situation of the Wooden Emperor very well. He introduced it to Liang Ji with a smile.

"This 'breath of nature' is full of vitality and is very beneficial to injured, sick, and aging monks. Therefore, Jupiter is also a famous holy land for cultivation among the Star Alliance, attracting more than 70% of the tourists every year. I came here to cultivate myself.”

"There is even a saying on the Star Network that the 'breath of nature' accounts for half of the reason why Jupiter is ranked among the top 100 tourist destinations in the Star Alliance."

Liang Ji could also see at this time that among the tourists who had come off the starship around him, nearly half of them looked like they were not in good condition. They were injured, sick, aging, dying, etc. .

At the moment, the two of them were not in a hurry to get off the starship, respecting the elders and giving way to the weak.

"Peng Yue, we haven't stopped at the Jupiter Planet for a long time, only more than ten days. Since you read the guide and know where the fun is, it's better for you to be the tour guide."

Before getting off the starship, Liang Ji smiled at Peng Yue.

Hearing this, Peng Yue couldn't help but smile and said, "Didn't you say you weren't surprised after reading the guide?"

"I didn't read the guide." Liang Ji said with a smile, "So, everything I see will be a surprise."

"Haha... Okay." Peng Yue also said with a smile: "Then let me take you to try these top ten must-try vegetarian dishes in Jupiter, and take a look at the seven must-see beautiful places. Buy one and buy thirteen Plant a must-buy star specialty."

While the two were chatting and laughing, they got off the starship, rented a speed car directly from the city, and drove the speed car around the Jupiter Planet.

There is a lot of vegetation on the Jupiter Planet, occupying 90% of the planet's area. There are abundant types of spiritual plants among them, and there are even some spiritual plants that are unique to the Jupiter Planet.

Liang Ji and the two traveled by car, passing through various cities, secret realms, and spiritual plant courtyards. They tasted various spiritual plants, spiritual fruits, and vegetarian meals, and found that they were indeed more delicious than the spiritual meals, spiritual fruits, etc. found in most places in the Star Alliance. Delicious and better.

So wherever they go, after tasting spiritual plants, spiritual fruits, and vegetarian meals, Liang Ji and Peng Yue can't help but buy some local spiritual seeds and plant them into their natal stars. They want to plant them in their natal stars. Similar spiritual plants and spiritual fruits are cultivated among them.

In this way, they can improve the taste of the team members when they continue to explore the outer star sea later.

Even later, the two of them no longer followed Peng Yuecha's travel guides, but specifically used this method to find information on the delicious spiritual plants, spiritual fruits, vegetarian meals and other information on the Jupiter Planet.

The journey to beautiful scenery has also become a journey to gourmet food. The thirteen must-buy specialties of Muhuangxing have become thirty-three types of delicious spiritual plants and spiritual fruits.

When the two of them finished their journey to the Jupiter Planet and returned to the Qingyuan starship, Liang Ji couldn't help but sigh: "I seem to understand why the first thing that Senior Wu Shan did after returning from the outer star sea was to look for delicious spiritual meals. ”

"Sure enough, compared to the scenery and specialties, food is the most touching."

Peng Yue heard this and said with a smile: "It seems that I need to change my strategy for the dozens of tourist stars that I will pass later."

After saying that, the smiles on both of their faces became more and more intense, and they felt that their hearts and spirits were much more relaxed, as if they had received a baptism, and they no longer had the previous vigilance and fatigue in the outer star sea.

At this time, most of the thoughts and worries that fell on the outer star sea were recovered.

Afterwards, the Qingyuan starship sailed away from Jupiter, out of the galaxy, and re-entered the void. The formations and restrictions on the starship started to move, and the entire starship became a blue starlight, blending into the surrounding starlight in the void. , moving forward rapidly through the void.

Liang Ji was in the starship at this time. Although he could not control the main control of the Qingyuan starship, he could still compare how they navigated the starship through the void in the outer domain.

At this time, within the Star Alliance, although the starlight transformed by the Qingyuan starship is also traveling through the void, moving and teleporting, there are fixed roads in the void that the starlight travels through, which were opened up and perfected by the Star Alliance in the star field. The starlight path connects the "Star Map Array" everywhere inside and outside the Star Territory, and is an important part of the innate spiritual treasure "Celestial Star Array".

Therefore, Liang Ji clearly felt that the starlight transformed by the starships shuttled through the star roads within the Star Alliance, and its speed was significantly faster than their shuttle in the chaotic void of the outer star sea.

After all, in the outer star sea, there is chaos in the void, and there are no regular star paths. Even if the starship turns into starlight and travels through the void, it still needs to open its own path in the chaotic void.

Half a month later, the Qingyuan starship left the Mayfly Star Field, shuttled and advanced in the void between the star fields, and its speed did not decrease but increased.

Another month later, the starship was parked in front of a strange scene in the void. It was a high mountain emitting bright starlight, standing in the void, surrounded by dark void. It was difficult to see galaxies and stars in a large area of ​​void.

There are no stars or galaxies in such a large area of ​​​​the void, which is rare even in the outer star sea, let alone in this Star Alliance.

All because of the ‘Mountain of Starlight’ standing in the void ahead.

"Ahead are the ruins of the Demon Meteor, the ruins where the Canopy Sage killed the ninth-order void demon beast. Look at the 'Mountain of Starlight' stretching tens of thousands of feet in the void in front of you. That is the ninth-order void demon beast that collapsed after the ninth-order void demon beast was killed. The imprint left by the power of the void monster in the void."

"This brand has transformed from a virtual reality into a real mountain in the void. It is said that it contains the power and avenue of the ninth-level void monster; there are even legends that it contains the inheritance of the Canopy Saint, and it attracts a large number of people every year. Star Lords and monks come to watch and understand.”

In the Qingyuan starship, another notification sounded, introducing another tourist attraction that the starship was about to arrive at.

"This time the Qingyuan starship will stay at this demonic fall ruins for five days. You can take the starship to get close to the demonic meteorite ruins and visit."

As the Qingyuan stopped in front of the ruins of the demonic fall, Liang Ji and Peng Yue also boarded the starship to visit and gain insights around the 'Mountain of Starlight', the imprint left by the ninth-level demonic beast after its fall.

But perhaps the saint and the ninth-level monster were both too high-level, and neither of them gained much, which was not as good as the various spiritual seeds purchased earlier on the Jupiter Planet.

Five days later, the starship Qingyuan continued to set off.

Another month, the starship sailed into the Biluo star field. In this star field, the Qingyuan starship docked twice. Once it was an indigenous star, Frost Snow Star. Among the indigenous stars, there were various kinds of stars. It is famous for its wonders of frost and snow. Although it is not among the top 100 in the Star Alliance, it is a rare beauty on the route that the Qingyuan starship is currently sailing on. Therefore, the starship stayed for seven days to accommodate passengers. Play and watch.

The second place to stop is a strange scene in the void in the Star Territory, the 'Blue Falling Sea', a special ocean that exists in the void, which is also the origin of the name of this Star Territory.

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