The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 581 Arriving home and signing the agreement

Jupiter Star, Demon Meteor Ruins, Biluohai, Yuntian Star, Canopy Star, Hengsha Galaxy, Life Tree Galaxy, Spirit Beast Star, Firefly Mystery Domain, Void Snow Country, Storm Ridge, Lei Ze Star.

The starship Qingyuan that Liang Ji and Peng Yue boarded was specially designed to run these tourist routes. It traveled across five star fields and visited more than ten scenic spots in various stars, galaxies, and voids. It took nearly a year to arrive. The destination is Penglai Star Territory.

This was impossible for Liang Ji in the past. In the past, he used to teleport directly through star gates when traveling to various star regions. He could travel to multiple star regions in a few days. The time and energy saved were all used for hunting. The Void Demon Clan is doing tasks, making money, cultivating natal stars and practicing.

That is to say, now that he has advanced to the fourth level of Star Master and has gained the rewards of overseas exploration, whether it is earning spiritual stones, resources, or cultivating his natal stars and his own cultivation, he no longer has to be as busy as he was in the first three levels.

On the contrary, what is needed more is to relax and combine work with rest.

"Sure enough, mid-level practice is different from low-level practice."

After arriving in the Penglai Star Territory, Liang Ji and the two disembarked from the Qingyuan starship and ended their journey. Feeling the relaxation and baptism of their minds along the way, he couldn't help but sigh.

When Peng Yue heard this, he smiled and said: "This is why we successfully found the spiritual stars in our last expedition to the outside world. We gained a lot. Now we have the time and money to go on such a trip."

"If the next adventure fails a few times and loses too much, I'm afraid I won't be in the mood to travel."

"I know a few seniors and senior sisters in the Vientiane Star Palace, and they often have a headache due to the loss of money from exploring the outer realms."

Liang Ji also nodded slightly when he heard this. Whether it was the experience of his seniors from the Star Palace Forum or his own practice in previous explorations, he already understood that exploration in foreign lands often results in big profits and long-term losses.

He still remembers that when he was admitted to Kunlun Star Palace and logged into the official website of the Star Palace for the first time, he saw a senior with the nickname 'Sword God' swiping the screen in the 'student loan' module of the official website. It was obviously too much. The expedition to the outer lands failed and he lost so much that he had to take out multiple loans from the Star Palace to finance the expeditions to the outer lands. However, those who lost money could not repay the loans and were blacklisted.

It can be seen that there are many risks of losing money when exploring foreign lands.

As for the senior 'Sword God', Liang Ji never saw another message from him on the Star Palace official website. He didn't know whether he had graduated long ago or had an accident while exploring in foreign lands.

With thoughts swirling in his mind, Liang Ji also understood what Peng Yue meant, and immediately said: "So, for this foreign adventure, it is better to find some investors to sponsor and bear the risk of losing money together."

"You have all read the investment agreement provided by Xiande Building and Herborist Group. If there are no problems, we will sign an investment agreement with Xiande Building and Herborist Group."

In the past year, although Liang Ji and Peng Yue have focused most of their energy and thoughts on traveling, they have not given up all their work on the expedition team.

During the trip, Liang Ji, Peng Yue, Wu Shan and others also communicated many times through the Star Network Group, and fully understood the mainstream foreign exploration investment agreements in the Star Alliance today, and also entered into investment agreements with Shandelou and Herborist Group. A detailed comparison was made.

They even asked familiar seniors, sisters, and mentors in the Star Palace for their opinions.

Perhaps because Liang Ji has always cooperated well with the two companies, and the two companies are indeed optimistic about him, the investment agreement they gave is one to two percent better than the ordinary agreements on the market.

According to the experienced Wu Shan, there are many expedition teams that receive funding from companies and organizations during overseas expeditions. The agreements provided by Shandelou and Herborist Group are often those that have had many agreements with large companies and groups. A plan that can only be given by a team with successful expeditions and mature experience.

This time, the two companies were able to provide such an agreement to their newly formed team, which had only conducted one expedition, which was already a very good condition.

At least, the members of the team cannot find other companies or organizations that can provide better investment agreements.

After all, Wu Shan, Chu Yue, Wu Ling and other monks who practice other Taoist traditions, even if they have reached the realm of third-level immortals, it is often difficult to have a deep relationship with the big companies and groups in the Star Alliance.

Large companies and large groups have always invested in Star Master monks and have never invested in other Taoist monks.

As for Peng Yue, another Star Master cultivator in the team, because he was born in a Star Master family, since he embarked on the path of Star Master cultivation, he has been able to overcome the early difficulties with the support of his family, but he has never accepted any company, With funding from the group, naturally there are no connections or connections in this area.

"Okay, let's sign the contract between Shan De Lou and Herborist Group."

Peng Yue also smiled and nodded.

"With the investment support from two large companies, I believe that the next time we conduct external exploration, whether it is manpower, equipment or materials, we will be more prepared."

"When the time comes, the harvest will definitely be greater and more abundant than the first exploration of the outer realm."

"I'll lend you your good words." Liang Ji continued with a smile, and then he contacted Liang Shengxiao and Hua Furong directly through the Star Network and expressed his willingness to accept the investment agreement between the two companies.

Liang Shengxiao and Hua Furong also responded quickly. After congratulating each other and being humble, the three agreed to sign the agreement in Liang Ji's hometown, Xiu She City on the Tian Snake Star.

When Liang Ji first embarked on the path of star master cultivation, he signed the investment agreement between Shandelou and Herborist Group at his home in Xiushe City. Now he will sign a new investment agreement for foreign adventure with the two companies at home.

Although they all signed investment agreements, Liang Ji is no longer what it used to be, and the new agreements are more focused on cooperation.

After taking the starship back to the Serpentine Star, Liang Ji and Peng Yue did not delay any longer, and returned directly to Xiu She City, and then returned home.

Before returning this time, Liang Ji had already greeted his parents on the Star Network and even confirmed the date of his arrival home.

So, when he got home, his parents were at home.

Of course, over the years, as he and his parents have continuously improved in cultivation and status, they have moved several times in more than 20 years. At first, their home was on the outskirts of Xiu She City, close to the suburbs outside the city, which was convenient for him. The parents went to work in the rented spiritual fields. Later, they moved several times. After each move, the new home was located closer to the center of Xiushe.

A few years ago, after Liang Ji advanced to the fourth-level Star Lord, his parents moved again. This time, the new home was located in the central core area of ​​Xiu She City, close to several Star Lord families in the city, namely the Yun family and the Zhang family. The Peng family and the Peng family are in the same area.

This core area is located on a node of the Heavenly Serpent's star spiritual veins, and the concentration of spiritual energy on it is far higher than other areas in Xiu She City. Moving here is at least a great benefit to their cultivation.

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