The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 582 Parents’ Worries

The Star Alliance has thirty-three stars, among which the Penglai Star Territory is only ranked in the middle and lower grades. The Serpentis Star is not considered high-class in the Penglai Star Territory, and the Snake City is only ranked in the middle or lower reaches in the Serpentis Star Territory. .

The highest ranking was achieved by Liang Ji and his group of Star Master monks.

If this were not the case, it would not have been difficult for Tian Snake City to have a star master monk who had been admitted to the star palace for many years before Liang Ji and his group.

All this shows that the resources, status, strength, etc. of Xiu Snake City are not ranked among the Star Alliance.

Therefore, in a place like this, a middle-level Star Lord monk is enough to support a family into the top power level of the city.

For example, those who are in charge of Xiu She City, Mayor Yun, Director Zhang, Captain Tie, etc. are all only mid-level star masters, and the principals of each star master school are only fourth- and fifth-level star masters.

Moreover, these mid-level Star Masters are basically from academies and palaces. Their cultivation path as Star Masters basically has a weak foundation and limited prospects, and few of them can be promoted to high-level Star Masters.

Therefore, after Liang Ji advanced to the fourth-level star master a few years ago, even if he had just advanced, even before he could find a fourth-level mirage demon elixir, his parents had already been killed by the Yun family, Zhang family, The Tie family and others welcomed into the core area of ​​Snake Xiu City and moved into their new home in the core area, enjoying the best spiritual energy, resources and other cultivation environment in Snake Xiu City.

Cultivation, status, and resources for enjoyment have always been closely related and complementary to each other.

Benefiting from this, Liang Ji discovered when he got home that his parents' cultivation levels had also advanced to the intermediate level. His father's cultivation of human immortal Taoism had reached the sixth level of mind refining, and his mother's cultivation as a Qi Refiner had also been completed not long ago. Chengjindan advanced to the sixth level.

Such a level of cultivation is almost the top among relatives on both sides of the family in the past.

Although the Star Alliance is a practice for all people, and has a large number of spiritual objects and resources cultivated by many Star Lords to provide for the practice of all people, but due to restrictions in inheritance, resources, qualifications, etc., more than half of the monks may have difficulty breaking through to the intermediate level in their lifetime. Low level practice.

And among the remaining half of the monks, most can only work at the middle level. After all, only a few can break through the high level.

Regardless of the fact that since Liang Ji entered cultivation, most of the other Taoist monks he has come into contact with are high-level ones, and the ones he has formed an expedition team to cooperate with are all third-grade immortals.

That can only show that the Star Lord Taoist monks have a high status in the Star Alliance, not to mention that his background of Kunlun Star Palace has enhanced his status, so that the monks he comes into contact with are either Star Lord monks or others. A high-ranking Taoist monk.

If it weren't for his background, many of his relatives on both sides were low-level monks from various sects. Otherwise, with his current situation, he might not be able to see the plight of most low-level monks in the Star Alliance.

In his new home, Liang Ji reunited with his parents and took out the many gifts he had prepared and gave them to his parents.

These gifts include specialties that he bought at various scenic spots while traveling with Peng Yue, as well as some items from the outer world that he collected while exploring the outer star sea, as well as spiritual items from the Yuyang Star.

The parents looked at the various gifts and listened to Liang Ji talking about what he had seen during his travels and his adventures in the outer sea of ​​stars. They were also quite amazed.

At this time, my father said: "In the past few years, your mother and I have taken a starship to wander around the Penglai Star Territory and visited several scenic spots such as Penglai City."

"I have never left the Penglai Star Territory to see the scenery in other star territories and even in the void."

"Evian, after this time, let's take a starship and go to other star fields."

Liang Ji's father turned to his mother and said.

His mother's surname was Wang, who was called Evian.

Liang Ji did not expect that his parents would leave the Serpentis Star in the past few years and travel all over the Penglai Star Territory on a starship.

Being able to leave the star of origin and travel and travel outside the star is something that many middle and low-level monks in the Star Alliance find difficult to achieve.

Before that, the Liang and Wang families had been bound to the Heavenly Serpent Star for several generations, and even the Serpent Repair City rarely strayed far away.

"Okay." Mother agreed with a smile, but then changed her tone and sighed: "I just don't know when I can go to the outer star sea to have a look."

"Monks from the Human Immortal and Qi Refiner lineages who want to leave the Star Alliance and go to the outside world must have a third-level cultivation level." When his father heard this, he smiled and said: "We are now a sixth-level cultivation level, Xiaoji It has also provided us with such good conditions. As long as we practice step by step, I believe we can all advance to the third level."

"One day, I will be able to go to the Outer Star Sea to see it."

As his father spoke, he winked at Liang Ji.

Liang Ji suddenly understood in his heart that his parents were worried about his safety while exploring the outer star sea. In the past few years, the two of them had left Serpentis many times and traveled in the Penglai star field on starships, probably to alleviate their worries. Affection.

After all, during the several years of Liang Ji's adventures in foreign lands, it was difficult to connect to the Star Network and never contact or communicate with his parents. They had no news about him and did not know about his safety.

Moreover, in the outer star sea, without the protection of the Star Alliance and the innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Array", we have to face more dangerous enemies and cruel environments, whether it is Star Master monks or other Taoist orders. Third-level immortals often face a large number of life and death crises.

Among the Star Alliance, there is often no shortage of third-grade immortals and even Star Master monks every year, who are killed or injured while exploring the outer regions.

This is also the reason why the Star Alliance requires the Star Master monks who are exploring the outer regions to be at least level 4 and have mastered the 'Star Immortality' star technique. This is to protect the lives of the Star Master monks who are exploring the outer realms as much as possible.

But even so, it is not a foolproof strategy. There are often many star master monks in the Star Alliance who have fallen into the outer realm and fallen and been destroyed along with their natal stars.

Liang Ji still remembered that when he was practicing the planetary technique 'Star Breaking Strike', he had seen a piece of information given by Master Chiyu, which recorded a battle between a star master monk and a god from the 'god realm' in the outer star sea. As a result, the image of the star master monk was destroyed along with his natal star.

Therefore, in the past few years, he has made a lot of money by exploring the outer star sea, but his parents, who are in the Star Alliance and on the Serpentine Star, have been worried because they can't contact him. .

In particular, they did not know anything about the Outer Star Sea and could only check some news about the Outer Star Sea from the Star Network.

But it’s not like Liang Ji hasn’t read some of the news from the outer realms circulating on the Star Network. Most of them are speculations, and they all point to dangerous and desperate situations. They are all done by some merchants and monks to improve the spiritual objects and resources of the outer realms. The price was just released.

These dangerous words naturally increased their worries.

His mother is worried when his son travels thousands of miles, not to mention that he is still going to the unknown star sea in the outer world!

Liang Ji was touched in his heart, with a smile on his face and said: "Dad, Mom, if you want to see the scenery of the outer sea of ​​stars, you don't have to wait until you advance to the third level of cultivation."

"During my exploration of the outer realm, I also recorded a lot of scenery of the outer realm's star sea. I'll show it to you here."

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