The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 583 The taste of home

When Liang Ji was exploring the outer regions, although he focused most of his time on the cultivation of his natal stars and his own cultivation, he and Peng Yue took turns sitting in the starship central control room, and did not specifically record the scenery of the outer star sea.

However, the detection array on the starship records in detail the data of navigation and exploration in the outer star sea. Naturally, it records the scenery of the star sea along the way.

There are even detailed data and information in the starship, recording their exploration and development of Yuyang Star, and their battle with the Void Demon Clan.

Although the starship is staying at Yuyang Star, the Shuangyang Galaxy where Yuyang Star is located has already arranged the 'Star Map Array', which has become the sub-array of the innate spiritual treasure's 'Celestial Star Array', and can naturally cooperate with the Star Alliance Star Network. Liang Ji only needs to spend a little merit to open this connection and connect to the starship formation database staying on Yuyang Star.

Then the most detailed data information, pictures, videos, etc. are mobilized from it, and they are screened and played for parents to watch.

He raised the 'Star Book', and a ray of starlight shot out, turning into a three-dimensional light curtain in front of the three people, in which screened scenes from the outer lands were played, most of which were dominated by the wonders and magnificent scenery of various outer realms' star seas.

"Dad, Mom, you see, these are the scenery in the outer star sea. They are magnificent, natural, and created by nature. Although they are all galaxies, star fields, star seas, and voids, they are also different from those in the Star Alliance."

Liang Ji looked relaxed and said with a smile:

"My exploration of the outer star sea is nothing less than a scenic journey full of surprises."

The parents looked at the various external landscapes manifested in the starlight screen, with a lot of surprise on their faces. Although with their current cultivation and status, they still don't know the difference between the formation order inside and outside the Star Alliance and the influence of void chaos. .

However, they have also visited a lot of scenery in the Penglai Star Territory in recent years. Looking at the scenery in the outer territory, they can instinctively feel the subtle differences.

But soon, the mother's expression changed and she said: "Xiaoji, we have also checked some information and asked some people. The main goal of your expedition to the outer world is not to visit the scenery, but to search for the stars of life and mine spiritual objects. , materials, etc.”

"If you want to mine resources from the outer life stars, you will naturally have to fight with the natives of the stars."

"Moreover, in the outer star sea, there are more void monsters than in the Star Alliance, they are more difficult to deal with, and there are various other dangers."

"It's not like what you think now, just playing and seeing the scenery. Although Dad and I have never been to the outside world, we don't know anything."

Liang Ji smiled when he heard this and said: "Of course there will be battles. Isn't that why we haven't put it aside yet?"

As he spoke, he controlled the 'Star Book' and played some scenes of their exploration team fighting the void monsters on Yuyang Star and the Double Sun Galaxy.

"Dad, Mom, you see, I am a star master monk. I don't need to take action in these battles. I only need to send out the team of dependents in the natal star to kill these void monsters and enemies."

"Moreover, there are third-level immortals in our exploration team. They can deal with these powerful void monsters and enemies without my intervention."

"We even have starships and can contact the Star Alliance to request support. We can advance and attack, retreat and defend. Although there are some risks and enemies in the outer realm, they are not a threat to your son and me at all."

"On the contrary, not only can I see many scenery different from the Star Alliance in the outer star sea, but I can also earn more spiritual objects, resources, merits, etc., and I can better cultivate my natal stars and practice as a star master. "

When his parents watched some of the battle scenes that Liang Ji had specially played, they did not see him take any action. It was all his family members who were fighting, and there were not many dangerous scenes. Although they knew that these should be screened by him on purpose, they looked slightly sad. slow.

The mother shook her head and said: "Xiaoji, you have been independent since you were a child. We don't understand the cultivation of the Star Lord, and we can't help you."

"On the contrary, we have benefited a lot from you over the years, and we are now able to achieve our current level of cultivation, status, and wealth..."

Hearing this, Liang Ji hurriedly interjected: "Mom, look at what you said. You gave me life, brought me to this world, and raised me up. This is already the greatest kindness!"

"What I can repay you with is nothing but trivial things."

"You are also the goal and support of my practice. Seeing that your life is getting better and better, I am more motivated to practice higher. With you waiting for me at home, I can always feel the direction of home when I explore the outer star sea."

"Okay. Okay..." The mother smiled when she heard this, and said hello repeatedly, saying: "Xiaoji, the path of Star Master's cultivation is a road to the sky. Your father and I have limited abilities and cannot help you on the path of cultivation. No matter how much assistance it provides, it will never hold you back.”

"Just now, your dad and I haven't heard from you for a long time, and we were a little excited for a while. Don't worry about it. You should follow your own ideas on how to practice in the future."

"Your father and I will be waiting for you at home. Just remember that you still have a home on Serpentis."

The mother said with an emotional expression, but the father on the side said a little awkwardly: "I have already said that Xiaoji has not caused us any trouble since he was a child. There will definitely be no problem for him to explore the outer star sea. I have told you not to worry blindly. "

"Am I the only one worried? I don't know who it is. Zhentian is restless. In the past few years, he has become even more addicted to alcohol."

Upon hearing this, the mother immediately retorted and complained.

"Was I addicted to alcohol at that time? My cultivation level was higher and my body was stronger. Naturally, I could drink more spiritual wine. That was also for the sake of cultivation."

The father immediately retorted.

Liang Ji looked at his parents bickering and smiled. He felt as if he had returned to the family atmosphere he had been familiar with since he was a child. He ended the playback of the 'Star Book' and prepared to put away the 'Star Book'.

"Hey, Xiaoji, wait a minute." At this time, his father stopped him and said, "You can send me some of the scenes from the outside world, and I will show them off to the unit later."

"Pass a copy to me too."

My mother immediately answered.

Liang Ji naturally responded with a smile. Snake Repair City is just a very ordinary city in the Star Alliance. He has just advanced to the fourth level of Star Master. His family has already been promoted to the top power level in the city, and his parents are also in important units in the city. Became the first and second in command positions.

This also shows that few people in Xiu Snake City have ever explored the Outer Star Sea before. Even the several Star Lord families, except for the Yun family, have not had much contact with the Outer Star Sea.

Therefore, some of the scenery and information about the sea of ​​stars in the outer world that Liang Ji passed down to his parents may really be unique information.

While the three of them were talking, a notification sound came from outside the door. It was the Shan De Tower in the city that had delivered spiritual meals.

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