The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 584 The Second Star Master Monk Wang Ziqiu

Liang Ji has decided to continue to sign foreign exploration investment agreements with Shandelou and Herborist Group, and his cooperative relationship with the two companies will naturally become deeper.

Based on the past cooperative relationship, during the New Year and holidays, the local Shan Delou and Herborist Group even sent some spiritual meals, spiritual herbs, elixirs and other gifts to Liang Ji and his family to strengthen the cooperation between the two parties.

Now that Liang Ji's cooperation with them has deepened, the two families are naturally paying more attention to maintaining the relationship between Liang Ji and his family.

Liang Ji returned today. Not long after, both Shan Delou and Herborist Group had received the news. The two companies did not rush to sign an agreement with him. They knew that he must reunite with his parents, family, relatives and friends when he returned home, so Signing the agreement can be put off for now.

However, Shan Delou delivered the spiritual meal in time and has begun to further strengthen the cooperative relationship between the two parties.

Liang Ji did not refuse this. Although he said that what he most wanted to eat when he came back was the home-cooked food made by his mother, his parents were in unstable moods now and were obviously not suitable for making spiritual meals. There was no harm in using the spiritual meals sent by Shandelou first. .

At the dinner table, Liang Ji and his parents no longer talked about overseas adventures, but instead talked about their parents' shortcomings, relatives and friends.

Of course, it was mainly his parents who were talking, and Liang Ji was listening. After all, he has been away from home all year round. Although he occasionally pays attention to information about his family, relatives and friends, his understanding is limited.

"Zi Qiu succeeded in refining the natal star this time. He can be regarded as the first star master monk in our old Wang family. Your grandpa and grandma are very happy."

The mother mentioned something at this time, but it was from the Wang family of the mother's family. Recently, a cousin entered the third year of high school. During the awakening ceremony of sensing the "Zhoutian Star Array" and refining the natal stars, she finally succeeded in refining the natal stars. , becoming the first Star Master monk of the Wang family.

This incident naturally set off a wave of joy in the Wang family. Just before Liang Ji came back, his parents had just returned from the celebration banquet at his grandmother's house.

"Xiaoji, your cousin knows that you are coming back this time, and he said that he will bring Ziqiu to visit you in two days. When the time comes, remember to tell Ziqiu more about your experience in practicing Star Master, and give him some support if you can. .”

"In our Liang and Wang Liang family, now you are the only one who has experience in Star Master's cultivation path and can give him guidance."

"Okay, Mom." Liang Ji naturally agreed directly.

With his current cultivation as a fourth-level star master and his experience studying in the Kunlun Star Palace, there is no problem in giving guidance to a newcomer who has just refined his natal stars and embarked on the path of star master cultivation for the first time.

He can even directly sponsor enough spiritual stones for the other party to get through the initial stage of laying the foundation.

However, due to his influence, the development of my grandfather's Wang family over the years, even if it is not as good as that of the Liang family, is definitely not bad. They should have accumulated a lot of spiritual stones, resources, etc., which will definitely support the initial cultivation of a Star Master monk. There is no problem.

"It's a pity that our old Liang family has two children entering the third year of high school this time, but they haven't been able to light up their natal stars."

At this time, my father sighed from the side.

Although the Liang family already has Liang Ji, they have seen the benefits brought by Liang Ji. Over the years, the Liang family has become more and more hopeful that more children can awaken their natal stars and embark on the journey of star master cultivation. road.

But things always go against expectations. Although the conditions of the Liang family have gotten better and better over the years, they have never been able to cultivate a second Star Master monk. This has always been a regret for the Liang family.

"Xiaoji." At this time, his father couldn't help but ask: "You have practiced in Kunlun Star Palace and have been to the outside world. You are well-informed. Is there any way to increase the success rate of people awakening to their natal stars?"

Liang Ji couldn't help but shake his head when he heard this, and said: "There should be no way, at least I haven't heard of it in these years."

"If there was really a way to increase the success rate of awakening the natal star, I believe the Star Alliance would have put it into use over the years to increase the number of Star Master monks in the Star Alliance."

"Alas." When Liang Ji said this, his father could only sigh and said nothing more. He also knew that this was just a delusion.

However, this emotion went away in an instant, and his father soon had a smile on his face again and continued to talk about the events in the city over the years.

Liang Ji listened to his parents' words with a smile on his face, and gradually learned more about the events and changes in Snake Xiu City over the years.

In fact, in an environment where everyone practices cultivation, power and status are often linked to cultivation. In addition, the life span of practitioners is generally high. Therefore, in a small place like Xiu Snake City, it is often difficult to survive for more than ten years or even decades. How many big changes there are.

At least according to Liang Ji's understanding, the biggest change in the Snake City in the past thirty years since he embarked on the path of Star Master cultivation is probably the rise of the Liang family and the presence of the 'Pantheon' evil god monks in the Heavenly Snake City. The unrest initiated led to subsequent changes in the inventory.

From this, we can also see something about the solidification of the hierarchy in the Star Alliance and the high status of the Star Lord monks.

Afterwards, Liang Ji spent three days with his parents at home, and three days later he visited his grandparents and maternal grandparents respectively. The four elderly people were of high enough seniority and status that Liang Ji needed to visit them personally.

Other relatives and friends, however, did not use Liang Ji to visit. Instead, they made an agreement to come to Liang's house at staggered times to visit Liang Ji and his parents.

The first ones to come were Wang Ziqiu and his parents. It was also the first time for Liang Ji to see his cousin. She was a very quiet little girl, tall but very slender, which made him very suspicious. Is it malnutrition?

It shouldn't be that big of a deal, right? The other party is only in the third year of high school this year, and is about seventeen years old. This means that when the other party was born, Liang Ji was already a Star Master monk, and should even be a third-level Star Master. Whether it was the Liang family or his maternal ancestors The Wang family should have already started to make a fortune, so how could they let their children suffer from malnutrition?

Even when Liang Ji was a child, his family had not yet made a fortune and he relied on his parents to cultivate the spiritual fields. He was always rich in nutrition and never lacked nutrition!

In an environment where everyone in the Star Alliance practices cultivation, the underlying resources are still sufficient.

Therefore, after the other party greeted him, he began to ask some questions about the star master's cultivation. However, Liang Ji did not directly answer the other party's questions about the development of the natal stars and the cultivation of dependents. Instead, he asked first: "How are you doing in your ninth-level body training practice?" ?”

"It's okay." Wang Ziqiu replied somewhat confusedly, "I practice on time every day."

"Then why are you so thin?" Liang Ji asked with a frown: "Normally, you have been practicing physical training for more than two months, and you should have some effects."

"Nowadays, thinness is regarded as beauty."

Wang Ziqiu gave Liang Ji an unexpected answer.

Liang Ji couldn't help but shook his head and said: "There are some problems with your body training practice, which must be taken seriously. The path of Star Lord's practice is not only to develop the natal stars and cultivate the dependents, but the Star Lord's own practice must also keep up with it."

"During the college entrance examination, the enrollment in Star Palace and Academy also has requirements for the physical training of Star Master students."

"Furthermore, for each subsequent level of star master to achieve perfection, they also have strict requirements for the star master's own cultivation."

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