The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 585 Liang Ji’s support

"Cousin, how can I get into Xinggong in the college entrance examination?"

After Liang Ji gave some guidance to Wang Ziwen on his own cultivation, as well as issues such as the development of natal stars and the cultivation of dependents, Wang Ziwen couldn't help but ask him questions.

The Liang and Wang families have enjoyed a lot of benefits over the years because Liang Ji became a Star Master monk and was admitted to the Kunlun Star Palace.

In addition, the status of the two families is getting higher and higher. Over the years, they have interacted with the Star Lord family and local big families. Naturally, they have become more and more knowledgeable. They clearly understand the differences between the same Star Lord monks, the school, the school palace and the Star Palace.

In this way, Wang Ziwen has lit up her natal star and successfully embarked on the road of star master. It seems that whether it is her own intention or the expectations of her family, she must have taken Liang Ji as her idol and wanted to pass the college entrance examination. Palace.

Liang Ji listened to Wang Ziwen's inquiry and muttered slightly: "If you want to be admitted to the Star Palace, first of all, your own physical training must be at least Dacheng. If it is perfect, even better."

"As well as the cultivation of natal stars and dependents, the higher the better, it is best to reach the first level of perfection!"

"But this is just the basic requirement. After all, in the college entrance examination, you still need to rely on the combat power of your family members to win the ranking."

"If you want to compete with the entire Star Alliance's thirty-three star regions in the college entrance examination, with many geniuses and star master student families with large resources to train, your family must not have a weak foundation, and it must have at least one thing that is better than ordinary geniuses and elites. The place of the Star Lord’s family.”

"Either the bloodline of the Familia, or the runic methods mastered by the Familia, or the incomplete magical power mastered by the Familia."

"I have also looked at your Familia just now. I chose the Quetzalcoatl. Although they are rare, they have been trained well and the basics have not been lost."

What Liang Ji said was based on experience. When he took the college entrance examination, the reason why he was able to win the enrollment spot in the Kunlun Star Palace among the many elite and talented Star Lord students in the Star Alliance was because of the 'big and small Ruyi' magical powers mastered by the Familia. Taking credit for greatness.

Hearing this, Wang Ziwen's expression alternated between happy and frowning, and said, "Thanks to my cousin's care over the years, my family has become increasingly wealthy over the years. With their full support, my ability to develop my natal stars and cultivate my family members has never been inferior to others."

"However, the level of family contact is limited after all. If I want my Quetzalcoatl family members to master an otherworldly method, there is no way."

Liang Ji nodded when he heard this and said: "It's also your luck that you chose the Feathered Serpent Familia. I previously discovered a spiritual star while exploring the outside world. The indigenous Familia on this star are all various feathered people. Among them, There are also feathered serpent natives, and because of the star native inheritance, many of the feathered alien bloodlines have mutated, and they can absorb the power of stars for their own use and strengthen themselves."

As he spoke, he took out a jade bottle with a few drops of golden-red liquid suspended in it. He handed it over and said: "This is the mutated Sun Quetzalcoatl bloodline spirit seed that I collected. You can use it to refine it into your natal Star Quetzalcoatl family members." Among them, your family bloodline will be mutated into a Sun Feathered Serpent."

"In this way, your family bloodline will be far more powerful than ordinary Star Lord family members, with superior combat power. As long as you develop seriously and work hard, you will have no problem getting a place in the Star Palace in the college entrance examination."

"Thank you, cousin!" Wang Ziwen beamed with joy, bowed to Liang Ji, and accepted the jade vase.

Liang Ji thought for a moment, and since he had already supported him to this point, he would not mind supporting him a little more. If there could be another Xinggongxing master monk among his relatives, it would undoubtedly be a great success for him and the family. There are great benefits.

Even as he had speculated before, the Star Alliance has been developing the Manggu Star Territory for thousands of years. It is impossible to say that it will open up a new star territory in a few decades. If he joins it by then, he will be able to have more powerful ones. of assistance.

At that moment, he held up the 'Star Book' and said: "I will send you a few more URLs. You can often purchase some materials that are difficult to buy on the market at these URLs, such as the 'Root of Spiritual Veins', etc. You can log in often Go check it out and find helpful resources.”

"If I sponsor you some spiritual stones, it should be enough for your senior year of high school."

When Liang Ji was in his third year of high school and first entered the stage of Star Master cultivation, he was often troubled by not having enough spiritual stones.

But now, for him, who is already a fourth-level star master, the number of spiritual stones needed for the first-level star master's training stage is basically out of his sight.

After all, first-level star master cultivation materials can be purchased with low-grade spiritual stones. Even if one million low-grade spiritual stones are converted into medium-grade spiritual stones, it is only ten thousand.

For Liang Ji, who had just earned millions of mid-grade spiritual stones, it was just a drop in the bucket.

"Thank you, cousin!" Wang Ziwen also took out the 'Xingjian' at this time. When he saw the website address sent by Liang Ji and the number of spiritual stones transferred, the excitement on his face became more and more difficult to conceal, and he said loudly: "I will definitely get into Kunlun. Xing Gong lives up to my cousin’s support.”

Liang Ji waved his hand and said: "You can just aim for the Star Palace. There is no need to force the Kunlun Star Palace. The nine star palaces of the Star Alliance each have their own strengths, and the Kunlun Star Palace may not be suitable for you."

"Yes, cousin." Wang Ziwen responded immediately, and then asked with interest: "Cousin, what are the characteristics of each of the nine star palaces of the Star Alliance? Please introduce them to me so that I can have a goal."

"The Kunlun Star Palace enthrones gods with the God List, the Creation Star Palace uses the World Tree to shape the stars, the Wanxiang Star Palace uses the Ten Thousand Methods Melting Furnace to smelt the origin of elements, the Lingbao Star Palace is the best at refining treasures, the Taiyi Star Palace has the deepest research on the way of blood, and the Bitter Sea Star The palace has an alternative way of pure land, and Taihao Star Palace has the deepest research on supernatural powers..."

Liang Ji did not go into details. He just briefly introduced what each star palace was good at, and then sent a few websites and said: "If you want to know more about it, you can log on to these websites to have a look."

"Remember, just take a look. Don't waste too much energy. The most important thing for you now is to do your own cultivation, as well as the development of your natal stars and dependents. As long as you are good enough, a star palace will naturally invite you."

"Yes, thank you cousin."

Wang Ziwen responded respectfully.

The Star Alliance is vast and governs the thirty-three-star domain. Among them, material prosperity and humanity are prosperous, so that all people can practice cultivation. But at the same time, because of the way of cultivation, the gap between people is often as big as a world of difference, making the class gap among the Star Alliance very huge.

Monks do not have that level or status, and often do not even have access to corresponding information and resources.

These are the several websites that Liang Ji sent to Wang Ziwen. Whether it is to purchase materials and treasures that are hard to find on the market, or to learn information about the upper echelons of the Star Alliance such as Star Palace, it is often difficult for ordinary practitioners and family forces to access them.

Liang Ji was also admitted to the Kunlun Star Palace and learned about these websites after reading the message records of seniors and senior sisters in the official forum of the Star Palace.

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