The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 587 Grandma Peng Yue The role of star palace inheritance

After the Yun family is the Zhang family, after the Zhang family is the Tie family, after the Tie family is the Xia family, and after the Xia family is the Huang family.

For several days in a row, several Star Lord families in Snake Repair City had apparently made an agreement to host banquets to invite Liang Ji and Peng Yue.

These Star Lord families are all old Star Lord families that have been developing in Snake City for many years, and each has its own important position. Although the strength and foundation of the following families are not as good as those of the Yun family, over the years, Liang Ji’s parents and his relatives have To be able to improve and develop step by step in Xiu Snake City, and now even move into the core area in the center of the city, it is because of the care and help of these Star Lord families.

Even with the Liang and Wang families, they have had many marriages and good friendships with these star master families over the years.

Even if Liang Ji wanted to thank these families for their care and assistance to his parents and relatives over the years, he would still go to the banquet and socialize.

What's more, Liang Ji is expected to spend more time exploring the outer star sea in the future, and will not be able to contact his parents and family. If his parents and family encounter anything, he will need more help from these star master families.

After all, compared to Liang Ji who is far away in the outer realm, these Star Lord families who are entrenched in the local area and guard the stars may not be as good as Liang Ji in terms of their cultivation prospects and development strength, but they are able to suppress Xiu Snake City and take care of their families at all times, which can be regarded as Everyone gets something.

Similarly, this is one of the reasons why Liang Ji strongly supports Wang Ziqiu. As long as he can support a new star master student among his relatives, even if he has been in the outer realm, his parents and relatives can be taken care of for at least several more decades. .

In these decades, not to mention Liang Ji's own cultivation and development, even his parents and relatives were able to take root deeper and grow higher in Snake Xiu City.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue attended several banquets, and both the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves.

These Star Lord families are all based in the Serpent City. Even if the Star Lord monks in the family leave the Snake City, they are basically active within the Star Alliance. Even if they join the army and serve, they are basically within the Star Alliance. Serving in the garrison, almost no one has ever been to the outside world outside the Covenant.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue brought some things from the outside world as gifts. During the banquet, they played some scenes of the sea of ​​stars in the outside world and talked about adventures in the outside world. Basically, the guests and the host were able to enjoy themselves.

In particular, among these star master families, there are still several people who took the college entrance examination at the same level as Liang Ji and Peng Yue, such as Yunlai, Zhang Liangpu, Temuxiong, etc., who also successfully entered the star palace, and now they are all They have almost grown to be fourth-level star masters, and some have already stepped into the outer star sea to explore.

It is difficult for these Star Lord families to contact the children of these families who are exploring the Star Sea in the outer realm. Through Liang Ji and Peng Yue, they can learn more and more deeply about the outer realm exploration, and they can feel more at ease.

Having dealt with several Star Lord families in the city, the remaining families that do not have Star Lord monks in charge and rely solely on high-level monks from other sects do not need to be dealt with by Liang Ji and Peng Yue. They can just leave it to their relatives to communicate.

This is the class gap in the Star Alliance.

On the other hand, Peng Yue was born in the Peng family, and her grandmother was also a Star Lord cultivator. They could be considered one of the many Star Lord families in the city. However, Liang Ji had already paid a visit with gifts before the other party invited her to a banquet.

Because of Peng Yue's relationship, Peng Yue's grandmother is also his elder, so Liang Ji naturally needs to take the initiative to visit.

When Liang Ji met Peng Yue's grandmother, he found that she had silver hair. However, this was not the white hair of old age, but the white hair of ice caused by the influence of the Ice Soul Snake from her natal star family.

In fact, his face did not look old at all. He seemed to be about thirty years old, but his eyes had a sense of vicissitudes of life.

According to Peng Yue, his grandmother had been promoted to the sixth level Star Master a few years ago and had a lifespan of three thousand, which was comparable to the lifespan of other Taoist monks in the third-level immortal realm.

Compared to these three thousand lifespans, his grandmother's current age can only be considered young, and she even has hope of becoming a high-level star master.

During this visit, the two sides didn't say much. Most of the time, Peng Yue's grandma was still listening to Liang Ji and Peng Yue talking about adventures in the outside world and the scenery in the outside world.

It is obvious that Peng Yue's grandma also has a strong interest in the outer sea of ​​stars, exploration, etc.

"Grandma, you are actually a sixth-level star master. As long as you practice some star arts, you can definitely go on adventures in outer lands."

During the chat, Peng Yue couldn't help but suggest.

Peng Yue's grandma smiled and shook her head, saying: "Yue Yatou and Liang Ji, you are both from the Star Palace. You think it is very easy to explore the outside world. You only need to become a fourth-level star master and practice a few star arts. "

"But in fact, do you know that most of the Star Master monks in the Star Alliance who can go to outer lands to explore and develop are from Star Palace monks?"

"With the exception of a few Star Lord monks from other schools and academies, they will only leave the Star Alliance and explore and develop in the outer star seas after they have reached the seventh level of Star Lord cultivation."

"Huh? Is there such a thing?" Peng Yue couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Grandma, why haven't I heard this statement?"

Liang Ji also had a look of doubt on his face at this time.

Grandma Peng Yue shook her head with a smile and said: "You were born in the Star Palace, and you usually come into contact with the proud people of the Star Palace, so naturally you didn't pay attention to these things. However, you later went to the outer realm and met other star masters who were exploring the outer realm. After you become a monk, you may notice this if you pay more attention."

"But, Grandma Peng, why is this?" Liang Ji couldn't help but ask at this time: "Why do Star Master monks who come from academies and academic palaces have to practice to the seventh level of Star Master before they can go to outer lands for exploration and development?"

"On the one hand, the strength and combat power of the Star Master cultivators and the Familia are relatively weak." Grandma Peng Yue did not hide anything, and explained directly: "But the more important reason is that the inheritance has control over the Familia."

"Inheritance! Control of the Familia!"

Liang Ji was thoughtful when he heard the words.

Peng Yue instantly understood what grandma meant, and couldn't help but said in surprise: "Grandma, do you mean that if Star Master monks from academies and palaces, who are less than seventh-level Star Masters, rashly go to the outside world, the family members will easily lose control?"

"Not bad!" Although Peng Yue's grandma was not from a star palace, she was able to practice all the way to the sixth-level star master. She was obviously a knowledgeable person. She said directly: "Each star palace has its own unique inheritance. The Vientiane Star Palace has The melting pot of all laws, the Kunlun Star Palace has the list of gods, the Bitter Sea Star Palace has the Pure Land, the Creation Star Palace has the World Tree, the Taiyi Star Palace has the bloodline map, etc.”

"You were born in a star palace, and when you have reached a certain level of cultivation, you are able to accept these inheritances and develop in your natal stars. You may not feel that there is anything mysterious about these inheritances."

"But in fact, it is these inheritances that suppress your natal stars and help you control the Familia more deeply. This allows the Familia to experience various inheritances and civilizations in the exploration of the outer star sea, but they are still controlled by you. They will not Give birth to a rebellious and detached mind.”

"But those of us Star Master monks who came from academies and academies do not have these key inheritance suppressions. If we rush to the outer lands to explore and develop before our cultivation and strength are reached, it will be difficult for our family members to come into contact with various inheritances and civilizations in the outer realms of the star sea. It won’t get out of control!”

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