The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 588 Two or three things about repairing Snake City

In the Star Alliance, the Star Master monks who were born in the academy guard the stars, the Star Lord monks who were born in the Academy guard the star field, and the Star Lord monks who were born in the Star Palace explore the outside world.

This is information that Liang Ji has known for a long time, but he didn't think much about these divisions of labor before. He only thought that the different origins led to the different combat power and strength of the star master and the family members, so there was such a division of labor.

But now that I think about it, even if the star master monk from the lowest-born school has reached the sixth-level star master, how can his cultivation strength and family fighting power be inferior to that of the fourth-level star master from the star palace?

The fourth-level star masters who were born in the star palace are already capable of exploring and developing in the outer star seas, while the sixth-level star masters who were born in the academy basically still sit on the stars within the star alliance.

Is this a difference that can be made by simple cultivation and combat strength?

Now, listening to Grandma Peng Yue's words, Liang Ji finally understood.

The gap between Star Master monks who are born in schools and palaces and Star Master monks who are born in Star Palaces is not only the difference in cultivation and combat power. The biggest and most fundamental gap is the inheritance from the very beginning. Pulled apart.

"If the Star Lord monks who were born in academies and palaces come into contact with too many external inheritances and civilizations in the outer star sea, they may actually lose control and rebel against the Star Lord!"

"This is something I had never thought of before."

"From this point of view, the inheritance of Kunlun Star Palace's 'God List' is indeed wonderful!"

Liang Ji's thoughts changed in his mind, and he paid more and more attention to the inheritance of the 'Feng Shen Bang'. He also decided that when he cultivated and practiced in his hometown, he needed to allocate more energy and time to the cultivation of the 'Feng Shen Bang' and the canonization of ghosts and gods.

Several people expected that at the end, Peng Yue's grandma also looked at the two of them and said: "You two can be admitted to the Star Palace to practice. This is not only an honor for our family, but also an opportunity for you."

"On top of the development of your natal stars and the cultivation of your dependents, you have your own Xinggong mentor to guide you. My cultivation, knowledge, and inheritance are far inferior to those of Xinggong's mentor, so I won't give you blind advice and guidance. "

"The only thing is that you definitely need to spend more time and energy on the inheritance of your respective star palaces, the melting pot of all phenomena in the Wanxiang Star Palace, and the list of gods in the Kunlun Star Palace. It will definitely benefit you endlessly."

Grandma Peng Yue did not rush to give them experience guidance, but this suggestion was undoubtedly sincere.

"Yes, grandma!"

"Thank you for your guidance, senior."

Peng Yue and Liang Ji both agreed and thanked him.

After the visit ended, Peng Yue also found time to visit Liang Ji's home.

However, apart from Liang Ji, there was no other Star Master monk in the Liang family. Peng Yue's visit was just a courtesy visit and ended faster.

After visiting each other, Liang Ji and Peng Yue came back this time, and their connections in Snake Xiu City were almost settled.

But the matter is not over yet. In addition to relatives, friends, and good friends in the city, there is another relationship in Snake Repair City that they also need to take care of and move around.

That was the high school they were born in, Xiu She City No. 2 Middle School, and Teacher Du Chengze, who was the head teacher of their three-star high school class and is now the principal of the No. 2 Middle School.

Just a few days after Liang Ji and Peng Yue returned to Xiu She City, they had already received news from Teacher Du, hoping that they could go to their alma mater City No. 2 Middle School to provide some guidance for this year's Star Master Class students.

In the past few days, Liang Ji and Peng Yue were basically dealing with family affairs, relatives and friends, and banquets for various families in the city. Wuwu finally took care of the two or three things in the city. The two of them were free, so they made an appointment with Teacher Du. Go to No. 2 Middle School for a visit.

Regarding the arrival of the two people, Teacher Du originally wanted to hold a welcome ceremony in the school, but Liang Ji and Peng Yue quickly declined.

They are all only fourth-level star masters. They have just left the basic stage and have not long entered the intermediate star master stage. They are also just newcomers in the adventure of outer lands. They think they are not very successful people and can be welcomed by their alma mater.

No one was alarmed by the two of them, they just came to visit quietly, only to find that Teacher Du was already waiting at the school gate.

"Teacher Du."

"head teacher."

Liang Ji and Peng Yue immediately stepped forward to salute and said: "You are an elder, how can you come to greet us juniors? Are you not scolding us?"

More than twenty years have passed, and Teacher Du doesn't seem to have changed much. After all, he is also a fifth-level Star Master monk who has already advanced to the fifth level. His cultivation level is one level higher than Liang Ji and Peng Yue, and his life span is one level. Thousands, these twenty years are very short compared to life span.

"Haha... Liang Ji, Peng Yue, your class can be said to be the best class I have ever brought up. You are all my pride."

"It is even more the pride of our No. 2 Middle School!"

Teacher Du looked at Liang Ji and Peng Yue and said with a smile:

"As the principal of No. 2 Middle School, it doesn't matter that I come to welcome the pride of No. 2 Middle School."

"I would say that we should invite all the students from the Star Class to welcome their seniors and sisters and see the pride of our No. 2 Middle School."

Hearing this, Liang Ji repeatedly begged for mercy: "Teacher Du, just spare us."

"Where are we now? We have just entered the fourth level of Star Master practice. If we make such a fuss, we will definitely be laughed to death by our seniors and sisters after we return."

Peng Yue on the side also smiled and continued: "Homeroom teacher, don't worry, we came from No. 2 Middle School and we will never forget our roots. There is no need for any welcoming ceremony. We will definitely help those who can help our alma mater, and those who can help our junior students." We will not be stingy either.”

"Haha, I've been waiting for your words." Teacher Du immediately responded with a smile and led the two of them into the campus.

"This campus has changed a lot." Liang Ji couldn't help but sigh as he walked in his alma mater and looked around.

People often say that things change and people change, but now Teacher Du remains the same. This campus has changed a lot.

Teacher Du on the side heard this and said with a smile: "It's all thanks to you. Two of your students were admitted to Xinggong in your class. Afterwards, Director Zhang of the Municipal Education Bureau sent a letter to the school. With fewer rewards and a huge increase in teaching resources, the school has the money to expand and transform into what it is today.”

Liang Ji and Peng Yue also nodded slightly when they heard this, but they knew that the senior high school candidates in their class, Director Zhang of the Education Bureau, and Mayor Yun of the City Hall, had made great efforts to provide support, and they lived up to expectations. He was admitted to the Star Palace and won a great victory for the Xiu She City Education Bureau.

Afterwards, starting from the second school year, the Xiushe City Education Bureau also received more educational resource allocation and support from the Tianshe Star Education Bureau, which naturally gave more resource support to the high schools in the city.

"Unfortunately, over the years, the dividends gained by your class have gradually been exhausted. The performance of our school, and even the high school star classes in the city, has become worse and worse over the years, and even the performance of the star classes in the city has been declining for several consecutive years. There are no more Star Master students admitted to the Star Palace."

"If this continues for a few more terms, the education level of our Xiu She City will probably decline back to its original middle-to-lower level."

Teacher Du said with a worried look on his face.

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