The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 589 The Weapon of Ghosts and Gods ‘Impermanent Lock’


In the starry sky above Liang Ji's natal star, a meteor streaked down. The dragon soul wrapped around the natal star raised its head and roared, and opened its mouth to swallow the meteor.

This meteor is a fourth-level void mirage demon pill. The dragon soul swallows it into its belly to refine it, and then implants it into the natal stars. The power of the demon pill turns into the source of the star's spiritual veins and increases the power of the spiritual veins. , in which the demon soul falls into the Nine Springs, expands the Nine Springs, and increases the original power of the underworld.

At this time, more than half a year had passed since Liang Ji and Peng Yue returned to their hometown of Snake Xiu City. He and Peng Yue had also dealt with various connections and relationships in Snake Xiu City. Even under the cry of the old class teacher, Mr. Du, each person donated a spiritual stone to the No. 2 Middle School Star main class, totaling 1 million low-grade spiritual stones, to help the juniors and junior high school students improve the development of their natal stars and dependent families, and seek for Give it another try in this college entrance examination.

Teacher Du obviously wants to try again to reverse the declining educational standards of No. 2 Middle School and Xiu Snake City.

The two of them, especially Liang Ji, were favored by Teacher Du in the beginning. Now that Teacher Du wants to give himself a try and add another attack to his position as the principal of Xiu She City No. 2 Middle School, Liang Ji and Liang Ji are naturally willing to help. .

Anyway, for Liang Ji and Peng Yue, one million low-grade spiritual stones converted into medium-grade spiritual stones is only 10,000. For the two people who had just made a fortune in their first exploration of the outer world, this was not a big deal. Not a big number.

At this time, Liang Ji also realized more and more that those Star Lord monks who came from the Star Lord family could get a lot of support from their families when they first embarked on the path of Star Lord cultivation. As long as there was a middle-level Star Lord monk in the family, they could easily miss it. Spiritual stones and resources can help newcomers who have just embarked on the journey of Star Lord develop well.

Unlike when he first embarked on the path of star master cultivation, he was constantly planning for thousands or tens of thousands of spiritual stones, and even signed contracts with Shandelou and Herborist Group to 'sell' himself.

After visiting the No. 2 Middle School and Teacher Du, Liang Ji and Peng Yue basically finished handling their mundane affairs, and then they all settled down to digest the gains from their last exploration of the outside world, develop their natal stars, cultivate their dependents, and improve their own cultivation.

At this time, Liang Ji's soul left his body, and as the demon elixir he invested entered his natal stars, as his natal stars continued to be cultivated and his cultivation improved day by day, the connection between him and his natal stars became more and more intense. Closely, Liang Ji also has a clearer understanding of various situations in his natal stars.

Now, he doesn't even need to check the data fed back from the 'Star Book'. Just by relying on his connection and induction with the natal stars, he can clearly know that the spiritual vein intensity in the natal stars is now level four (25%).

This means that one-quarter of the cultivation of Liang Ji's natal stars in the fourth stage has been completed.

And this is undoubtedly an important node, especially for the "Bang of Conferred Gods·Ghosts and Gods Edition" contained in the origin of the stars, as well as the conferred ghosts and gods in the underworld.

Liang Ji had heard Grandma Peng Yue talk about the importance of the inheritance of each star palace before. In the past six months, he had been particularly concerned about the cultivation of the "God List" among the natal stars and the canonization of ghosts and gods.

Every time the natal star refines a fourth-level mirage demon elixir, and the star's spiritual veins and origins, especially the origin of the Jiuquan underworld, are increased, Liang Ji will immediately descend into the Jiuquan underworld and mobilize the power of the "God List" to In the Jiuquan underworld, there are seven-level white edict ghost officials and six-level red edict impermanent ghosts and gods.

Granting ghosts and gods can help Liang Ji strengthen his control over the underworld of Jiuquan through these ghosts and gods, sort out the rules of the underworld of his natal stars and the order of the avenue, and strengthen his control over the ghosts of the dependents and the dependents; at the same time, every time he uses the 'Front of Gods', he will be granted more titles. As a ghost and god, the connection and integration between this 'list of gods' and Liang Ji's natal star are getting closer and closer, allowing him to be nourished by more spiritual energy and origin power of his natal star.

It can be said that they complement each other and kill two birds with one stone.

Now, as the natal star has digested the twenty-fifth Void Mirage Demonic Pill, the fourth-level cultivation of the natal star has been completed.

Liang Ji's soul came out of his body and landed in the underworld of Jiuquan under the Nine Earths. He stretched out his hand towards the sky and made a move. The 'Apotheosis of the Gods' contained in the spiritual veins and origins of his natal stars immediately appeared, turning into a black gold luster and flying in front of him. .

With the refining of the twenty-fifth demon pill, the spiritual veins of the stars, the origin, and the nine springs of the underworld have all increased, and now it is naturally able to withstand more decrees from ghost officials and ghosts and gods.

"In the name of the Emperor of Heaven, I confer the title of seventh-grade white edict ghost official..."

"In the name of the Emperor of Heaven, I consecrate the six-grade red imperial edict to impermanent ghosts and gods..."

Liang Ji has done this kind of thing of ennobling ghosts and gods hundreds of times in the past few years, and he is already very familiar with it.

Following his golden words and edicts, one after another white or red divine edicts flew out from the 'God List' unfolded in his hand and flew into the layers of Jiuquan underworld below, sinking into the souls of the clansmen he had already selected. in vivo.

These selected souls of the dependents are all staunch believers in his faith and have made many meritorious deeds. They either died fighting for him in the field, or they led the dependents in their natal stars for him and promoted the belief in the Emperor of Heaven.

All in all, Liang Ji chose two conditions for the person to confer ghosts and gods. One was firm belief, and the other was meritorious service.

After these ghosts of the Familia with faith and meritorious deeds are enthroned as ghosts and gods, they will undoubtedly be able to better control the nine springs of the underworld for him, control the souls of the Familia, and even influence and lead the faith and survival of the Familia in the Yang world.

And this time, as Liang Ji's seal was completed, he heard the sound of chains shaking.

Then he saw that in all the layers of the Jiuquan underworld, all the ghosts and gods who were sealed in the sixth level of the Red Imperial Order had red divine light shining brightly, forming chains with shining divine light and runes on their hands.

"The weapon of ghosts and gods, the Impermanence Lock!"

Liang Ji looked at the chains made of divine light on the hands of those impermanent ghosts and gods, and instantly recognized that this was also the fourth level of the natal stars that had developed to a quarter, the source of the stars had greatly increased, and the 'Feng Shen Bang' had been nourished by the source of the stars to a certain extent. , thus creating the 'supernatural power'!

With these ghost artifacts, 'Impermanent Locks', not only can they greatly increase the combat power of the Impermanent Ghosts and Gods, but if he needs to send ghosts and gods to fight in the future when he explores and fights in foreign lands, these Impermanent Locks will undoubtedly play a huge role.

On the other hand, these 'impermanent locks' can greatly strengthen the control of impermanent ghosts and gods over the dependents and ghosts in his natal star.

At this time, stars appeared and rotated in Liang Ji's soul eyes. He had already activated the star technique 'Episode of the Star Spirit', and he could see that the 'Impermanent Lock' in the hands of these sixth-grade impermanent ghosts and gods seemed to have only one section, but in the Countless illusory branches are scattered from both ends, one end is connected to the origin of the Jiuquan underworld and the order of heaven and earth, and the other end is connected to the souls of many ghosts in the underworld.

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