The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 591 Another year of college entrance examination season

Xiu She City, the lobby on the top floor of the Education Bureau.

At this time, in the center of the hall, the stars gathered together and turned into a three-dimensional light curtain, which displayed the combat performance of this class of Star Master students in the college entrance examination.

The principals and star class teachers of the high schools in Xiu She City, the leaders of the Municipal Education Bureau, as well as the star master monks and leaders of some departments in Xiu She City were all gathered in the hall at this time, watching this event in Xiu She City. The performance of senior students in the college entrance examination.

At the same time, Liang Ji and Peng Yue were also invited by Teacher Du and Director Zhang of the Education Bureau to come to the Education Bureau hall to watch together.

When Liang Ji took the college entrance examination, teachers, principals, education directors, and more star masters were watching here.

But now, it is the college entrance examination season again, and Liang Ji and Peng Yue can sit here and watch these new generations pass through the college entrance examination step by step.

"Okay! I broke out of the Serpentine Star! Haha..."

Liang Ji was thinking about it and was feeling emotional, when Teacher Du's shouts suddenly came from the side.

"Is this the fifteenth Star Master student from your No. 2 Middle School to break out of the Serpentine Star and enter the Penglai Star Territory examination room?"

On the other side, Director Zhang of the Education Bureau couldn’t help but admire:

"Lao Du, your No. 2 Middle School is going to explode this year!"

"Haha..." Teacher Du smiled brighter after hearing this, waved to Director Zhang, and said: "Our No. 2 Middle School can achieve this result this time without the continuous support of the Municipal Education Bureau and the support of the alumni. .”

Teacher Du said, turning to look at Liang Ji and Peng Yue, his meaning was very obvious.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue also had smiles on their faces at this time, not only because they were happy that the children of their alma mater could get better results, but also to show that the funding they donated to their alma mater was not in vain.

"Hey, Lao Du, I heard that Daoyou Peng and Daoyou Liang gave your No. 2 Middle School a lot of funding this time. I think this time, your No. 2 Middle School's achievements should not only be in the Penglai Star Territory, but also one or two more. A proud man who entered the Star Palace."

At this time, another high school principal on the side said half jokingly and half exhortation.

"Principal Zhao is joking. It can only be said that there is some hope of being admitted to the Star Palace. Who can say that it is certain?"

Teacher Du said with a slight smile on his face, but then changed the subject and said:

"However, I have confidence in the students at my school."

"Haha, then we'll see."

Principal Zhao seemed to be swayed by Teacher Du's confidence. He smiled and said nothing more.

Liang Ji paid little attention to the exchange of words between the principals and teachers in the hall. He cast his gaze on the three-dimensional light curtain in the center of the hall, looking at the performance of his cousin Wang Ziwen, whom he had supported, in the college entrance examination.

At this time, Wang Ziwen had already broken out of the Serpent Star and entered the examination room of the Penglai Star Territory. He sent a large number of Quetzalcoatl family members to fight with various void monsters in various complex and extreme environments.

Wang Ziwen's feathered serpents had already refined the essence and blood of the "Sun Feathered Serpents" from the Tu tribe of the Yuyang Star in the outer world that Liang Ji had given. Now they had mutated, and the feathers on the backs of the feathered serpents had turned into the golden color of the sun.

In the battle with the Void Demon Clan, the talisman arrows and enemy-killing combat skills of these 'Sun Feathered Serpents' clan members not only had the effect of the wind power controlled by the original Quetzalcoatls, but also contained the golden light of the sun. The effect of power.

Under the dual attack and damage of the power of wind and the power of the sun, Wang Ziqiu encountered all kinds of environments and void monsters along the way, and there was no way he could resist them. He just forced his way through.

Liang Ji nodded slightly when he saw this. It seemed that Wang Ziqiu had not wasted his support. With his current cultivation and combat power, he would have no problem breaking out of the Penglai Star Territory and entering the examination room of the entire Star Alliance. He would be able to participate in the final competition. .

And as long as she performs slightly better in the final Star Alliance examination, there is still hope of winning a Star Palace enrollment spot.

"Liang Ji." At this time, Peng Yue pointed to the scene where Wang Ziwen was participating in the assessment and said, "Is this your niece?"

"In her family members, I see the bloodline power of the Yuyang Star Earth Clan."

Liang Ji nodded and said, "Yes, it's her."

Peng Yue also nodded slightly and said: "It seems that her family members have successfully integrated the blood power of the Yuyang Star natives."

"After all, the natives of Yuyang Star reached the seventh level at their highest. Although later on, as the stars continued to decline, the bloodline continued to weaken, and now the highest level is only the fourth level, but there are undoubtedly some traces of the seventh level power. The prospect is Very bright."

"Your niece can successfully integrate the power of Yuyang Star's native bloodline into her own family. Her future prospects are good and she should be able to enter a star palace."

"Especially Taiyi Star Palace, which is the most proficient in the art of blood, should be interested."

Liang Ji also smiled when he heard this and said: "My support is just a temporary help. Whether she can be admitted to the Star Palace and carve out a world in the Star Palace depends on herself."

While the two were talking, they saw that Wang Ziqiu in the picture had passed the final test and entered the additional questions of the college entrance examination.

"Okay! Haha..." Teacher Du's cheers suddenly came from the side, "Wang Ziwen has entered the additional questions, and the quota for a star palace should be determined!"

With Liang Ji as a role model, it was natural that Wang Ziwen went to high school in Xiu She City No. 2 Middle School and was a student of Principal Du.

At this time, he was naturally overjoyed when he saw the first school student who broke into the additional questions.

"Which star palace came from the additional questions in the college entrance examination this time?" Liang Ji couldn't help but wonder as he watched Wang Ziwen's battle in the additional questions.

Unlike the extra question he had in the college entrance examination where he had to kill the evil god in trouble, this time the extra question in the college entrance examination involved the family members led by Wang Ziwen entering a star and facing a situation that was both simple and complex.

The simplicity means that there is not much to think about in the additional questions, and they only need to keep fighting and killing; while the complexity means that the students who take the additional questions need to kill many and very complicated objects.

There are all kinds of enemies, including void demon beasts, star natives, out-of-control Star Lord dependents, evil cultivators who have fallen into evil ways, elemental spirits, slaves of gods who believe in evil gods, etc.

These enemies of different origins often possess different combat powers. They are powerful, strange, and complex, which makes it difficult for the Star Lord student family members who participate in the additional question assessment to deal with them. They can kill one or several types of enemies, but they can’t. It is often difficult to kill all types of enemies, and you will always encounter enemies that restrain you.

Therefore, this additional test was very complicated, and the Familia led by the Star Lord students who entered it had a very difficult time fighting, with heavy casualties.

"It's Taiyi Star Palace."

Peng Yue said from the side.

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