The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 592 Invitation from Taiyi Star Palace Tian Snake Academy

Taiyi Star Palace is one of the nine star palaces of the Star Alliance. Liang Ji has made friends with one or two Star Master students from Taiyi Star Palace over the years, and he also knows something about Taiyi Star Palace.

Each of the nine star palaces of the Star Alliance has its own strengths. Among them, Taiyi Star Palace is good at the inheritance of the bloodline. Taiyi Star Palace's 'Bloodline Map' is just like the Kunlun Star Palace's 'Apotheosis of the Gods' and the Vientiane Star Palace's 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods'. The same suppression of the inheritance of the Star Palace.

Moreover, Liang Ji also heard that in every college entrance examination of Taiyi Star Palace, the number of star master students it recruits is often far higher than that of other star palaces.

Unlike Kunlun Star Palace, it recruits a small number of students and worships them as mentors of various disciplines for elite training.

Taiyi Star Palace recruits a large number of star lords’ darlings and gives them the same platform, allowing them to compete fiercely on the star palace platform to determine who has the strongest bloodline and become the elite among the elites.

In this way, look at the additional questions in the college entrance examination in front of us. There are no other assessments at all. Only the elite star master students of the Star Alliance who broke into the additional questions lead their families to fight continuously and fight against various enemies. During the battle, Select the strongest bloodline and the strongest elite students.

But it is exactly the same as the training concept in Taiyi Star Palace.

"No wonder that's the case."

Liang Ji also said secretly, and there was no doubt in his heart.

"But in this case, Ziqiu may really be admitted to Taiyi Star Palace this time."

He looked at the assessment screen. Wang Ziqiu led the 'Sun Feathered Serpent' clan to fight against various enemies, and performed quite well. The power of the 'Sun Feathered Serpent''s bloodline was even more eye-catching. With him Regarding the understanding of the Star Palace, Wang Ziqiu and her "Sun Quetzalcoatl" family members should have been in the eyes of the Taiyi Star Palace monks who presided over the assessment.

"That's fine. Taiyi Star Palace is famous for its bloodline. If Ziqiu is admitted to Taiyi Star Palace, he will be able to maximize the power of the bloodline of the 'Sun Feathered Serpent' clan, and even finally break the 'Sun Feathered Serpent' bloodline." It’s no problem to go further and grow into a higher-level Star Master.”

"Even in the fiercely competitive environment in Taiyi Star Palace, I don't know if she can adapt."

Thoughts were swirling in Liang Ji's mind, but he wasn't too worried.

After all, the path of cultivation is still everyone's own business. Being able to help the other party to enter the Taiyi Star Palace is already the greatest help. As for whether the other party can gain a foothold in the Taiyi Star Palace and stand out in the end, it can only depend on her. Yes.

Time passed by, and with the last Star Master student who broke into the extra question, the family led by him was destroyed in the attacks of various enemies in the extra question, and this time the college entrance examination ended successfully.

"Hey, it is indeed Taiyi Xinggong. Every time the college entrance examination is hosted by Taiyi Xinggong, no star master student can pass the final additional questions."

In the hall, looking at the last picture in the light curtain, Director Zhang of the Education Bureau couldn't help but shake his head.

"Oh?" Liang Ji was slightly surprised. He thought that in this college entrance examination, all the Star Master students who entered the additional questions were wiped out. It was just an exception. But according to Director Zhang, this seems to be a common thing?

He couldn't help but look at the other person and asked with a smile: "Director Zhang, in the past, the additional questions for the college entrance examination hosted by Taiyi Star Palace were all like this time, and all the candidates who broke into them were wiped out?"

Director Zhang looked at the words and nodded with a smile: "Yes, I have seen the college entrance examination hosted by Taiyi Xinggong no less than ten times, and every time it was similar to this one. Students who broke into the additional questions had to face a steady stream of murderers. Endless enemies of all kinds will be completely destroyed ten times."

"I have also discussed with fellow Taoists. This seems to be deliberately arranged by Taiyi Star Palace. The purpose is to baptize these proud people who will be admitted to the Star Palace and make them realize their own shortcomings, so that they can succeed in the Star Palace. Be more humble and diligent, and achieve better cultivation and growth.”

Liang Ji couldn't help but nodded slightly when he heard this, somewhat agreeing with Director Zhang's guess, especially considering the fierce competition and training methods within the Taiyi Star Palace. It seemed understandable to weaken the spirit of these star master students' talented students first.

"Is it possible that in the history of the Star Alliance, no one has completely passed the test of Taiyi Star Palace?"

Peng Yue asked curiously at this time.

"Of course!" Director Zhang gave an unexpected answer, saying: "According to records, there are a total of seven Star Master students in history who have completely passed the test of Taiyi Star Palace."

"And these seven star masters eventually grew into ninth-level star masters, first-level immortals, and ascended to sainthood."

"Moreover, when these seven Star Masters were practicing in the Taiyi Star Palace and the Star Alliance, their combat prowess, achievements, achievements, etc. were far superior to their peers, and they left their names in the history of the Star Alliance."

"In fact, these seven saints are also indispensable for the Taiyi Star Palace to grow into a star palace. They are also called the 'Seven Saints of Taiyi' in the Star Alliance, and their ancestors' tablets are still enshrined in the Taiyi Star Palace. .”

Director Zhang said, "Fellow Daoist Liang and Daoist Peng, if you want to know more information, you can check the news about the 'Taiyi Seven Saints'."

"That's it. Thank you Director Zhang."

Liang Ji and Peng Yue thanked each other after hearing this.

At this time, the college entrance examination has ended, but no one in the hall is in a hurry to leave. This college entrance examination does not require marking. Whether candidates can be admitted to an institution, a school, or a star palace can be decided on the spot based on their performance in the assessment.

Everyone waited for a moment again, and corresponding news would come soon.

Sure enough, in less than half an hour, the results of the new college entrance examination, as well as the recruitment list, etc., had been issued by the Tian Shexing Education Bureau and directly sent to the Education Bureau of Xiu Snake City.

Director Zhang did not hide anything and directly projected the results and recruitment list on a screen of light.

Liang Ji's eyes immediately fell on Wang Ziqiu's name. As he and Peng Yue expected, Wang Ziqiu was directly recruited by Taiyi Star Palace and became another star palace student.

"Haha... OK!" At this time, Teacher Du laughed loudly and said: "This time, two more students from our No. 2 Middle School have been admitted to the Star Palace!"

"One of our tenth middle schools also passed the exam! Good! Good...haha..."

"Oh, it's a pity that we still didn't get into Xinggong in No. 1 Middle School."

"It's a pity that Yan Xuejun of No. 3 Middle School was just a little bit..."

"Old Zhao, you guys are hiding deep enough!"

In the hall, the school principals and star class teachers looked at the transcripts and enrollment lists. Laughter, lamentations, exclamations, and discussions filled the hall for a while.

"Okay! Our Xiu She City performed very well in this college entrance examination, the best in more than 20 years!"

Director Zhang of the Education Bureau, with a smile on his face, looked at the crowd and said:

"This time, three more students have successfully entered the Star Palace. With these results, we in Xiu She City will definitely receive more resource support from the Tian Serpent Star Education Bureau in the coming year."

"This time, I especially want to commend No. 2 Middle School and No. 10 Middle School. Lao Du and Lao Zhao, you can rest assured that there will definitely be more educational resources allocated to your two schools in the next school year..."

Liang Ji and Peng Yue saw that these principals, teachers, and education directors were planning to hold a celebration party. They did not want to stay here for a long time, so they left immediately.

Unexpectedly, three days later, Teacher Du suddenly visited Liang Ji at his home and brought him unexpected news: "Tian She Academy would like to invite him and Peng Yue to visit."

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