The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 593 She Yuanjie and the Tiansnake Research Institute

Serpentis Star, Serpentis City, Serpentis Academy.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue received the invitation from Tian She Academy and agreed to come after just some consideration.

It was She Yuanjie who greeted the two of them at Tian She Academy. He was a college entrance examination student in the same class as Liang Ji and Peng Yue, so he was also familiar with them.

"I have met Fellow Daoist Liang and Fellow Daoist Peng. You are welcome to come and visit Tian Serpent Academy."

Seeing the two of them, She Yuanjie greeted them with a smile.

“I’ve met fellow Taoist She.”

Liang Ji and Peng Yue also returned the gift respectively.

Seeing that the other party had also advanced to the fourth level of Star Master, Liang Ji couldn't help but ask: "Fellow Daoist She, are you still working in the Star Alliance's 'Security Department' now?"

He still remembered that the last time he saw the other party was when he was a third-level star master and was performing the Star Alliance's "Security Department" mission in the Manggu Star Territory. The other party was also an intern in the "Security Department" at the time. Perform missions in the star field.

Hearing Liang Ji's inquiry, She Yuanjie showed a wry smile, shook his head slightly and said: "After I broke through to the fourth-level star master, I also applied to officially join the 'security department'. Unfortunately, I failed to pass the assessment. Now I have He has left the 'Security Department' and returned to the Tian Serpent Academy as a tutor."

Liang Ji was slightly surprised when he heard this, but he became more and more aware of the difference between the students from the school, the academy, and the star master of the star palace.

At the beginning, his senior Qi Changge also applied to officially join the Star Alliance's "Security Department" after he advanced to the fourth level of Star Master. Although there was an assessment, he passed easily. Now he is a full member of the Star Alliance's "Security Department". The 'Security Department' leads its own team, and someone has the authority.

It was Liang Ji himself. When he first broke through to the fourth-level star master, seniors Qi Changge, Yang Yun and others also asked him if he wanted to officially join the 'security department'. They basically said that he could join as long as he agreed, and they had never considered it. Problems with failing the assessment.

But now, She Yuanjie, the proud man who was able to dominate the Heavenly Snake Star assessment, is in the same class as Liang Ji and others. Now he has also become a fourth-level star master. His strength and talent are not inferior to them, but he has failed the assessment. Can join the 'Security Department' and become a full member.

The reason was that Liang Ji couldn't find any other reason besides thinking about the gap between the school and the Star Palace.


Liang Ji couldn't help but sigh slightly at this time.

But I don't know whether it's a pity that the other party failed to pass the examination and officially joined the Star Alliance's "Security Department", or it's a pity that the other party had the ability to be admitted to the Star Palace, but had to be admitted to the Serpent Academy because of the agreement with the Serpent Academy. .

Hearing this, She Yuanjie seemed to understand what he meant, but he smiled and said: "It's not a pity. Now I'm back to Tian Serpent Academy as a tutor. I will inherit the position of principal in the future and slowly develop Tian Snake Academy. I can also do it step by step. Step into the position of high-level star master."

"Everyone has his or her own path. When I accepted the funding from the Heavenly Serpent Academy and chose the Heavenly Serpent Family to become the proud one, my path of cultivation was destined."

In the Star Alliance, Star Master students from various schools can graduate from the school after reaching the third level of Star Master training. Therefore, the fourth level intermediate Star Master can already serve as a tutor in the school, unlike in the Star Palace. , at least a seventh-level high-level star master can serve as a mentor.

What's more, She Yuanjie practices the Heavenly Snake inheritance, so he is naturally more suitable for the Heavenly Snake Academy and is more suitable to serve as its instructor.

However, the gap can be clearly seen just from the level requirements of the instructors in this school and star palace.

The three of them talked as they walked and talked about their respective situations. After hearing what She Yuanjie said about his situation, Liang Ji and Peng Yue also told him about their exploration in the outside world.

It can be seen that although the other party has 'accepted his fate' and chosen to return to the Tian Serpent Academy to work, listening to Liang Ji and Peng Yue talking about the scenery and energy of the adventure in the outer lands, there is a lot of yearning in his eyes and face.

"The starry sea in the outer realm is so beautiful. I wish I could travel with you."

At the end, She Yuanjie couldn't help but sigh.

Liang Ji and Liang Ji didn't know how to comfort them after hearing this. After all, they were able to explore the outside world, but the other party couldn't. No matter how much they said, it would just seem pretentious.

Fortunately, at this time, the three of them had arrived at the center of Tian Snake Academy, outside the principal's room.

She Yuanjie also turned around and said with a smile: "We are here, two fellow Taoists, please come in."

With that said, the door to the principal's office opened, and She Yuanjie led the two of them into it.

After passing through the door of the principal's office, Liang Ji's face moved slightly. He felt as if he had passed through a star gate. When he entered the room and looked up, he saw that it was indeed not an ordinary office. There was actually a secret world inside. They were here. At that time, he was in a palace in the sky of the secret world.

Looking down from the palace, you can see a large area of ​​mountains, rivers and land, in which various snake species, half-snake people, etc. survive, reproduce and develop.

At the same time, you can also see some Star Lord monks riding starlight to travel around the earth, feeding different snakes and half-snake people, or conducting experiments and observations.

This secret world is like a huge laboratory or research room.

Seeing this, Liang Ji couldn't help but remember that when he was still a senior in high school, his head teacher, Mr. Du, introduced to him that there was a research laboratory in the Tian Serpent Academy that specialized in studying bloodline mutations, especially those of the snake family. .

At that time, because the half-snake of his Familia had mutated under the influence of the Dragon Soul, Teacher Du said that he could introduce him to the Tian Snake Academy and join the research room to provide guidance and research direction for his Familia's mutation.

However, Liang Ji knew the reasons for the mutation of his family members and how to guide the development of the mutation, so he refused.

But now it seems that the secret world in front of them is obviously the research laboratory in Tian Serpent Academy that studies the mutation of snakes.

This time, Tian Serpent Academy invited them to come, but they came directly to visit the research laboratory that studies the mutation of snakes, and the purpose was obviously related to this research.

"Do you still want to get the mutation information of my half-dragon family members?"

Liang Ji had a thought in his mind and his face remained calm.

On the side, She Yuanjie showed pride as he introduced this secret world to them and said, "Fellow Daoist Liang and Daoist Peng, please don't think that our Tian She Academy is just a school based on a star. We don't dare to compare with the Star Palace. But after all, we are also the direct descendants of the Heavenly Snake Saint, and we also have some strengths and foundations of our own."

"You guys, look here, this is the Holy Land of the Heavenly Snake. It is the secret realm that the Saint of the Heavenly Snake personally opened in the natal star of the Heavenly Serpent. It is specially used to cultivate and study the development, mutation and improvement of various snake families."

"I dare to say that in terms of research on the mutation and bloodline of the snake family, our Tian Serpent Academy is top-notch even among the entire Star Alliance. Even the Taiyi Star Palace, which is famous for its research on bloodline, will regularly Come to our Heavenly Snake Academy for cooperative research and buy some snake-familiar bloodline seeds."

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