The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 594 The Transaction at Tian Snake Academy

"Passed down by the Heavenly Serpent Saint!"

Listening to what She Yuanjie said, Liang Ji and Peng Yue couldn't help but show respect on their faces.

After all, no matter how big the gap is between the Heavenly Serpent Academy and the Kunlun Star Palace and the Vientiane Star Palace, the Heavenly Serpent saints are the senior saints who have truly cultivated to the level of first-level immortals and ascended to sainthood. They are the ones who have embarked on the path of star master cultivation. The younger generations need to be respected.

Moreover, after hearing what She Yuanjie said, Tian Snake Academy's 'research laboratory' even cooperates with Taiyi Star Palace, and Taiyi Star Palace needs to come here to obtain the blood of various half-snake people, he couldn't help but nod.

Within the Star Alliance, even if each school can only sit on the land of one star, they still have their own merits.

"Fellow Daoist Liang, Fellow Daoist Peng." She Yuanjie looked at the two of them at this time and said with a smile: "Your family members are all from the half-snake family, and each has its own strengths. Why not travel and visit this research laboratory? If you are interested in any research, You can tell me the results or the blood of the Half-Snake Familia, and I can donate the successfully researched or the blood of the Familia on behalf of the Heavenly Serpent Academy."

Liang Ji and Peng Yue looked at each other when they heard this, but they didn't rush to agree. As the saying goes, people must ask for something if they are polite.

Tian Serpent Academy is so generous, it must be because they have something to ask for, so it would be better to find out first.

At that moment, Liang Ji smiled, bowed to She Yuanjie, and said, "Fellow Daoist She, I wonder what the purpose of Tian Snake Academy's invitation to us this time is? Is it just to entertain us to visit this research room?"

Seeing this, She Yuanjie couldn't help but shake his head and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Liang and Daoist Peng are too worried. It seems that if I don't explain it clearly first, you won't have the intention to visit this research laboratory."

As he spoke, he changed the subject and said: "Fellow Daoist Liang, in this college entrance examination, one of your nieces showed great prowess in the assessment and was successfully admitted to the Taiyi Star Palace. Congratulations! Congratulations!"

Hearing this, Liang Ji looked thoughtful and said, "Are you here for Ziqiu?"

"No! No, you are here for Ziqiu's family, the Sun Feathered Serpents."

"That's right." She Yuanjie smiled and nodded directly: "Every college entrance examination, our Tian She Mansion will pay more attention to find special students and dependents worthy of attention. In this college entrance examination, your niece Wang Ziqiu's dependents It caught our attention.”

"In this Star Alliance, our Heavenly Serpent Academy is definitely top-notch in terms of research on various snake species, but we have never seen this 'Sun Feathered Serpent' clan."

"I can say with certainty that this 'Sun Quetzalcoatl' family has never appeared in the Star Alliance before. It is the first mutant species to appear."

"Just like fellow Daoist Liang, your half-dragon family is also a mutated species that has never appeared in the Star Alliance before."

Hearing this, Liang Ji smiled and said: "So, Fellow Daoist She, when you invite us here from the Heavenly Serpent Academy this time, do you want my half-dragon family bloodline and my niece Ziqiu's Sun Feathered Serpent family bloodline?"

She Yuanjie nodded, shook his head and said, "Yes and no."

"Our Heavenly Snake Academy has always been famous for studying the bloodlines of various snake-familiar families, and we have also been collecting the bloodlines of snake-familiar families that have appeared in various Star Alliances."

"Of course we also want to collect Daoyou Liang's half-dragon family bloodline and your niece's Sun Feathered Serpent family bloodline for research."

"It's just that our Tian Serpent Academy has always done fair transactions and never forced others to do anything."

"This time I invite you to visit this research room. It is me who will receive you, not our principal. I am worried that you will misunderstand and think that our Tian She Academy bullies the small and uses its power to suppress others."

When Liang Ji and Peng Yue heard this, they smiled, shook their heads slightly, and said, "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist She, there is no one or force in the Star Alliance who can be said to bully the students who were born in the Star Palace, and use their power to suppress others. "

As their cultivation level continues to improve, the status and knowledge of Liang Ji and Peng Yue also continue to improve. They have long known that the principal of Tianshe Academy is usually just a seventh-level star master who has just entered the advanced level. Unlike them, The mentors in the Star Palace are at about the same level, and may even be inferior to them.

Back then, when Liang Ji was still a second-level star master, when he witnessed the chaos of the 'Pantheon' in Tian Serpent City, the news that the principal of Tian Snake Academy took action was astonishing for a moment, with both respect and fear.

But now, as his cultivation has improved and his knowledge has broadened, he has become more and more clear about the movements of the principal of Tian Serpent Academy. Although he still has more respect in his heart, he has less and less fear.

She Yuanjie was not annoyed after hearing what the two of them said. He just nodded with a smile on his face and said, "This is natural. Our Tian She Academy has no intention of bullying at all. We were even worried that you would misunderstand, so we didn't ask the principal to come forward, just because he would let you You understand our Tian Serpent Academy’s sincerity in fair and fair transactions.”

"Fellow Daoist Liang Ji, I wonder if you are willing to trade with our Tian She Academy?"

"As long as you are willing to trade the half-snake bloodline and Sun-Quatted Serpent bloodline seeds, any research results, snake-familiar bloodline seeds, etc. that you like in this laboratory can be traded."

Liang Ji looked thoughtful when he heard this, while Peng Yue said: "It seems that I am just here to accompany the guests this time. You still need to make your own decision whether Liang Ji makes this deal."

After a while, Liang Ji shook his head and said: "Fellow Daoist She, I'm sorry. My half-dragon family is related to the secrets of my own practice, so I am not prepared to exchange it."

"As for my niece Ziqiu's 'Sun Feathered Serpent' family, it is related to her personal cultivation privacy. Whether she wants to trade or not depends on her own wishes. I can convey your wishes on my behalf."

Hearing Liang Ji's words, She Yuanjie couldn't help but show a look of disappointment on his face, and at the same time he tried again: "Fellow Daoist Liang, please believe that our Tian She Academy's research on the snake family is definitely the deepest and most top-notch."

"As long as you are willing to hand over the blood of the Half-Dragon Family and the Sun Quetzalcoatl Family to us for research, we will never pry or reveal any privacy of your practice. On the contrary, we will always share the research results of the laboratory with you. , will definitely allow you to better cultivate your family members."

Liang Ji still shook his head when he heard this. His half-dragon family has developed so far, and has even integrated into many indigenous bloodlines and spiritual species from the outside world to cultivate the bloodline of the nine sons of dragons. It can be said that it has deviated further and further away from the bloodline of the snake family, and it is still It doesn't matter whether they are considered snake bloodline dependents.

Moreover, with the dragon soul around, he believed that even if Tian Serpent Academy joined the research, they would not have a clearer understanding of the development direction of his family than he did, so he refused directly.

"However." Liang Ji said, then changed the topic and said: "As members of the Serpentine Star, we are also willing to contribute to the development and research of the stars in our hometown."

He took out a few bloodline spiritual seeds and said, "These are some spiritual seeds related to the snake bloodline that we collected during our exploration in the outer lands."

"Among them is the indigenous blood spiritual species of the Sun Quetzalcoatl that was fused with my niece's family. We are willing to give it to Tian Serpent Academy for free for research and development."

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