The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 600 Starship naming: Dragon Snake

"What about the back?"

Chu Yue looked at the information in her hand and was very interested in the formation that could attract and control the Void Demon Snake. Especially for a formation master like her, who had reached a limit in the formation. Any new, The knowledge of formations that she has never been exposed to can allow her to make great breakthroughs and growth.

As a result, when she was excited, she suddenly found that the most critical part of the formation was missing.

How could this not excite her.

When Liang Ji heard this, he waved his hands helplessly and said: "I haven't digested and analyzed the inheritance that follows."

You must know that these are the inheritance of the Heavenly Snake Saint, the inheritance of the ninth-level star master and the first-level heavenly immortal. The content of the design is not only extensive, but also profound.

Not to mention, the gap in cultivation, strength, and knowledge between Liang Ji's fourth-order star master and ninth-order star master is the knowledge he has now analyzed about the casting of the 'Sky Serpent Starship', about attracting and controlling the void demon. Liang Ji had never been exposed to or learned about Snake's formation knowledge before.

He was able to analyze part of the casting content of the 'Sky Serpent Starship' in the past half a year, and he had already relied on the refining and analysis of the dragon soul.

Of course, more inherited knowledge is still stored in the belly of the dragon soul, being slowly refined and analyzed by the dragon soul.

As long as these contents can be parsed out, it can at least meet the many inheritance needs of the dependent family in his natal star from intermediate to high levels.

Including a series of inheritance needs from airships, to spaceships, to starships, to starships.

The Sky Serpent starship and its subordinate starships, spaceships, airships and other series are enough to provide a clear development route for the development of Liang Ji's natal star family's "strong ships and sharp guns".

Although the route of this 'Sky Serpent' series may not be suitable for the development of his half-dragon family, it is at least a reference direction, and he can choose suitable content and integrate it into his own development. In the end, he may not be able to develop his own 'Sky Dragon' series. line.

In addition, the magical power development route in the Sky Snake inheritance can also be digested, transformed, and integrated into the development of one's own family's magical powers. It may not be impossible to develop the magical power of the 'Sky Snake Breath' into the 'Celestial Dragon Breath'.

In short, the Heavenly Snake inheritance is the inheritance of the saint after all. Liang Ji's family members are not suitable for direct absorption and integration, but they can still get enough benefits from it.

When Chu Yue heard Liang Ji's words, she couldn't help but frown and asked, "Then how long will it take you to analyze the content behind it?"

"I don't know." Liang Ji waved his hand and said: "After all, this is related to the seventh-order starship, and I am only a fourth-order star master now. Not only is there a difference of three levels, but there are even middle-level to high-level ones. Given the gap, we are very lucky to be able to analyze the relevant content of the front part of the 'Sky Serpent Starship'."

Listening to Liang Ji's words, Chu Yue became more and more helpless, and even couldn't help but ask: "Where did you learn this knowledge and inheritance? Can I go and learn?"

Liang Ji shook his head and said: "I'm afraid it's difficult. This is part of the inheritance of the 'Sage of the Heavenly Serpent' received at the Heavenly Snake Academy."

"Saint inheritance!" Chu Yue's face was full of surprise when he heard this, and his eyes became more and more interested and longing. For those heretical inheritance practitioners who can only practice to the third level, the saint inheritance of a first-level heavenly immortal is undoubtedly beyond their reach. that is, existence.

"It's a pity..." But because of this, Chu Yue also understood that it was impossible for her to obtain the inheritance of the 'Sage of the Heavenly Serpent'. Even though she had a clear understanding of the gap between the main star monks and the heretic monks in the Star Alliance, she At this moment, he could not help but feel jealous. He looked at Liang Ji and said, "Sometimes, I'm really jealous of you Star Master monks."

Liang Ji said with a smile: "Senior Chu, we are teammates of the same expedition team. You are responsible for the arrangement of formations and starship modifications in the team. I will digest and analyze more information about formations and starships later. The inheritance of the starship must be left to you to study and implement."

"In this way, wouldn't seniors be able to contact and obtain the inherited knowledge of the 'Sage of the Heavenly Snake'?"

Hearing what he said, Chu Yue could only hold up her hands and said: "In that case, thank you very much, Captain!"

However, he directly addressed Liang Ji as captain, which was regarded as acknowledging his leadership of the expedition team.

Liang Ji smiled and returned the salute, then changed the subject and said: "Senior Chu, although the subsequent formations have not been analyzed yet, but the previous parts about 'Sky Serpent's Transformation', 'Swallowing Starlight', and 'Sky Serpent's Breath', whether Can it be integrated into our starship transformation?"

"No problem." Chu Yue nodded directly and said: "The overall array diagram of the starship transformation has not been encapsulated yet. I only need to make some adjustments to add these transformations."

"It's just that, as a result, the starship transformation, which was originally expected to be completed in one month, may be delayed by more than one month."

"It doesn't matter." Liang Ji said with a smile: "The better the starship is modified now, the smoother our subsequent exploration operations will be and the more we will gain."

Chu Yue also nodded in approval and said, "Then leave it to me."

"Thank you, Senior Chu."

Liang Ji thanked the other party again, and then Chu Yue left and went to the starship to gather all the people who were responsible for the transformation of the starship. Among them were people sent by Shandelou and Herborist Group, as well as some technology recruited through Wu Shan's connections. Talents also include the family members sent by Liang Ji and Peng Yue.

Chu Yue summoned these people to make new plans and adjustments for the starship transformation. After that, the transformation of the starship became increasingly busy.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue did not take any time off either. They began to travel between the Double Sun Galaxy and the Iron Wall Galaxy to purchase and prepare various supplies for the second outland exploration that was about to begin soon.

Time passed by, and more than two months later, the transformation of the starship was completed as scheduled, just as Chu Yue expected.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue also prepared all the resources and materials needed for the expedition to the outer regions and sent them into the newly renovated starship.

Under Liang Ji's call, the team members gathered on the modified starship. A group of seven people visited the modified starship. Chu Yue explained in detail the various formations, restrictions, and restrictions of the new starship. Function etc.

Compared with the original starship, the modified starship has been improved several to ten times in terms of speed, function, protection power, attack power, endurance, void hiding ability, exploration ability, etc.

Liang Ji, Peng Yue, Wu Shan, Chu Yue, Wu Ling and other veteran team members compared the gap between the front and rear of the starship, and the smiles on their faces became more and more obvious.

Even the two newcomers, Lu Yuetong and Xia Wujiu, are equally well-informed. After listening to the various starship data Chu Yue said, they couldn't help but praise: "The function of this starship is no less than that of the Star Alliance's external expansion corps." Commonly used starships."

"Perhaps, we should give this starship a name!" Lu Yuetong suggested: "The function of this starship is enough to bear a name."

After hearing this, several people in the team looked at Liang Ji and Peng Yue.

Although it was not stated clearly, the core and leaders of this exploration team were undoubtedly the two star master monks Liang Ji and Peng Yue, even though their cultivation and strength were far lower than those of several other third-level immortals.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue couldn't help but look at each other when they heard this, and then Liang Ji said: "Why don't we call it 'Dragon Snake'?"

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