The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 601 The Second Adventure Destroying the Stars

In the void of the outer domain, in the vast sea of ​​​​stars, the Dragon Snake exploration starship now transformed into a huge golden snake in the void, swimming in the void, chasing the starlight.

With the transformation of the starship completed, Liang Ji and his expedition team members gathered together and began the team's second expedition to the outside world without spending too long on Yuyang Star.

Compared with the first expedition, they were more prepared this time, with more personnel and stronger strength. The expedition starship was also more powerful and could explore the farther and more dangerous star sea void.

Now, this starship has left the void area where the Double Sun Galaxy is located for more than a year. The distance the starship sails in the void and the stars in the galaxy it explores are far beyond what it was during the first expedition.

However, compared to the first expedition, which successfully discovered the spiritual star 'Yuyang Star' in just a few months; this second expedition, despite being longer, exploring a wider range and exploring more galaxies, was Still couldn't find new spiritual stars.

In the Dragon Snake starship, Liang Ji, Peng Yue and others went from excitement to anxiety at the beginning, and then to numbness. They seemed to have become somewhat accustomed to the surrounding void, the boundless sea of ​​stars, and the futile results found in the galaxies everywhere. return process.

"Perhaps this is the normal situation for the Star Alliance's outer space exploration team to explore the outer space of the star sea."

"There are always a few people who can discover the spiritual stars of the outer realm and return with a full harvest. In most cases, they return with nothing and a loss."

In the main control cabin of the Dragon Snake starship, Liang Ji looked at the various images and data displayed on the light screen in front of him, and sighed to Peng Yue aside.

Although he had expected this, his second exploration was frustrated at the beginning. He found nothing for more than a year, and even Liang Ji couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

As for the light curtain in the main control cabin in front of us, there are many changes compared to the previous light curtain before the starship was transformed. The content and data displayed on it are also more and more detailed.

For example, the energy reserves of the starship, the monitoring of the prohibited operation of the formation on the ship, the collection and analysis data of the starlight map in the surrounding void, etc. These are all the data that the starship formation light curtain had in the past.

Now, in this light curtain, a lot of new data and information have been added, such as data on starships devouring starlight and converting energy, data on starships transforming into various void demonic snakes, and even data on various monsters in the nearby void. The traces left by the Void Demonic Snake are collected to collect data and so on.

These are the newly added functional data after the starship's transformation, and they also add many new possibilities for Liang Ji and his team to explore the outer world this time.

At this moment, the starship transformed into a Void Golden Snake and advanced in the void. At the same time, it was collecting and tracking a group of Void Golden Snakes that left traces and information in the void.

On the side, Peng Yue stretched out his hand and clicked on the light screen in front of him, carefully checking the Void Golden Snake information collected and tracked by the starship. There was no trace of depression on his face, but instead he was filled with excitement and joy.

After all, what Peng Yue needs to refine at the fourth-level star master stage is the demon elixir of the fourth-level Void Golden Snake, and the golden snake demon elixir she obtained from previous hunting has been almost consumed. This time the Dragon Snake starship is in this void. She accidentally captured the traces left by the Void Golden Snakes and was able to track a group of Void Golden Snakes, allowing her to hunt a large number of the Golden Snake Demon Pills she needed. Naturally, she couldn't hide her joy.

Therefore, in response to Liang Ji's lament, Peng Yue just smiled and replied: "Isn't this normal? Among the seniors and sisters in the Star Palace who are exploring the outer world, which one has not lost money several times?"

"Anyway, we now have the support of Shandelou and Herborist Group. These two companies have great businesses and will no longer lose money several times."

"What's more, although we haven't found any spiritual stars this time, we have hunted a lot of void demonic snakes, and collected a lot of star resources and void spiritual objects, which can always reduce some losses."

"The inheritance of the Heavenly Snake Saint is really powerful..."

"Speaking of which, Liang Ji, you and I have received the inheritance of the Heavenly Serpent Saint together. I have gained very little from it so far, but you have actually been able to parse out part of the inheritance of the 'Tian Serpent Starship'. It is truly amazing..."

As Peng Yue spoke, the conversation couldn't help but turn to the Dragon Snake starship, regarding the transformation of the inheritance of the 'Sage of the Heavenly Serpent'.

Liang Ji smiled when he heard this and said, "Maybe, I am smarter."

"You mean I'm too stupid?" Peng Yue heard this and immediately turned to him and said angrily.

Liang Ji laughed and suddenly noticed a new message popping up on the light screen. He pointed at it and said, "Found it. The Void Golden Snake Demon Group that Peng Yuezhen was looking for has been found."

After hearing this, Peng Yue stopped pestering him, turned to look at the information on the light screen, and reached out to click on the new information that popped up.

Immediately, the information unfolded in the light curtain and manifested into a clear picture. In the void ahead, bright starlight exploded, and a large number of void monsters entered, chased, and devoured the starlight.

Among them were not only the Void Golden Snake they were chasing, but also various other Void Demonic Beasts, both low-level and mid-level. We could even occasionally see a few high-level Void Demonic Beasts, with snake-like Void Demonic Beasts as the main ones. host.

"This is..." Peng Yue looked at the light and shadow appearing in the picture with a look of surprise on his face.

"The void demon swarm destroys the stars!"

At this time, Liang Ji also looked at the picture that appeared in the light screen and exclaimed in amazement.

He has known for a long time that the Void Demon Clan chases starlight, and that the Void Demon Clan and the high-level Void Demon Clan will even destroy stars and devour them to grow.

But before, he had only seen the void monsters destroy the stars in the black hole and swallow the original starlight of the stars when the Yinghai black hole exploded.

However, he did not expect that this time during his adventure in the outer realm, he would once again see the scene of the void demons destroying stars and devouring their origins.

Accident? Maybe it’s not a surprise!

The Void Demon Clan originally grew up by devouring stars. Now they are chasing the traces of the Void Golden Snake. It seems natural to see these Void Demon Beasts gather in groups to destroy and devour stars.

Especially in the void of the outer domain, unlike in the Star Alliance, there is no innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Array" to protect it. The void demon clan roams and grows wantonly, destroying stars, and devouring stars without much hindrance.

During their first expedition to the outside world, the Yuyang Star they discovered was almost destroyed by the void mirage demon; now on their second expedition, they saw the star destroyed and devoured by the void demon swarm.

In the outer star sea, stars without sufficient protection are so dangerous facing the Void Monster Clan, and may face the crisis of destruction at any time.

However, this is good news for Liang Ji and his exploration team.

They were originally just chasing the traces of the Void Golden Snake and wanted to hunt some of the Void Golden Snake's demon elixirs for the development of Peng Yue's natal star.

However, they did not expect that now they saw a star that was destroyed by the Void Monster Clan. There were many spiritual objects and treasures born in the destruction of this star. They were rare and extremely effective, which allowed them to make a fortune to make up for this. The loss of the expedition.

"Seniors, prepare to fight!"

At that moment, Liang Ji immediately sent an order to wake up the third-level immortals who were practicing and sleeping in the starship.

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