The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 602 Breath of the Sky Serpent, the Dragon Snake starship shows its power for the first time

As Liang Ji passed the order, every cabin in the Dragon Snake starship opened. Wu Shan, Chu Yue, Wu Ling, Lu Yuetong, and Xia Wujiu, five third-level immortals, came out of their respective cabins one after another and gathered on the starship deck. above.

They have also received detailed information and intelligence. At this time, they are standing on the deck and looking at the stars exploding and destroying in the distance in the void, as well as the large number of void monsters gathering, with different expressions on their faces.

Wu Shan's expression was calm, while Chu Yue showed little interest. He even held a formation disk in his hand and was deducing something in it, and did not pay much attention to the destroyed stars and void monsters in front of him.

On the contrary, the newly joined Lu Yuetong and Xia Wujiu looked happy. They each represented Shandelou and Herborist Group in joining the expedition team. The two groups had already invested a lot of resources and financial resources into the expedition team and the starship.

Although their investment was more because they were optimistic about Liang Ji and wanted to get involved in the research on Yuyang Star, it can be said that they have achieved their goal, and they don't care even if they lose money many times in subsequent explorations.

However, for Lu Yuetong and Xia Wujiu, they would naturally prefer that the expedition return with a full harvest rather than end with a loss.

This is not only related to their personal gains, but also related to their performance and growth space in their respective groups.

However, during this expedition, the Dragon Snake starship has been sailing in the void for more than a year, exploring a large area of ​​void and galaxy range, but has been unable to find new spiritual stars, and is about to return at a loss.

Now, the two of them naturally hope to recover more of their losses, and the destruction stars in front of them and the large number of void monsters gathered in front of them are their hope to recover their losses.

"Stars are destroyed!" On the deck, Xia Wu looked at the exploding and destroyed stars in the void in front of him for a long time, and exclaimed: "Speaking of which, although I have practiced to a third-level immortal, this is the first time I have seen such a scene of star destruction. Look, It’s really beautiful up there.”

As he spoke, he turned to the team members and said with a smile: "During the destruction of stars, many spiritual materials and treasures with destructive properties will be born, and the original treasures of the stars will also burst out. These are all good things. This time Now that you’ve met it, you can’t miss it.”

"Why don't I be a pioneer and explore the path for all fellow Taoists?"

With that said, Xia Wujiu's figure became illusory and he was about to escape into the void. He is also a third-level ghost immortal who practices the ghost immortal Taoism. He can blend into the void and escape into the void without leaving a trace.

"Wait, Senior Xia."

At this time, Liang Ji's starlight projection appeared on the deck, stopped the other party's actions, stretched out his hand and pointed forward:

"There are too many of these void monsters. Just after the transformation of our Dragon Snake starship has been completed, we have not yet tested our skills. Let's use the starship to blast a passage among these void monsters and start this battle."

"Let us also see how powerful the modified starship is."

Hearing Liang Ji's words, several people on the deck couldn't help but show interest. Even Chu Yue withdrew her attention from the array plate in her hand and looked forward.

She also has a deep interest in the combat capability test of this starship, which she presided over and coordinated the transformation.

"Since we are testing the combat power and edge of the starship, there is no need to waste energy and just use the 'Sky Serpent's Breath' to check it out."

Chu Yue suggested directly.

The transformation of the entire starship, the arrangement of formations, and restrictions were all presided over, designed, and even arranged by her. Chu Yue naturally knew about the power of various attack formations and restrictions on the Dragon Snake starship. learn.

The most difficult thing for her to determine was the various formations and restriction arrangements provided by Liang Ji later on, especially the power of the strongest 'Snake Breath' attack. Although it was arranged by her, But it is really difficult for Chu Yue to determine its specific operation effect and power.

After all, she only made the arrangements according to the script. Although Chu Yue has been studying the formations and restrictions of the 'Sky Serpent Starship' and the operation of the formations of the Sky Serpent's Breath for more than a year, she has not yet fully studied them. This is the inheritance of a 'saint' after all. Even for a third-level immortal and array master like Chu Yue, it is extremely high-end inheritance and information.

Therefore, she also wanted to personally observe and experience the operation process and attack effect of the 'Sky Serpent's Breath' formation. It would also be very beneficial to her research on the 'Sky Serpent Starship' and the inheritance of saints.

Naturally, Liang Ji and others had no objection to Chu Yue's suggestion. They each authorized and activated the 'Sky Serpent's Breath' formation in the starship.

Afterwards, we saw streaks of starlight flowing from all over the starship, connecting, intertwining, and converging, condensing on the surface of the Dragon Snake starship, and manifesting into a stage of 'Sky Serpent' phantom.

Liang Ji looked at the 'Sky Serpent' phantom condensed by starlight. Its size, power, aura, etc. were far inferior to the 'Sky Serpent' phantom he had seen twice when he was on the Serpent Star. After all, the Serpent Star The 'Sky Serpent' phantom should have been left by a saint, and could not be compared to a seventh-tier starship relying on formations and restrictions.

But at this time, the phantom of the 'Sky Serpent' condensed on the starship was obviously enough. The Serpent opened its huge mouth, and a chaotic breath erupted from it, tearing the void, shattering the space, and blasting directly into the front to surround and destroy the stars. among the void demons.

There was no sound, no gorgeous viewing. Wherever the chaotic air flow spit out by the 'Sky Snake' passed, there were only a large number of void demonic beasts that were smashed to pieces on the spot, with broken limbs and arms, and flesh and blood residue flying everywhere.

The low-level void demonic beasts were blasted into powder, the mid-level void demonic beasts were blasted into pieces, and the high-level void demonic beasts were severely damaged even if they were not killed.

With just one blow, a passage was successfully blasted out of the void demon group surrounding the Destruction Star, leading directly to the Destruction Star in the center, completely exposing the cracking, exploding, and destroying stars to Liang Ji and other members of the expedition team.



"It is indeed worthy of the inheritance of a saint..."

On the deck, there were sounds of admiration immediately.

"The void demon group has been frightened and dispersed by this blow. It is the best time for us to take action."

As he spoke, his figure had already taken the lead to escape into the void and disappeared.

Just a moment later, several people saw in the battlefield of Destruction Stars, a high-level void demon beast with three heads, like a giant wolf, suddenly let out a shrill scream, and was devouring the origin of Destruction Stars. Struggling and rolling directly in the void.

Dark chains were faintly visible emerging from his body, binding the demon soul and about to be pulled out.

Ghost Immortal Xia Wujiu has taken action!

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