The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 603 Breath of Elements Familia Cross-Level Combat Power

"Haha... Everyone, we can't let the newcomers take the spotlight. Let's take action too."

Human Immortal Wu Shan said with a smile at this time, his body jumped out from the starship, ran rampant in the void, and was good at facing the wind. He had already activated the great magical powers of 'Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth' and 'Three Heads and Six Arms', and rushed straight into the void. Among the demons.

Seeing this, Chu Yue and the Five Spirits also took action one after another. One raised his star shuttle to sweep across the void like a sword, and the other raised the souls of the high-level void monsters who transformed into the void.

At this time, Liang Ji and Peng Yue also activated their golden elixirs and natal stars, opened starlight portals in the void, summoned their respective families to fly out in flying boats, and fought with a large number of low-level and mid-level void monsters in the void.

Compared with the previous battle on Yuyang Star, their Familia flying boats, whether it was Liang Ji’s ‘Wanxiang Mountain’ flying boat or Peng Yue’s ‘Melting Furnace’ flying boat, had undergone many changes.

The 'Altar of the Sun' originally built on their respective ships has been cleared.

Just like Chu Yue said, these 'solar altars' lost their function after leaving the Double Sun Galaxy. During the exploration of the Void Star Sea in the past year or so, Liang Ji and Peng Yue also looked for opportunities to get close to stars in some galaxies to test the family members. The 'Altar of the Sun' on the flying boat turned out to be useless and could not activate the power of the stars at all.

This further verified the Star Alliance's experiment. Naturally, they could only dismantle these 'Altars of the Sun' from the Familia flying boats. Liang Ji's original plan to build and arrange the 'Altar of the Sun' array on his natal star was temporarily cancelled. Plan, prepare to wait until the Covenant develops a universal 'Altar of the Sun' formation.

However, although there is no blessing from the 'Altar of the Sun', the two people's family flying boats also incorporate many inheritance factors from the 'Sky Serpent Flying Boat', which can even improve the combat power of the flying boats even more than that of the 'Altar of the Sun'.

After all, it has been more than two years since Liang Ji and Peng Yue accepted the inheritance of the 'Sage of the Heavenly Snake', and they both have gained something. It is natural for them to pass it on to their respective families and use it in the transformation of the flying boat.

At this moment, during the battle between the Familia flying boats summoned by Liang Ji and Peng Yue and the Void Demon Clan, the power of wind, thunder, water, fire and other elements of the divine messengers, and the rainbow light of various elements erupted from the furnace, all changed. They were no longer The simple and pure elemental power in the past has been transformed by the formations and restrictions inherited by the 'Sky Serpent', and has been integrated into the power of the 'Sky Serpent's Breath'.

As a result, the fire emitted by the 'Suanni' flying boat was no longer a pure flame, but a 'breath of flame', in which the power of the fire element rotated, collided, and exploded at an extremely fast speed, and the power increased by more than ten times; 'Suanni' What the flying boat blasts is no longer pure thunder, but 'breath of thunder'; what the 'Yai Can' flying boat shoots is no longer pure golden light, but 'breath of golden light'.

There are also 'breath of water', 'breath of wood', 'breath of earth', 'breath of ice', 'breath of wind', 'breath of poison' and so on.

The attacks launched by the gods on each 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boat are no longer pure elemental power, but the 'breath of elements' in which the elemental power rotates, collides, and explodes at extremely high speeds. The power is compared to pure elements. The power of the elements is ten times or even dozens of times stronger.

The ten-fold increase in combat power gave Liang Ji an upper hand in the battle and killing battle between the flying boats of his family and the void demon clan.

The low-level Void Demon Clan will die immediately under the bombardment and sweep of these 'breaths of elements'; among the mid-level Void Demon Clan, the fourth-level Void Demon Clan at the same level as the Familia are also rarely able to do so. Those who resisted these 'Elemental Breaths' were basically hit by a frontal bomb but would not die or be seriously injured. A further blow would result in death.

Even the fifth-level Void Demon Clan, which is one level higher than the Familia, would be severely injured or even killed on the spot under the concentrated fire attack of multiple airships' 'Breath of Elements'.

All the fifth-level Void Monster Clan can do is to flee quickly, or rush forward with all their might, and then perish together with several flying boats.

Even for the sixth-order Void Monster Clan, which is two levels higher, although the 'Breath of Elements' blasted out by a single family flying boat is difficult to break through their defenses, once these flying boats form a battle formation, they can set up a 'Ten Directions Extermination Battle Formation' , various 'Breaths of Elements' gathered together and turned into 'Breath of Destruction', its lethality increased more than ten times on the basis of 'Breaths of Elements', directly breaking through the defense of the sixth-order Void Monster Clan.

Or being besieged by dozens of clan battle formations, even the sixth-order Void Demon Clan would suffer heavy losses, or even be besieged and killed on the spot.

Of course, if the battle continues like this, even if they win, at least half of the flying boats besieging the sixth-order Void Monster Clan will be destroyed.

Even so, it also proves that after integrating into the inheritance of the 'Sage of the Heavenly Snake', Liang Ji's family members and Feizhou already have combat effectiveness that can cross two levels, which is almost the same as his own combat effectiveness.

"I can only say that it is indeed the inheritance of a saint!"

Liang Ji observed the battle situation of his family members and Feizhou, and tested the combat strength of the new generation of Feizhou, and he couldn't help but marvel in his heart.

At the same time, he also had a more in-depth understanding of the difference between the inheritance of saints and the inheritance of stars.

The inheritance of the Star Palace is more comprehensive and allows the Star Master to have more in-depth control over the natal stars and dependents. The final purpose is to serve the Star Master monks themselves.

The inheritance of saints is often not so comprehensive, but it is extremely powerful in a certain aspect or even in certain aspects.

After all, those who can become a first-level immortal and ascend to sainthood must have their own strengths.

Just like in the inheritance of the 'Sage of the Heavenly Serpent', the powerful attack power of the 'Breath of the Heavenly Serpent' is one of its strengths.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue accepted the inheritance of the 'Sage of the Heavenly Snake' in order to try their best to digest these strengths and integrate them into the development of their own families to enhance their own strength.

Liang Ji's family digested the inheritance of the 'Sage of the Heavenly Snake', and upgraded the attacks of various elemental powers controlled by the 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boat into the powerful attack of 'Elemental Breath'; Peng Yue's family also digested the ' The inheritance of the "Sage of the Heavenly Serpent", the power of the "Breath of the Heavenly Serpent" is also integrated into the flying boat "furnace" he drives, which makes the power of the four-color divine light blasted from it increase dramatically.

Peng Yue's family members drove the flying boat and chased the Void Golden Snake among the Void Demons. They massacred and harvested the Golden Snake Demon Pills, but they also encountered few opponents.

Liang Ji's current regret is that this star destroyed by the Void Monster Clan is just a dead star in the Void Star Sea. It has no spiritual veins and vitality, so among the Void Monsters gathered here, there is no Void Mirage. The presence.

Therefore, the large number of void monsters killed this time were not able to harvest a mirage monster pill.

Although he still has more than twenty mirage demon pills in his hand, which is enough for several years, he cannot rest on his laurels.

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