The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 604 The Void Monster Tribe’s Counterattack

"It's a pity that the inheritance of the 'Sage of the Heavenly Snake' is better at finding and capturing traces of the Void Demon Clan of various snake species, but it is difficult to capture the traces of the Void Mirage."

"It would be great if I could get the inheritance of the 'Mirage Saint'."

"Also, I asked Senior Chu Yue to modify the formation to track the traces of void mirages based on the formation of the 'Sage of the Heavenly Snake' to search and track the snake-like void demons. I don't know if there is any progress?"

Liang Ji looked at the battlefield, and Peng Yue's family members quickly harvested demon pills from the Void Golden Snake one after another, and he couldn't help but have thoughts in his heart.

The second expedition to the void in the outer realm has yielded nothing for more than a year. Not only has the spiritual vein star not been found, Liang Ji has also not seen any trace of the void mirage in more than a year of exploration.

It also made him understand more and more that the void mirage was rare in number and difficult to hunt.

Even though he still has more than twenty fourth-level mirage demon elixirs in his hand, if he finds no trace of the void mirage in the next few years of exploration, then these demon elixirs will just sit there and remain empty.

At that time, the process of cultivating his natal star will still be delayed.

Therefore, Liang Ji had long ago asked Chu Yue to learn from some of the formation inheritance of the 'Sage of the Heavenly Serpent', and try to transform and invent formations and restrictions for tracking the traces of the Void Mirage.

Moreover, on the other hand, void mirages chase the starlight and star power that contain vitality. This also means that places where a large number of void mirages gather are often places where life stars exist.

This may not be a way or a shortcut to quickly and accurately explore new spiritual stars and life stars in the outer star sea and the vast void.

Therefore, in fact, not only Liang Ji, but everyone in the Dragon Snake expedition team also hopes that Chu Yue can develop a similar tracking formation, which can at least increase their success rate in finding life stars and spiritual vein stars.

However, more than a year has passed and Liang Ji has not heard any good news from Chu Yue.

I can only lament in my heart. After all, it is inherited from saints and is not so easy to imitate and copy.


At this time, around the Destruction Star, among the group of void demons that were being surrounded and killed by a large number of Liang Ji and Peng Yue's family flying boats, a roar suddenly sounded, like a tiger's roar or a lion's roar.

The next moment, I saw a huge Void Monster Clan with two heads, a lion head and a tiger head. It rushed out from among the numerous Void Monster Clan and stood tall in the void. The lion head spurted out fire and tigers. The head sprayed out wind disaster, setting off a disaster of wind and fire in the void, and rushed directly towards the family flying boat that was surrounding the void demon group.

Not only that, among the large number of Void Monsters below, there are also a lot of Void Monsters who have the power to control wind disasters and fires, as if they have been ordered, they all exert their strength at this time.

Suddenly, all kinds of wind disasters and fire powers, such as black wind disaster, gnawing wind disaster, hairy wind disaster, Yin wind disaster, soul wind disaster, blood fire, Yang fire, red fire, thunder fire, etc., erupted from everywhere in the void demon group, fighting with each other. The wind and fire disasters spewed out by the liger merged into one, turning into a huge, twisted wind and fire.

These forces gather together and even cause qualitative changes. The power of wind disaster and fire can even distort the surrounding void and infect the power of void laws, infecting and distorting a battlefield into a land of wind and fire.

This method and intensity of infecting and distorting the power of the void and the law even have some shadows and trends of the "disaster of the law" of the high-level void demon clan.

For the Void Monster Clan, at the third level, they can gather their demon souls and initially awaken their wisdom. When they enter the middle level, their wisdom will continue to grow and they will be able to master the power of various disasters.

Now, among the group of void monsters that were apparently being besieged, the intelligent mid-level void monsters joined forces and wanted to counterattack Liang Ji and other attackers.

At this time, he clearly saw that not only was his family's flying boat attacking in the direction, but there were many mid-level void monsters who controlled the land of wind and fire, and they launched a counterattack under the leadership of the liger beast.

In other directions of attack, there are also a large number of mid-level void monsters of the same type who join forces to launch catastrophic attacks that can corrode and distort the void, and launch counterattacks.

In the direction where Peng Yue's Familia and the Furnace Flying Boat were attacking, a sixth-level Void Golden Snake, several thousand feet long, rushed out of the demon group and became the leader of the counterattack. It opened its mouth and spat out a large metal storm.

Below and behind them, there are a large number of Void Golden Snakes, as well as various other golden void demon clans. The catastrophic power of various metal storms is merged into the attack of these sixth-order Void Golden Snakes.

A sea of ​​metal storms gathered directly in the void, cutting, tearing, shattering, and twisting the laws of the void, and drowning a large number of Peng Yue's Familia flying boats.

Amidst the roaring explosions, one can see the Familia airships shattering, exploding, and falling under the impact of these metal storms. No Familia members in the airships were spared, and even the bodies were hardly left behind.

Not only was Liang Ji and Peng Yue attacking, it was also the direction where Wu Shan, Chu Yue, Lu Yuetong and other third-level immortals were fighting against the high-level Void Monster Clan. There were also a large number of Void Monster Clan of the same type joining forces to launch an attack.

Moreover, the natural disaster attributes controlled by the middle-level void monsters who launched a counterattack against these third-level immortals were the same as those of the high-level void monsters who were fighting and fighting with the third-level immortals.

Just like the third-level immortal Lu Yuetong, at this time, he is launching the "Incense God Realm", leading a large number of incense Taoist soldiers to surround and kill a giant bear in the void that is as big as a mountain and as high as a mountain. That giant bear controls the power of ice-attribute laws. , under the suppression of Lu Yuetong's "Incense God Realm" and the siege of the Incense Dao soldiers, he has fallen completely at a disadvantage, and is not far from defeat and death.

But at this time, there are a large number of mid-level void monsters who have mastered the ice disaster, causing countless ice disasters, impacting like mountains and seas, freezing, eroding, breaking, and twisting the void. They also have some high-level abilities. The law-disaster power of the Void Monster Clan.

These mountains and seas of ice disasters bombarded the "Incense God Realm" launched by Lu Yuetong, and actually directly cooperated with the suppressed ice giant bears inside to break through the "Incense God Realm".

The high-level ice bear devoured a large amount of ice disaster power and quickly recovered its combat power. With the cooperation of many mid-level ice attribute void monsters, it successfully launched a counterattack, which in turn gradually suppressed Lu Yuetong.

In other directions, the battlefields of Wu Shan, Chu Yue, Wu Ling, and Xia Wujiu were similar. The high-level Void Demon Clan joined forces with the middle-level Void Demon Clan of the same genus, and the Disaster of Laws commanded the majestic ones of the same genus. The power of natural disasters even shattered and distorted the void of this battlefield.

Among the several third-level immortals, even Wu Shan, the most experienced and most powerful human immortal, found it difficult to win for a while.

The battlefield in the void and around the Destruction Stars actually reached a stalemate for a moment.

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