The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 605 Pulao Poison Emperor The Power of the Gods List

In the vast void, the shock waves of star destruction are still impacting in all directions, and the bright starlight is still emitting its final brilliance and heat.

The void demon beasts with lion and tiger heads at the same time led a large number of void demon clans with wind and fire attributes, instigating countless wind disasters and fires, overwhelming the sky and distorting the stars.

With roars and explosions, one after another Liang Ji's 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boats shattered, exploded, and fell in the wind and fire disasters that flooded the space and distorted the void.

The gods such as 'Prison Niu', 'Yai Sui', 'Biuan', and 'Chaofeng' were all destroyed, and all the family members who drove the airship perished with the explosion of the airship, leaving no trace of their corpses.

The various 'Breaths of Elements' shot out by each airship, and even the 'Breath of Destruction' erupted from the formation of the airships, were blasted into these wind and fire disasters that were enough to distort the void. They were just huge rocks entering the sea, although they could stir up large waves. , but it is difficult to change the general trend.

Seeing this, among the many remaining "Wanxiang Mountain" flying boats, a "Pulao" flying boat rushed out. The "Pulao" spirit enshrined on it shone with divine light, even far surpassing the other flying boats.

"Dragon God Formation!"

As the 'Pulao' flew into the sea, a figure from the Pulao family wearing a royal robe and a crown appeared and raised his voice to give the order.

At the same time, a huge jade soul figure appeared behind him, and the divine light shone on the soul seal, faintly disappearing into the void, linking to the 'God List' contained in Liang Ji's natal stars.

This Pulao family member is the Bihun who was blessed by the divine light of the 'Feng Shen Bang' before Liang Ji was sent to reincarnation, a new generation of 'Messenger of the Heavenly Emperor', the founder of the eighth generation dynasty of the family family, the 'Poison Dynasty', the first Become the Poison Emperor!

At this time, following the Poison Emperor's order, on the surrounding 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boats, all kinds of dragon gods erupted one after another, and their divine light shined brightly, gathering towards the Pulao Familia and the Poison Emperor in the center.

Countless divine lights merged in, and the figure of Jade Soul that emerged behind the Poison Emperor quickly grew in size, becoming more solid and real, and the divine light on his body was as bright as the sun.

"The list of gods, here we come!"

Emperor Pulao raised his voice to give the order again, and the dazzling figure behind him stretched out his hand and made a move towards the void.

A blazing divine light penetrated the void and unfolded above the Pulao Emperor, the flying boats of the Wanxiang Mountain, and the dragon gods, and a projection of the "God List" appeared that seemed both illusory and real.

In the starship in the distance, Liang Ji silently sensed that the golden elixir in the sea of ​​​​consciousness was rapidly rotating, and his mana was rapidly consumed; in the natal star, the divine light of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' contained deep in the spiritual veins and in the origin shined brightly, and he quickly smiled with his spirit. The power of pulses and the origin of stars.

The new generation of Heavenly Emperor's envoy, Emperor Pulao, who has been blessed by the divine light of the 'Feng Shen Bang', can summon the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang' through his connection with the 'Feng Shen Bang' and the power of Liang Ji and his natal stars.

"Oracle, dispel!"

Although the Messenger of the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor of Pulao can borrow the power of the "Feng Shen Bang", it does not have the authority and power of the imperial conferment. Only Liang Ji, as the Star Master and the Emperor of Heaven, can fully control the "Feng Shen Bang" and the power of the imperial conferment.

Therefore, the Poison Emperor can only use the power of the gods contained in the 'God List' and use the large amount of divine light contained in his own soul as a guide to release the divine domain and exert the power of the gods.

However, this is enough.

The 'Feng Shen Bang' is contained in the origin of Liang Ji's natal stars, and is connected to the various laws and avenues of the stars, nine springs, and the underworld. Although it is not at a high level, it still contains the power of the laws. Otherwise, how can we entrust and control those conditionings and master the laws of the underworld? The ghosts and gods?

Therefore, when the Poison Emperor's 'Oracle' gave the order, the bright divine light burst out from the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang' and shot into the majestic wind and fire disasters around it. It immediately eliminated the power of the distorted void and destroyed a large number of people. The power of wind and fire dispels the calamity.

The price is that among Liang Ji's natal stars, the spiritual veins of the stars, the origin of the stars, and the power of the laws of the Jiuquan underworld are all rapidly consumed.

Use the power of law against the power of law, consume the power of law of the natal stars, and dispel the power of the 'natural disaster of law' caused by the gathering of these mid-level void monsters.

The natal star is in the underworld of Jiuquan and the underworld of Huangquan.

Wu Shanshan, the sixth-grade Chichi impermanent ghost and god in charge of the power and supervision of hell, quickly flew out of the black water hell and gave an order: "All the ghosts, gods and ghost officials in the underworld of Huangquan return to their places, and do their best to sort out the laws of the underworld. Power, run the original avenue!"

"Open all the shrines in all ghost cities, hold sacrificial ceremonies, and contribute the divine power of incense!"

"The Emperor of Heaven needs our help to fight!"

With the changes in the list of gods and the rapid consumption of the power of the laws of the underworld, these ghosts and gods in the underworld were the first to notice the changes.

However, among all the ghosts and gods, Wu Shanshan, who practices the immortal Taoism, is obviously the most keen and the first to think of a way to deal with it.

The next moment, the ghosts, gods and ghost officials who were performing various tasks everywhere in the underworld, and even in and out of the underworld, returned to the origin of the underworld, operating the power of the origin of the underworld and sorting out the laws and order.

In the other eight layers of the underworld, all the ghosts, gods and ghost officials also reacted at this time. They put down their affairs and returned to the origin of each layer of the underworld, operating the power of the source and sorting out the laws and order.

With these ghosts and gods sitting and sorting out, although the "God List" in the origin of the stars is still consuming the power of the origins and laws of the stars, the speed has slowed down a lot.

At the same time, in all levels of the underworld, the city lords and officials of the ghost towns in various places gave orders to open the altars and temples built in the city, attracting the souls of the dependents from all levels to gather around the temples and altars to hold grand sacrificial ceremonies.

The strong incense faith and power of faith float out from various ghost cities and merge into the "Feng Shen Bang" of the origin of the stars, once again strengthening the divine light erupting from the "Feng Shen Bang" and slowing down the impact of the "Feng Shen Bang" on the origin of the stars and the laws of the underworld. consumption of power.

Part of the enhanced divine light travels through the void and is thrown into the battlefield, suppressing the void and dispersing the power of disasters. Part of it is integrated into the bodies of ghosts and gods at all levels in the underworld, enhancing their power and making them more skillful and smooth in operating their origins and sorting out laws, reducing the number of enemies. The consumption of the 'Feng Shen Bang'.

Liang Ji looked at the changes in the underworld in each layer of the natal star, and quickly reacted. An oracle was transmitted to the star family in the Yangjian.

Among the natal star dependents, the Heavenly Emperor Sect quickly took action, and also held grand sacrificial ceremonies in various kinship clans and cities in various places, gathering a large amount of incense belief and belief power into the star's original "God List".

It enhances the power of the ‘God List’ and reduces the consumption of the source of stars and the laws of the underworld.



With the help of the "God List", the family flying boat team led by Emperor Pulao successfully broke out of the disaster caused by the Void Monster Clan and directly entered a group of mid-level Void Monster Clan.

Following the Poison Emperor's order, various elemental breaths and destructive breaths blasted out.


The leading liger monster was instantly hit by dozens of blasts of destruction's breath, and was killed on the spot with a shrill howl.

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