The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 606: Victory, self-destruction, grab

"The furnace of all laws, swallows all laws, melt them for me!"

Liang Ji relied on the power of the Poison Emperor and the Conferred God List to break through the disaster caused by the Void Demon Clan and successfully launched a counterattack; while on the other side, Peng Yue's family members also launched a counterattack.

But I saw that on the "melting furnaces" flying boats, bright rays of light shot out from the "melting furnaces", gathered in the void, condensed and manifested into a larger melting furnace that seemed both illusory and real.

The huge 'melting furnace' was projected from the void, and was obviously connected to Peng Yue's natal star.

And in that huge 'melting pot', a huge 'chaotic vortex' emerged, almost exactly the same as the 'chaotic vortex' discovered outside the Twin Sun Galaxy.

This is obviously the projection of the 'melting furnace of all laws' in Peng Yue's natal star, which swallows up the power of the 'chaotic vortex' outside the Double Sun Galaxy.

At this time, the projection of the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' was turned on, and the 'Chaos Vortex' rotated violently, and the terrifying devouring power erupted from it, sweeping through the surrounding void, even twisting and tearing the void into pieces, and also toppling countless metals from all directions. Swallowed and smelted by storm disaster.

The next moment, in the projection of the 'Ten Thousand Methods Furnace', the 'Chaos Vortex' suddenly reversed, swallowing and smelting countless metal storm disasters, and instantly turned into a bright golden light and ejected from it.

This is the 'Golden Light Method' that melts all methods in the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Dharmas'!

Wherever the bright golden light passed, a large number of void golden snakes and the immeasurable metal storm caused by the golden void demon clan were chopped, split, and shattered.

Finally, the golden light blasted directly into a large number of Void Golden Snakes and Golden Void Monsters with irresistible force. A large number of Void Golden Snakes and Golden Void Monsters were killed on the spot.

Peng Yue's family flying boat followed closely and harvested a large amount of golden snake demon pills, as well as various golden void demon corpses and materials on the spot.

On the starship, Liang Ji had a panoramic view of the entire battlefield through the starship's detection array. When he saw the power of Peng Yue's family members, he couldn't help but marvel in his heart:

"The 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' is indeed no less powerful than the 'God List'. Each star palace in the Star Alliance also has its own strengths!"

"But..." Liang Ji reached out and pointed at the light curtain in front of him, shifting the focus of the starship's exploration to several third-level immortals, but he frowned slightly.

On the battlefield, the dependents under Liang Ji and Peng Yue had successfully launched counterattacks and reversed the outcome.

However, the situation of the battle between several immortals and the high-level void demon clan was obviously not optimistic.

The final outcome of this battle will ultimately depend on the outcome of this high-level battlefield!

Those high-level monsters, with the help of a large number of mid-level void monsters of the same attribute, have clearly gained an advantage in the battle with several third-level immortals.

"We still need to lend a helping hand to break the situation!"

With a thought in mind, Liang Ji reached out and touched the light screen in front of him, activating the attack formation on the starship.

On the side, Peng Yue also understood what Liang Ji meant, and also stretched out his hand to point on the light screen, authorizing the attack.

The next moment, streaks of starlight rose from all over the starship, gathered on the starship, and turned into a giant shadow of a starlight serpent. It opened its mouth and sprayed out a stream of light, blasting into the battlefield, directly hitting the person who was talking to the person. A high-level void monster that fights and kills in Xianwu Mountain, a giant flaming bird.

It is the Dragon Snake starship, now the most powerful attack method 'Sky Serpent's Breath'!

Since Liang Ji wanted to break the situation, he naturally had to use the strongest means to kill with one strike in order to break the situation forcefully.

If we say that the 'Heavenly Snake Breath' formation arranged on his family's flying boat only spits out various 'breaths of elements', it is the powerful force produced by the rapid rotation, collision and explosion of various elemental forces.

Then, the stream of light and rainbow light emitted by this high-level 'Sky Serpent's Breath' array arranged on the seventh-level starship 'Dragon Snake' is the terrifying power produced by the fusion and fission of elemental power.

The rainbow light hit the seventh-level void demonic beast, the giant flame bird, and pierced it on the spot. Half of its body disintegrated and turned into powder.

But even so, the seventh-level flame bird still did not fall on the spot. It still exploded desperately in the void, twisting and erupting the power of the law of fire, twisting the void into a sea of ​​fire.

High-level Void Monster Clan, mastering the power of laws and natural disasters, can often erode and distort the void even if they die, leaving behind ruins. Liang Ji and Peng Yue traveled in the Star Alliance before, and they had seen the Canopy Saint kill them. The 'Demon Meteor Ruins' left behind by the ninth-level Void Demon Clan is one of them.

At this time, the seventh-level flame giant suffered heavy damage. If the twisted and erupting sea of ​​fire continued, it would leave a 'relic' in the void that would be difficult to destroy for many years.

However, at this time, the human immortal Wu Shan who was in the sea of ​​fire instantly seized the opportunity and exploded into the sky. His huge body with three heads and six arms, which was as powerful as the sky and the earth, brandished several immortal weapons and attacked forcefully, immediately knocking down the heavily damaged seventh-level void monster. The giant flame bird of the tribe was completely killed.

Afterwards, Wu Shan landed several seals, and the sea of ​​fire that erupted and eroded the surrounding void immediately rolled back and submerged into a huge demon pill in his hand.

Seventh level demon pill!

Then, Liang Ji and Peng Yue did not use the control of the "Dragon Snake" starship to take action again. Wu Shan, who had his hands free, immediately rushed to the side. In the battlefield between Lu Yuetong and the Ice Bear, the two third-level immortals joined forces and were killed in just a moment. Kill the ice giant bear and get another seventh-grade demon elixir.

Then, Wu Shan and Lu Yuetong each rushed to the battlefields of other immortals to help fight. Like a snowball, their advantages continued to accumulate. One after another high-level void monsters were killed on the spot, and the normal battle was completely won.

hiss! Roar!

boom! Rumble...

Seeing that this battle was about to be completely won, a roar suddenly sounded in the battlefield, followed by a roar and explosion, and countless thunder suddenly burst out from a corner of the battlefield, sweeping across all directions, twisting the void, and turning the void into a sea of ​​thunder.

It was a high-level thunder-type void monster. Under the siege of several immortals, seeing its imminent demise and no hope of escape, it actually directly detonated the demon pill, completely erupting and releasing the power of the thunder and natural disaster law under its control. Not only did it A large area of ​​void was shattered and twisted into a sea of ​​thunder. Even the immortals who besieged the thunder-type void demon clan suffered a lot of impact and suffered minor or serious injuries.

And, more importantly, the thunder sea formed by the broken demon core and the twisted void is still expanding and swallowing the destroying stars in the center of the battlefield.

Once this sea of ​​thunder collides with the Destruction Star, it is unknown what kind of horrific changes will occur, and how many treasures and spiritual objects in the Destruction Star will be destroyed.

In the battlefield, many remaining void monsters, whether middle or low-level, began to flee towards the void in all directions, clearly feeling a huge threat.

"Liang Ji, Peng Yue, don't worry about those fleeing void monsters. You immediately drive the starship into the destroyed stars and collect the treasures."

"Remember, the source fire of the stars in the center must not be missed!"

Among the starships, the anxious voice of Immortal Wu Shan came.

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