The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 611 Firefly Sparks Fallen Starship

On the Dragon Snake starship, the faces of the team members changed slightly when they listened to Chu Yue's words.

Chu Yue is the master of formations and knows the formations and restrictions best on starships. Liang Ji and others will not doubt the inference she made, which also shows that the starlight forest in front of them looks very magnificent and beautiful. It is not as peaceful as it appears on the surface, and there is no telling how much danger is hidden inside.

The more beautiful it is, the more dangerous it is. This danger even exceeds the seventh level, exceeding the upper limit that their expedition team can bear.

"There are always various dangers lurking in the outer star sea, such as void monsters, alien natives, and enemies of super civilizations. These are all pretty good. At least you can see clearly who the enemy is."

"But in the infinite universe, there will also be various terrifying dangers, but they are often impossible to guard against, such as high-level 'chaotic vortexes', unstable void storms, star destruction, uncertain black holes, wandering galaxies, void realms, etc. These are the cosmic risks discovered by the Star Alliance, and they are also the dangerous places that need to be escaped and avoided during the Star Palace courses and military training of the Expansion Corps."

At this time, Peng Yue reviewed the Star Palace course and the knowledge he had learned during the military training of the Third Army. He looked at the beautiful starlight forest in front of him and said in a deep voice:

“I don’t know what kind of dangerous place this Starlight Forest is.”

"I also agree with Senior Chu's judgment. We'd better not rush in to investigate. We should report this place to the Star Alliance and let the Star Alliance send stronger forces to investigate and rescue the person who sent the distress signal."

Wu Shan, who was standing aside, nodded when he heard this and said: "Expeditions in foreign lands often require a lot of curiosity, but there cannot be excessive curiosity."

"Every year, there are not a few expedition teams that disappear and fall in the outer star sea."

"Even if a Star Lord monk has the power of rebirth, it is not omnipotent. I have heard in the past that many Star Lord monks have completely perished in the outside world."

The immortal Wu Shan also gave his opinions based on his rich experience in exploring foreign lands.

After listening to the opinions of several people, several thoughts flashed through Liang Ji's mind. He reached out and touched the light screen in front of him, and asked: "Ship Spirit, can you trace the place where the request for help signal was sent and explore the situation? Can you contact the place where the request for help signal was sent? Can anyone contact me?"

Following Liang Ji's inquiry, several formations and restrictions were activated on the Dragon Snake starship. Starlights and auras emerged from the starship and disappeared into the starlight forest ahead, but nothing was found for a long time.

At this time, Chu Yue on the side summoned the starship to control the light curtain and said in a deep voice: "Let me control the formation and give it a try."

As she spoke, she formed a seal on her back and broke into the light curtain, directly taking over the control of the detection array and restrictions on the starship from the starship's "ship spirit".

The starship's 'ship spirit', although it is a weapon spirit born from the formations and restrictions on the starship, can control the formations and restrictions on the entire starship, allowing the starship to operate automatically during daily flight and exploration. Various formations, restrictions, etc. help Liang Ji and others deal with many tedious matters.

However, weapon spirits do not have fundamental intelligence and wisdom, which determines that they can only exert normal power on the various formations and restrictions on the starship, but it is difficult for them to function beyond normal and beyond limits.

Only an immortal master like Chu Yue, who personally controls the formation, can exert the power of the formation beyond its limits.

At this moment, as Chu Yue accepted the control of the formation, the number, brightness, and energy of the starlight and aura circulating from all over the starship increased several times.

Moreover, these starlights and auras no longer go directly into the starlight forest to explore and contact, but gather and condense on the starship, and actually turn into the shapes of large or small void demon snakes, and then use the shape of the demon snakes. The shape goes deep into the Starlight Forest, and continues to advance and explore into the depths of the Starlight Forest.

On the light screen in front of the team, the scene inside the Starlight Forest began to appear. Various strange shapes of trees blooming with starlight looked no different from what they saw outside.

Liang Ji looked at Chu Yue's operation and was slightly amazed. It was obvious that Chu Yue manipulated the starship formation and not only exerted the power of the detection formation beyond its limit. She even relied on her own formation attainments to use this detection formation. It is linked with the 'Sky Serpent Heritage' array deployed on the starship and incorporates the power of the 'Sky Serpent Legacy', which greatly enhances the power and effect of the detection array.

"It seems that in the past few years, Senior Chu Yue has made very in-depth research on the formations inherited by the Heavenly Snake and gained quite a lot."

"Perhaps the formation and restriction that I entrusted her with to track the Void Mirage are not far away."

Liang Ji was thinking about it when suddenly Chu Yue, who was controlling the formation, said in a deep voice: "I have discovered something."

But before he finished speaking, he turned into an exclamation: "No! Escape quickly..."

As he spoke, the techniques in his hands changed continuously, and he controlled the formations on the Dragon Snake starship to change continuously. The formations originally meant for detection quickly turned into formations for flying and escaping. The starlight surrounding the starship, The aura and the shapes of various demonic snakes quickly gathered together and turned into a huge starlight feathered serpent phantom, covering the starship.

The Starlight Feathered Serpent flapped its wings and took the starship directly through the void to escape, far away from the starlight forest.

At this time, Liang Ji and others also saw that in the magnificent and fantastic starlight forest in the void, countless stars were flying up, just like the scattered fireflies in summer. Countless stars were flying up like fireflies. , spreading in all directions, wherever the firefly light passed, it swallowed up the void, meteorites, passing void monsters, etc.

"What's this?"

On the starship, the Five Spirits Ghost Immortal asked in shock.

However, neither Liang Ji and Peng Yue, who were born in Xinggong, nor the experienced Wu Shan, nor Lu Yuetong and Xia Wujiu, who were born in large companies such as Shandelou and Herborist Group, could give an answer. No one knew what happened. What is it.

They couldn't even tell whether those starlights were living creatures or a dangerous environment in the void.

"Fellow Daoist Chu, have you ever found out what is going on inside? What are those starlights?"

Because Senior Chu Yue reacted quickly and controlled the starship formation to explode beyond the limit, the Dragon Snake starship successfully flew out of the range of those fluorescent stars and was temporarily out of the crisis. Everyone also breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't help but ask Chu Yue, who was responsible for exploring the formation.

"I don't know what those are. Under the detection of the formation, those fluorescent stars are just the most normal starlight, but after they are alarmed, the power of the explosion obviously cannot be just starlight."

"And..." she said, reaching out and pointing at the light screen in front of her. A picture was immediately called up in the light screen, and she said: "This is the last picture that I detected when I controlled the detection array just now. , it should be the starship that sent out the distress signal, but unfortunately when I tried to establish contact with this starship, I disturbed those fluorescent lights."

Liang Ji and others looked at the picture in the light curtain, and what they saw was dense fireflies, surrounding a huge thing that looked vaguely like a starship.

Obviously, this was an outer space exploration starship that was swallowed up by fluorescent stars, and it was a distress signal sent by it.

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