The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 612 Discover the goal from the heart

"This starship is hopeless."

The members of the team looked at the starship engulfed in countless fluorescent lights shown on the screen, and shook their heads to make a judgment.

"Is there anyone alive on the starship?"

"Where are the explorers? Where is the Star Master?"

Liang Ji couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know." Chu Yue shook her head and said, "As soon as I discovered the fallen starship, the fireflies were alerted. I had no time to explore the situation in the starship, and I had no time to contact the practitioners who might exist on it."

"However, in my estimation, the practitioners and star masters on the starship are probably in danger."

"Is the Star Master also in danger?" Peng Yue couldn't help but ask after hearing this.

Chu Yue stretched out her hand and clicked on the light screen, showing the picture from all angles, and said: "It can be seen from this picture that all the protective formations and restrictions on the starship have failed. The starship has obviously been destroyed. It won’t take a short time to devour it.”

"If there were any survivors, I would have contacted the Star Alliance to deal with it."

Listening to Chu Yue's judgment, Liang Ji and others were speechless for a moment, but they all understood what she meant. This meant that the star master on the starship had probably completely fallen, and was not even able to be reborn in his natal star. There is no way to pass the news here to the Covenant.

Although Liang Ji has always known that the expedition to the Outer Star Sea involves considerable risks, that is why he is willing to accept investment from Shan Delou and Herborist Group, and is even willing to accept personnel sent by the two companies to join the expedition team to divide his power. and earnings.

The purpose is to enhance the strength of their expedition team. After all, even though Lu Yuetong and Xia Wujiu are supervisors sent by the two companies, they are also real third-level immortals, which can greatly increase the strength of their team to cope with expeditions to foreign lands. more dangers.

But now, a fallen outer space exploration starship really broke into his eyes. Both the third-level immortals and the Star Master monks on it were in danger. Even the Star Master monk's rebirth star technique may be ineffective. There is no doubt that it is It had a big impact on him.

On the side, Peng Yue's expression also changed slightly at this time, and he was speechless for a long time. It was obvious that he had suffered a big shock.

After a while, Liang Ji said dryly: "Send the coordinates here to the Star Alliance, explain the situation, and let the Star Alliance send people to handle it."

He made a choice from his heart.

No one in the team objected. Although the layout of the starship that was swallowed up by the glow of the fireflies could no longer be seen, its size was several times larger than their 'Dragon Snake' starship, which showed that it was The strength of the explorers on the planet is at least not weaker than them.

That starship had all fallen, and their 'Dragon Snake' starship had also ended up crashing into it, killing everyone.

As the immortal Wu Shan said before, exploring in foreign lands requires strong curiosity, but there cannot be excessive curiosity.

Even the few third-level immortals who have reached the end of their cultivation path and have no way forward can only follow their hearts and not have excessive curiosity when faced with such a situation.

At the moment, Liang Ji circulated the golden elixir and the natal stars, using the natal stars as positioning and transit, to package and transmit all the information in the starlight forest explored and discovered by the Dragon Snake starship to the Star Alliance.

In this outer star sea, far away from the scope of the Star Alliance, if you want to contact the Star Alliance, you can only use the natal stars as the base and relay to transmit information through Liang Ji, Peng Yue and other star master monks.

Not long after, Liang Ji received news from the Star Alliance. He had received the information and coordinates they passed on, and was preparing to send a professional team to explore and deal with the dangerous Starlight Forest.

The Dragon Snake expedition team, as the provider of information and coordinates, can receive departmental merit awards, but they will not have anything to do with the Covenant's subsequent exploration and research of the Starlight Forest.

"If you call the police, you will get 30,000 merit points!" Liang Ji looked at the number of merit points awarded by the Star Alliance and was quite surprised. When they handed over Yuyang Star to the Star Alliance, they only rewarded 100,000 merit points.

Almost equivalent to one third.

Human Immortal Wu Shan explained: "The rewards for the Star Alliance's discoveries in outer realm exploration have always been very rich."

"What's more, the level and danger of this Starlight Forest far exceed that of Yuyang Star. If you can explore it, you will probably gain more than Yuyang Star. It is normal to have such a reward."

"If we can thoroughly explore this Starlight Forest, understand the dangers in it, detect some precious resources and treasures, and then hand it over to the Star Alliance, the rewards will be even greater, even more than the original Yuyang Star."

Wu Shan shook his head with regret.

Liang Ji and others had different expressions when they heard this, but they all felt a bit regretful.

It has been almost four years since their expedition to the outside world. Except for the destruction of the stars, they have not made any big gains so far, and they are already losing money.

Now they finally found a treasure land, but because it was too dangerous, they couldn't take it and had no choice but to give up. How not to let a few people feel pity.

"That's all. With these 30,000 merit point rewards, at least half of the losses are made up."

Liang Ji changed the topic and said, "Let's continue exploring."

Having made up most of his losses, Liang Ji also gained more confidence to explore more places in the outer region for a longer period of time.

"Then should we continue to move forward and explore in the original direction, or should we explore in a different direction?"

At this time, Peng Yue asked from the side.

Previously, when they encountered the Starlight Forest, because Wu Shan said that they had heard other exploration teams from outside the area talking about this place, Liang Ji and others thought that an exploration team had already explored this direction and were ready to explore in another direction.

But now, it is discovered that the Starlight Forest is an extremely dangerous place, and a starship of the affair expedition team even crashed into it.

This is most likely what Wu Shan has heard of before, and found that the outer space exploration team here fell into it; and since the exploration team that visited here fell, then the outer space void and galaxy in this direction have probably not been explored yet.

It is even possible that the exploration team has made discoveries in this direction and found the spiritual stars, but they did not report it to the Star Alliance because of their own demise.

Therefore, it becomes a question whether we should change the direction of exploration at this time.

Everyone in the team couldn't help but look at Liang Ji at this time. After years of cooperation, the Dragon Snake expedition team has clearly formed a pattern in which Liang Ji calls the shots.

At this time, Liang Ji undoubtedly had to take on the responsibility of making the decision. After thinking for a moment, he said directly: "Don't change direction, keep moving forward!"

Liang Ji knew very well that there was no right answer at this time, and all that was needed was a decisive choice.

Everyone had no objections. Now that they had made a decisive choice, they set up starship formations and restrictions, allowing the ship spirit to drive the starship to continue to shuttle forward.

At the same time, various detection formations, spectral analysis formations, etc. on the starship are operating around the clock under the control of the ship spirit.

I don’t know if their inference was correct or if luck was in their favor. Less than a month after the starship sailed this time, the ship’s spirit sent a message: “The target spectrum was found!”

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