The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 614 The situation of the second life star is different

The Dragon Snake starship has already clearly investigated the situation in the galaxy in front of it, and naturally has already locked the location of the life stars, and even planned the most suitable path.

The starship sailed in the galaxy, avoiding all suspicious and dangerous places along the way, and did not encounter those void monsters entrenched throughout the galaxy.

Only after they have investigated the life stars and determined that they have sufficient development value will they choose to clean up the galaxy and eliminate the void monsters that are entrenched everywhere.

Soon, a star appeared in front of the Dragon Snake starship.

Liang Ji and others were in the main control cabin, watching the stars ahead through the light curtain in front of them.

At this time, their eyes, spiritual senses, etc. are obviously not as detailed as the data from the detection array survey on the starship, so it is better to first understand the life stars ahead in detail through the starship light curtain.

"The overall color of the star is almost half green and blue, which shows that the water and wood elements are the most abundant in this star!"

Wu Shan looked at the overall situation of the stars manifested in the light curtain and made a preliminary judgment based on experience.

"It shows that the life force contained in this star is very abundant."

"Generally speaking, among stars with abundant vitality, the level of spiritual veins is not too low. This star is at least an intermediate star of level 4 or above."

Liang Ji and others couldn't help but look happy when they heard Wu Shan's judgment.

After all, the members of the expedition team are either third-level immortals or fourth-level star masters, and the required spiritual stones, resources, etc. are at least intermediate or high-level beings.

If a low-level spiritual vein star is found, the spiritual stones that can be mined are all low-level, and the spiritual objects and treasures contained are all low-level. No matter how much is mined, the value will be limited, and it will be useless to the team members. It can only be exchanged for some low-grade spiritual stones, and the profit is limited.

However, if it is an intermediate star, even an intermediate star like the 'Yuyang Star', which was almost destroyed by the Void Mirage, it can still make a lot of profits, allowing everyone in the expedition team to make a lot of money.

At this time, various detection data and information began to appear on the light curtain.

Stars: Unnamed.

Spiritual pulse level: fourth level.

Main elements: water (50%), wood (41%), earth (5%), gold (2%), fire (2%).

Aboriginal people: fish people, shrimp people, snake people, turtle people...

"Something is wrong!" At this time, Wu Shan looked at the many star information listed in the light screen, and suddenly his face changed slightly and he said solemnly: "How come the indigenous people on these stars are all aquatic aliens?"



Hearing Wu Shan's words, Liang Ji, Peng Yue and others were also surprised and discovered something was wrong.

"Indeed, the stars in front of us are obviously dominated by the power of water and wood, and the wood element also accounts for more than 40%. Under normal circumstances, there should also be some indigenous alien races of the wood element."

Lu Yuetong directly pointed out what was wrong.

"Perhaps, there were originally two types of natives on this star, one was aquatic and the other was woody. However, the two types of natives were hostile to each other, and the woody natives were wiped out by the aquatic natives?"

On the side, the ghosts, immortals and five spirits made a guess.

When Xia Wujiu, Lu Yuetong, and Chu Yue heard this, they couldn't help but nodded slightly, somewhat agreeing with this guess.

"It's still wrong." The human immortal Wu Shan directly denied it and said: "Looking at the situation on the stars, the power of wood element still accounts for nearly half. In this environment, if there are really wood-like natives, it is impossible Literally exterminated.”

"The star situation is a bit strange." Wu Shan said, looking at Liang Ji and said: "I suggest that it is better to investigate carefully."


Liang Ji responded directly to Wu Shan's suggestion. After all, among the few people, Wu Shan has the most experience in foreign exploration, so Liang Ji is naturally willing to listen to his opinions.

"Senior Chu, please control the exploration formation yourself and investigate the situation in the stars in detail."

"Senior Xia, could you please send out some detection instruments to inspect the stars."

Liang Ji did not order the starship to fly directly to the stars, but turned to Chu Yue and Xia Wu Jiudao.


"no problem!"

Chu Yue and Xia Wujiu had no objections, so they directly agreed and took action separately.

Chu Yue is the master of the array. She took over the control of the detection array on the starship and began to exert its detection function beyond the limit, exploring more deeply and carefully the situation in the life stars ahead.

The ghost fairy Xia Wujiu is a master of weapons. When the Dragon Snake starship was undergoing transformation, a large number of magic weapons were stored in the warehouse according to Xia Wujiu's needs and designs, including detection magic weapons, defensive magic weapons, and offensive magic weapons. Weapons, decoy magic weapons, escape magic weapons, etc. were all personally selected by Xia Wujiu, the master of the Tao of Weapons, in order to be able to use these magic weapons and magic weapons to explore paths and fight when encountering some special situations during adventures in foreign lands. , escape, etc.

Before this, it was obviously when Xia Wujiu's arrangements came into effect.

I saw Xia Wujiu reaching out and tapping on the main control light screen to bring up the control interface of those magic weapons and magic weapons. A series of magic formulas were entered into it, giving instructions and controlling the magic weapons.

The next moment, below the Dragon Snake starship, a cabin opened and black shadows flew out, like birds or fish, rushing through the void directly into the stars ahead.

Although Liang Ji stood in the main control cabin of the starship, he could clearly see the black figures through the light screen in front of him.

They are all magic weapons and spiritual weapons refined into various shapes of birds and fish. Under the control of Xia Wujiu, they fly into the stars of life in front of them. The bird magic weapons fly into the forest, and the fish magic weapons swim. After entering the water, they each explored the forest and the water.

Soon after, many exploratory scenes began to appear on the light screen in front of Liang Ji and others.

Among them are Chu Yue's personal manipulation of the exploration formation, large-scale exploration of the situation and data in the stars, and various detailed scenes of those flying birds and fish instruments shooting and exploring in the stars.

"Sure enough it's not right!"

Looking at the detailed pictures displayed in the light curtain, Liang Ji and others immediately discovered more things that were wrong.

"On this star, there are many types of life in the water. Not only are there various aquatic natives, but there are also a large number of fish, shrimps, crabs, snakes and other aquatic creatures. However, something is wrong among the vegetation. Not only are there no woody natives, Even the insects, insects and birds living in the grass and trees are rare.”

"It looks like lush vegetation and full of life, but in fact signs of life are rare and weird!"

The Five Spirits Ghost Immortal said in a deep voice.

"Also, you see, these plants and trees do not grow on the land, but in the water, directly taking root in the water. But many of them are obviously not aquatic plants, but should take root in the soil."

"This is not the right growing environment!"

Alchemy master Lu Yuetong also raised suspicions.

"Although these plants and trees are growing vigorously, they obviously do not take long to grow."

"This star was probably originally a life star based on water. It was only later that the vegetation took root in the water and grew. And it doesn't seem to be a long time, at most it can only be within a few decades!"

"But within a few decades, vegetation can invade nearly half of the star. It is obviously not an ordinary thing."

The immortal Wu Shan also made judgments based on his own experience.

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