The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 615 Capturing the Aboriginal Taoist Relics

Among the half-blue and half-green stars, at the junction of the sea and the forest, an indigenous turtle man with an old face and a half-blue and half-green turtle shell on his back was controlling the water around him and pouring into the forest ahead. , washing away the vegetation growing in the forest.

When the water waves come back, there will often be one or two green auras flowing through these water waves washing over the vegetation, filled with the aura of life of the vegetation.

When the native turtle man saw this, his eyes lit up, and he opened his mouth to swallow the terrifying wave and the green aura in it.

This would obviously cause him discomfort. His old face showed a look of pain, and his body would tremble slightly, but he endured it with all his strength.

Subsequently, blue and cyan light will appear, flow, and settle on the turtle shell on its back at the same time, making the half-blue and half-green turtle shell more shiny and agile.

At this time, the pain on the faces of the turtle natives also turned into joy, and even the old faces seemed to become younger.

The Turtle Man natives continued to stir up the surrounding seawater and poured into the forest ahead, hoping to capture more green aura, but they did not realize that in the sky above them, an invisible spaceship was parked in the sky and observed him.

Soon after, as the turtle native swallowed another green breath, it seemed to have reached its limit. After digesting the green breath, it did not continue to set off waves and rush into the vegetation. Instead, it sank into the sea and was about to escape.

Seeing this, the invisible spaceship in the sky seemed to have received an order. A black light shot down from it, directly covering the turtle natives who were about to escape.

The Turtle Man natives immediately realized that something was wrong, raised their heads and roared, and at the same time, the surrounding seawater instantly set off huge waves and rushed toward the sky, trying to break the black light under the cover; and the Turtle Man Aboriginals, as soon as their bodies transformed into a stream of water, they were about to blend in. Escape into the sea.

Unfortunately, the level and intensity of the black light under the cover of the airship clearly far exceeded the strength of this indigenous turtle man.

Wherever the black light passed, the waves rising into the sky collapsed and fell into the sea water. The indigenous turtle people were locked and forced out of their bodies. Finally, they were directly picked up by the black light and put into the spaceship in the sky.

After the spaceship captured the turtle natives, it didn't stop any longer. It turned into a stream of light and flew towards the starship parked in the void beyond the stars.

At the same time, everywhere in the stars, there were also starships flying into space one after another.

These spacecrafts are all detection magic weapons released by Liang Ji's team. At this time, according to the orders of Liang Ji and Xia Wujiu, they collect various information on the stars and bring them back to the starships for them to understand the stars.

Among them are not only special star natives, but also some vegetation and roots collected from the forest, some special creatures collected from the sea, sea water, etc.

The spacecraft returned to the starship with these collected 'samples'. At this time, in the main control cabin of the starship, Liang Ji and others were silently watching the picture presented in the light curtain.

The picture was taken with some detection instruments controlled by Xia Wujiu, deep into the roots of the forest. However, it was seen that the roots of these plants were rooted in the sea water, and almost every root system was either entangled or rooted in a corpse.

These corpses, including various aquatic indigenous alien races, as well as many sea creatures, have all turned into withered corpses and white bones. The flesh, life, and vitality on their bodies have been swallowed up by the vegetation that has taken root on them.

The vegetation and forests that occupy nearly half of the stars, can take root in the sea water, and grow vigorously, have grown by devouring the lives of these indigenous and biological creatures in the sea.

"So far, all the signs observed from the launch of the detection indicate that Senior Wu's judgment is correct."

"These aquatic forests cannot be native products of this star, but should be latecomers and invaders."

Liang Ji looked at the picture that appeared in the light screen and confirmed.

"It can occupy nearly half of a star in a short period of time, and even take root and grow in sea water that is not suitable for the growth of vegetation."

Immortal Taoism and alchemy master Lu Yuetong's eyes shone slightly at this time, staring at the green forest in the sea manifested in the light curtain, making a judgment based on his experience in spiritual plants and elixirs:

"This spiritual plant that invades the stars is probably a high-level spiritual plant that has the power of law and can erode and distort the origin and laws of the stars!"

"If we can find its true body, it will be enough to make up for the cost of the loss in this foreign exploration."

Listening to Lu Yuetong's judgment, Xia Wujiu couldn't help but show interest on his face. He was currently controlling more detections and discoveries, heading towards the central area of ​​the aquatic forest in the stars from both the air and sea directions.

Xia Wujiu was born in the Herborist Group. The company is also famous for cultivating various spiritual plants. Naturally, he is also very interested in rare and rare high-level spiritual plants.

Only this time, problems arose when various detection instruments and magic weapons approached the central area of ​​the aquatic forest, whether from the air or from the bottom of the sea.

The inside of the aquatic forest seems to be filled with some kind of power. The deeper inside and closer to the central area, the more powerful this power becomes.

All detection instruments and magic weapons that go deep into the forest and near the central area will be eroded and distorted by this force. The wooden materials in the detection magic weapons and magic weapons will re-sprout and grow under the erosion and distortion of this force. , and finally turned into new vegetation in the forest; while other metals, earth materials, etc. were twisted and decomposed by these forces and turned into resources for the growth of vegetation.

"The power of law! These aquatic forests are filled with dense and twisted wood-like laws."

Wu Shan, the human immortal, looked at the final pictures returned by the detections and frowned slightly:

"Why does this situation look so much like a Taoist ruins?"

"Is this a Taoist relic formed by the collapse of some high-level void demon clan or cultivator of the wood attribute on this star, or the collapse of some high-level wood element treasure on this star?"

Listening to Wu Shan's words, the expressions of several members of the starship team were slightly changed. They each reviewed the information they had learned about 'Daohua' and compared it with the situation of the aquatic forest in the stars in front of them. They felt that the more they looked at it, the more similar it became.

At this time, the spaceship magic weapons used to capture star natives and collect star data have returned to the starship.

Liang Ji said directly: "Okay, we don't need to guess anymore. The detection magic weapon has captured the return of some natives. Let's directly ask these natives for information."

While he was talking, there were already half-dragon family members serving on the starship, escorting various turtle people, fish people, snake people, shrimp people, octopus people and other natives captured from the stars into the cabin. .

These star natives were captured. When they saw Liang Ji and others, they were either excited, angry, or frightened. They opened their mouths and spoke various words, but they were all in the native language. Liang Ji and others could not listen. Understand.

However, this is not a problem for the Covenant monks who have rich experience in exploring outer lands.

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