The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 618 The method of spiritual planting of the origin of stars

"The level of the natal spiritual plant is too high, far beyond the limit that the star can withstand. Although the star's spiritual veins, origin, and the Taoist relics of the fallen immortals and the twisted laws are luckily restored, the true survival may have to swallow up the entire The stars will do.”

Lu Yuetong knew Lingzhi best and made a judgment.

"These aquatic forests can spread to nearly half of the stars in just a few decades, binding and taking root with their roots, swallowing up a large number of indigenous and sea creatures. On the one hand, it is certainly caused by the Taoist relics of the fallen immortals, but more It’s caused by the alienated natal spiritual plant.”

"The alienated natal spiritual plant wants to devour the entire star, not just the star's spiritual veins and origin, but also all the indigenous people and life on the star."

"If we hadn't accidentally discovered this place, in a hundred years, the alienated natal spiritual plant would probably have swallowed up the entire star. At that time, it would either have insufficient power and be destroyed along with the star; or it would be completely alienated and transformed into a void. Life survives and grows in this void.”

Listening to Lu Yuetong's explanation, Liang Ji and Peng Yue were slightly surprised. They did not expect that there would be such a change in this Daohua ruins.

And a natal spiritual plant left by an immortal has even suffered heavy damage, and it almost destroyed such a fourth-order star when the dead tree came back to life.

From it, we can see the dangers of the outer star sea, and the suppressive and destructive power of high-level spiritual beings on middle- and low-level beings.

"Then what should we do now? Can we get this alienated spiritual plant?" Peng Yue looked at several immortals and asked, "Our exploration team does not have our own exploration base in the outer star sea. I just said After discussing with Liang Ji, this 'wooden meteorite' is good and can be used as the first base for our exploration team to operate in the outer star sea."

"Could it be that because of this alienated natal spiritual plant, we have to give up directly?"

"Haha... of course not." Wu Shan, the human immortal, smiled when he heard this and said: "Although the star level here is lower, it has Taoist relics and the transformation of the natal spiritual plants that have been transformed into relics. It is still of some value. As a team It’s also appropriate to explore the ruins.”

"As for the alienated natal spiritual plant, it is located in the core area of ​​the aquatic forest, rooted in the star spiritual veins, and has the help of the twisted laws in the center of the Taoist ruins. Although it is very difficult to deal with, it is not impossible to win."

"After all, this natal spiritual plant was only at the seventh level when it was at its peak. What's more, it is still at the same level and with lower strength after suffering heavy losses."

"Just now in the center of the aquatic forest, we just didn't want to use all our strength to avoid destroying the entire star, so it was difficult to capture it."

"But now that we know its situation, it is naturally easy to capture it."

"Senior Wu, what should we do?" Liang Ji couldn't help but ask.

"Simple, start with the star spiritual veins!"

Human Immortal Wu Shan said directly.

"Not bad!" Chu Yue nodded at the side and said: "This alienated natal spiritual plant relies on taking root in the star spiritual veins to rejuvenate the dead tree, but as a result, its roots, core, and weaknesses are all exposed to the star spiritual veins."

"As long as I can capture the star spiritual veins, I can rely on the spiritual veins to arrange a formation to completely trap, destroy, and even refine the alienated natal spiritual plant to feed the star spiritual veins."

"Destroying or refining is too wasteful." At this time, Alchemy Grandmaster Lu Yuetong on the side took over the conversation and said: "If Fellow Daoist Chu can arrange a formation to trap it, I will have a way to cultivate it and make it Being bound to the star spiritual veins and becoming a special source spiritual plant contained in the stars, not only can it cultivate special spiritual plant resources, but it can also carry out various transformations on the stars through this original spiritual plant, which has many benefits!"

Lu Yuetong said, her eyes shining slightly, obviously very interested in the experiment of transforming the alienated natal spiritual plant and cultivating the original star spiritual plant.

When Chu Yue heard this, she nodded slightly and said, "No problem. As long as you take the star spiritual veins, it's easy to set up a trap."

"However, Fellow Daoist Lu, I heard that the method of origin spiritual planting was originally researched by the Creation Star Palace. I wanted to use it to improve the level of the indigenous stars, and studied the method of upgrading the Earth Immortal Taoism's Earth Immortal Blessed Land, but it failed. It even almost destroyed a few indigenous stars."

"I didn't expect that Fellow Daoist Lu would know this method?"

"Furthermore, if the original spiritual plant is cultivated, will it destroy this wooden meteorite?"

Hearing Chu Yue's question, Liang Ji couldn't help but feel a little moved in his heart. He recalled the 'Wood Emperor' that he had seen when he and Peng Yue traveled around the star fields of the Star Alliance. Among them was a failed 'World Tree' that took root in the Wood Emperor. Star.

At that time, he heard Peng Yue say that it was a failed research experiment of the Creation Star Palace. It seemed that it should be the 'original spiritual plant' experiment that Chu Yue mentioned.

Hearing this, Lu Yuetong smiled confidently and said: "The method of origin spiritual planting is indeed from the Creation Star Palace. Although the original experiment of the Star Palace failed, the Creation Star Palace, as well as the Alchemy Master Association and the Spiritual Plant Master Association in the Star Alliance, But we have never given up on research on this.”

"Over the years, there have naturally been some achievements. As a master of alchemy certified by the Alchemist Association in the Star Alliance, I have the support of a large group like Shan De Lou, and I have even participated in the research and experiment of the 'Original Spiritual Plant' , naturally master the method."

"What's more, this wooden meteorite is in a special situation now."

"The alienated natal spiritual plant originally died with the fall of the immortal, but it was revived because of the twisted laws rooted in the star spiritual veins and the Taoist ruins. It is equivalent to a spiritual plant reborn from the origin of the stars. Natural and star spirits The veins are bound together.”

"This is much better than the various 'origin spiritual plant' experiments we did in the Star Alliance."

"It is also because of this that this original spiritual plant has eroded and transformed the stars for decades, spawning aquatic forests, and invading nearly half of the stars. However, it has not destroyed the stars. Instead, some natives and creatures in the stars have begun to transform from aquatic creatures to water trees. With the transformation of two lines of creatures, it is obvious that the entire star has undergone adaptive transformation."

"As long as we can control the crazy growth of this alienated natal spiritual plant and prevent it from swallowing up the entire star, it will naturally be the best experimental material for the original spiritual plant."

Lu Yuetong said confidently: "If we successfully control this alienated natal star and cultivate it into the star's original spiritual plant, we only need to report the news to the Star Alliance and contact the Fortune Star Palace, the Alchemist Association, the Spiritual Planter Association, etc. I can sell these stars and the source spiritual plant for a big price."

"They will never let go of this perfect 'Star Origin Spiritual Plant' test base."

Listening to Lu Yuetong's words, Liang Ji's eyes flashed slightly, and he made a decision: "Then first take down the star spiritual veins and cultivate the 'original spiritual plant'. As for whether the star will be sold or not, we will decide later."

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