The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 619 Battle Oracle

Jupiter meteorite, deep in the ocean, an undersea mountain range stretches for tens of thousands of miles.

There are many peaks on the mountain range. Basically every ten peaks there is a city built on it where the indigenous and foreign races from the sea live.

One of the peaks is located in the remaining veins of the mountains and is connected to the submarine fire veins. It is an underwater volcano crater. A large amount of magma and ground fire are constantly burning and flowing in the crater. Even the sea water cannot submerge or extinguish it. On the contrary, There are constantly boiling seawater, bubbles, and sulfur gas filling the surrounding area.

However, even in such a harsh environment, there is still an indigenous city built in this crater, and a large number of Fire Scale Shrimp people live in it. This is because the star spiritual veins of the wooden meteorite are connected under this crater, and in the volcano Every time the earth fire and magma are used, they contain more or less spiritual energy.

The indigenous fire shrimp people live here, drinking spiritual water, swallowing spiritual fire, and swallowing spiritual gold. They are very powerful and are among the best among the indigenous alien races in the sea. However, they are limited by the living environment and limited area. These fire shrimps The number of indigenous people is not that large.

But this tribe and city of the Fire Scale Shrimps is already one of the few large tribes and cities among the natives on the bottom of the Wooden Planet. It occupies thousands of miles of sea area around it, and no one dares to provoke it.

But on this day, this indigenous city of the Fire Scale Shrimp people faced a fatal threat and blow.

One after another, the airships rushed down from the sea. There was an image of a chi kiss on the airship, flashing with divine light. Wherever the divine light swept, the seawater automatically drained away, opening up a direct passage to the undersea volcanic city.

Behind these Chi-kiss flying boats, Suan Ni flying boats, Baxia flying boats, and Jiaotu flying boats flew down in formation. The corresponding dragon statues on each of them shone with divine light, sweeping flames, mountains, ice, etc. towards the bottom of the sea. Volcanoes and fire lobster people indigenous cities.

"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!"

"Line up and get in position! Drum the waves and make the waves!"

In the underwater volcano crater and in the indigenous city, many Fire Scale Shrimp people roared and screamed when they saw the flying boat coming from the sea.

The languages ​​of these indigenous people have been deciphered, and the meaning of the roars and screams of the Fire Scale Shrimps has been understood, and they are orders passed down.

The next moment, I saw groups of Fire Scale Shrimp people lined up in the submarine crater and the Fire Scale Shrimp City, swimming and dancing around the city. It looked like a sacrificial dance and a battle. The way of formation, but full of original flavor.

In the same sea of ​​stars and under the same avenue, all kinds of cultivation lead to the same destination. Perhaps the indigenous people on the Jupiter Meteor can develop and grow for thousands or tens of thousands of years, and they can also develop this behavior of swimming and dancing in formation into a kind of behavior. The way of battle.

At this time, as these Fire Scale Shrimp people swam and danced, the surrounding seawater began to surge and agitate, turning into whirlpools, waves, and undertows, bombarding the incoming airships.

Although the indigenous Fire Scale Shrimp people live in the crater of an undersea volcano, swallow fire and gold, and control the power of volcanoes, as an indigenous life born in sea water, they naturally also control part of the power of sea water.

However, the power of the sea water mastered by the Fire Scale Shrimp people is not strong among the native alien races of the Wooden Meteor Star, let alone the Chikiss Familia and Feizhou who master the magical power of water.

Facing the surging waves, undercurrents, and whirlpools, on top of the Chiki flying boat that was charging forward, Chiki gods appeared one by one, stretched out their hands to spread out divine light, and drank the oracles in their mouths.

"Oracle, Pingbo!"

"Oracle, divide the waves!"

"Oracle, waterbending!"

Under the guidance of the oracle and magical powers, Chikis spaceships quickly seized control of the surrounding seawater, and even controlled the seawater area far beyond the scope of thousands of miles, exceeding the control range of the Fire Scale Shrimp natives.

As a result, the undercurrents, waves, and whirlpools that rushed towards the flying boat team collapsed and subsided one after another. The majestic sea water rolled down like a landslide, like the sea overturned, like the sky tilting, and hit the submarine crater and the fire shrimp. Aboriginal city.

Seeing this, in the crater city, many native Fire Scale Shrimp people let out sharper and louder roars. The formation of the team swimming and dancing around the city and the crater suddenly changed, and there were even many Fire Scale Shrimp people. The natives rushed directly into the crater.

The next moment, the earth shook and the mountains shook, thousands of miles of sea trembled, and majestic magma and ground fire erupted directly from the crater, blasting into the pressurized seawater and towards the Liangji family's flying boat team.

The native Fire Scale Shrimp people, as a unique native born from the volcano in the sea of ​​​​wooden stars, have the ability to control fire even stronger than the power to control water. At this time, facing the power of enemy attacks and city overthrow, they are directly The volcano was detonated, triggering the eruption of ground fire and magma.

Amidst the roar and explosion, the majestic sea water controlled by the Chiki Flying Boat for thousands of miles collided with the ground fire and magma that erupted on the seabed. The collision and explosion of water and fire directly overturned the surrounding sea area for thousands of miles.

The energy of the explosion, the evaporating heat, the expanding water mist, etc., filled thousands of miles of sea area, emptied countless seawater, set off countless waves rising into the sky, and also overturned and blasted dozens of family ships that rushed to the bottom of the sea.

Even after the explosion and impact, more ground fire and magma came from the submarine volcano and bombarded the Familia flying boat team.

Seeing this, Chi Kiss, Ba Xia, Suan Ni, and Jiao Tu Feizhou divided their ranks and issued an order:


As a result, the Chiki flying boat team that was attacking at the front divided into the surrounding areas, and the Suanni flying boat team and the Baxia flying boat team rushed into the forward formation.

The statues of the Suanyi God and the Baxia God appeared one after another on the airships, waving their hands and spreading divine light, and opening their mouths to drink down the oracles.

"Oracle, hold the land!"

"Oracle, firebending!"

Wherever the divine light shed by the Baxia statue fell, it immediately suppressed the undersea mountains and the earth. The ground no longer moved and the mountains no longer shook. The fire veins and magma surging underground were suppressed and restrained in large quantities, and erupted from the crater. The flames and magma were suddenly greatly reduced in quantity and power.

At this time, the divine light shed by the statue of Suanni also fell into the crater of the volcano, instantly taking over the control and envoy of these earthly fires and magma, calming the surging fire veins and suppressing the erupting volcano.

No matter how violently the team of Fire Scale Shrimps danced and swam, it would be difficult to raise any flame or magma from the crater.

Faced with this scene, many of the Fire Scale Shrimp natives in the crater city collapsed and screamed in despair. There were even a large number of Fire Scale Shrimp natives who could not accept this failure and jumped into the crater one after another, sacrificing themselves to the fire. , in magma.

Under this sacrifice, the earth fire and magma in the volcano also surged slightly, and the fourth was to be re-energized.

But at the next moment, more Baxia Divine Light and Suanni Divine Light brushed down from the flying boat team above, completely suppressing the volcano, ground fire, and lava, making it difficult to stir up any waves.

Immediately afterwards, one after another Jiaotu flying boats flew above the indigenous city of the Fire Scale Shrimp people. Each Jiaotu statue appeared in the divine light, waving a large piece of divine light towards the city below and the indigenous people, and shouted the oracle.

"Oracle, frozen!"

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